LETTER: Food For Thought- Dwayne George Candidacy


Dear Citizens of St. Mary’s South,

As news broke that Samantha Marshall was withdrawing her candidacy and being replaced by UPP supporter Dwayne George for the ABLP Labour Party, I understand that mixed emotions have arisen among you. However, I urge you to see the brilliance of our Prime Minister’s strategy and the positive change it can bring for the people of St. Mary’s South.

It’s evident that Dwayne George has always been campaigning in St. Mary’s South for years and is actively listening to the concerns and aspirations of the people there. This alone is a promising first step toward effective representation. Many have expressed their dissatisfaction with past representation, and it is clear that keeping Samantha Marshall would lead to the same fate. Thus, a change was essential, and Dwayne George emerged as the ideal candidate.

While some might criticize the decision as a shift of political alliances, it’s important to remember that throughout Antigua’s history, we’ve seen politicians cross party lines for the greater good of the country. We should view it as individuals who want to serve Antigua to the best of their abilities, aligning with parties that share their vision and goals.

Instead of focusing on the past and getting caught up in divisive labels, let us recognize the potential Dwayne George has to do good for the people of St. Mary’s North. Previous elections saw a significant number of people abstain from voting due to dissatisfaction with the representation offered. Now, with this change, there is an opportunity for those who didn’t vote before to exercise their voice, those who haven’t registered yet to do so, and those who disagreed with the previous predecessor to ultimately vote for a positive future.

A true leader listens to the concerns of their constituents and works to correct past mistakes. I have known Dwayne George since his school days, and I can attest that he genuinely cares for young people and his community. Let us not be swayed by baseless chatter or noise without substance. Instead, let us focus on what truly matters – a leader for the south who is willing to step into his greatness and serve his people with dedication and passion.

Every vote counts, and every constituent’s voice matters. Remember, the decision to switch candidates was not an easy one, but it was made with the best interests of Antigua at heart. My family and I stand firmly behind Dwayne George, knowing that he will utilize his talents to lead St. Mary’s South toward a brighter and more prosperous future.  Mr. George is more than a body builder, he more than a lecturer.  He is community activist, which strives in fairness and equity.

Let us embrace the motto “Ne timeas” – do not fear change, but rather embrace it with hope and optimism. Together, we can build a stronger South, where our communities thrive, our youth are guided, and positive influence paves the way for progress.

On the upcoming bi-election day, cast your vote for Dwayne George. Let us stand united in making a difference for our beloved South.


Ma Wilz

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  1. HOW CAN A vote for Dwayne George make a difference for our beloved South.

    • @ MaWilz = Fitzroy WITH HIS SAME OLD CHIT

      How overnight after singing Samantha’s praise as doing so much for St Mary’s South and the best thing that ever happened for St Mary’s South that George is now the best- U Bird MINIONS MUSSA Tink that people stupid.
      Why are you so patronising?

  2. You the letter writer and family may vote for George.However,do not tell me and my family.Who the heck we should vote for.

  3. Listening to his interview on Twin Island Media, Dwayne George kept emphasizing that he was treated unfairly by the UPP. Yet he seems quite comfortable displacing Samantha Marshall and jumping ahead of other ABLP candidates who were waiting in the wings.

    He kept saying that the people lacked proper representation under ABLP. But how does he as an outsider,m believe that he can “Marshall” the resources to get things going in St. Mary’s South, against a backdrop of Labourites who feel disrespected and cast aside? It’s like he thinks he is still running against Samantha. The more he points out Samantha’s shortfalls the more resentment he will get from the Labourites. Dwayne George comes across as a very immature, self-centered, cocky and confused young man. He is in for a rude awakening. This government is just plain broke.

  4. I never seen a family who were more desperate for a member to join a party of which he spoke ill of. Everyone is looking an opportunity to benefit themselves. Sorry Dwayne George ,you grew up in the community and you know the people you will be asking to vote for you don’t like backstabbing. Good luck in your campaign cause you surely will know what homes not to approach.

    • The issue is not about who cross sides. Usually when one cross the isles where politics is concern in Antigua, is a few years after the last general election for the next election. Timing is relevant. He was just campaigning two months or less critiquing the very party where he now on the ballot. This is weeks ago, not years. No apparently in a poll, the people choose Simon. Now, there are people who have been campaigning the same way for ABLP and was pushed aside, people who have been true to the ABLP for years, so if one believes in principles and their words, why do the same thing? He now has become what he dispised.
      It’s really sad. Now he has spoke negatively of the ABLP, surpassed others who worked hard and put their time in. Hence he no different.

  5. Seems as if African people will be perpetually divided by this kind of nonsense.
    We need a one party system with succession planing and a 50 year development plan.

    So it matters not who is elected. The 50 year plan will measure accountability and determine the administration’s ability.

    The posturing and vote buying system is cannibalistic and not serving African people well.

  6. It’s #carnival time, so the Bacchanal within the ABLP Camp is fitting right in. Politics in Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA has being reduced to a #STRIPPERS_CLUB. There’s no wonder, that these #STRIPPERS_CLUS are like the new churches and politicians are the preachers on the mike.

    Will the ABLP be having q #Skin_Out Show, to promote this new stripper?

    Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
    De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  7. It is without doubt to me that this guy is JEALOUS of Kelvin Simon.

    He holds the same kind of jealousy towards Kelvin as that which Cain held for Abel.

    Dwayne George, you have been given a mark by God Almighty. You will forever be known for the traitor you are in this country.

    Labourites (Mary-Clare, Samantha and the likes) it falls on you all to banish the monster you all have created.

    Yes, it is the duty of you labourites to address the problem you all have foisted on this country.

    If it is not clear to you all labourites that your party has been hijacked and now no longer exists, it is best you all just leave the damn stage.

    Be honest with you all selves labourites. You all owe it to the younger generation to right the wrong you all have foisted on this country.

    God help us all.

  8. Sad but I know my people of SMS even some members of ABLP will not vote for him I can bet my life on it

  9. Vote Kelvin Shugy Simon over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again on Bi-election day. Shugy all the way!

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