LETTER: It is my right to bleach

Assortment of creams
Dear Editor,

While we are in the mood to demonstrate, there is an issue much greater than the Covid vaccine for me.


How dare the government ban bleaching creams? So what if it has mercury in it that will give me cancer, make me sick and ultimately kill me? It is my right to bleach. West Indian men do not want dark skinned women.


The same way people have the right not to take the vaccine and die, this must also be my right.


We allowed the government to get away with banning smoking in public and enclosed spaces and we did nothing.


There was no uproar when governments all over the world made this decision in the interest of the health of all the public.


But I am a smoker and I object. I have rights too. So what if second hand smoke was causing health problems like asthma and lung cancer to others. Their rights cannot be greater than mine.


I do not know what is in the Covid vaccine so I am not taking it. I also do not have a clue what is in the food I eat, the liquids I drink or the medication I take when I am sick. But I eat and drink and take medications freely.


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  1. Innovative way to make a point, but, part of the problems lie in not enough emphasis being placed on giving the public all the information necessary to making wise personal decisions.
    Give us the data, information to guide us as well as them.

  2. Reds I feel sorry for you. I don’t know what type of men you hang out with talking about West Indian men don’t want dark skinned women. I am dark skinned, intelligent and self reliant and couldn’t be prouder

  3. So basically this person is extremely self-centered and is self conscious of their skin colour. I want to laugh but this is honestly sad. You’re so worried about your appearance to men that you would bleach your skin because you think it is more attractive. Black skin is fucking beautiful and im so sorry you dont feel that way about yourself.

  4. Women of all colors are equally beautiful and attractive. I think it is time that we do away with these euro-centric beauty standards and love ourselves the way we are. That being said if you do continue to bleach and ‘get cancer’ whose healthcare system (that is paid for by hardworking people tax money) are you going to run to for help? The government is not taking away a fundamental right. They are erradicating something that while seemingly harmless can have negative effects on the courtries economic and social health in the long run. I personally find the same should be done to the multitude of unhealthy food and beverage items that have overpopulated supermarket shelves. Not long before obesity, diabetes and hypertension (another blow to healthcare system) are yet another pandemic.

    Yet, I digress. Point is, your point is completely and utterly invalid.

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