LETTER: Fix the Mess at All Saints Secondary Now!

ALL Saints Secondary School/ Photo by Dwaine Looby

Fix the Mess at All Saints Secondary Now!

As a parent, I cannot stay quiet after what happened at All Saints Secondary School yesterday. Enough is enough! I am deeply concerned about the way this school is being managed under The School’s Management, and I am calling on the Ministry of Education to step in before things get worse.

This is the second time in less than a week that the school had no water. The first time, nothing was done, and students and teachers had to struggle through the day without proper sanitation. But yesterday was even worse. Not only was there no water, but the bathrooms were locked! Imagine a school with over 500 students, and they are being told they can’t use the bathroom. How does that make sense?

And what was the solution? The School’s Management told students to take water from a drum and flush toilets themselves. So, let me get this straight—students must now fetch water in buckets like we back in the olden days? Where is the basic human decency? This is 2025, not 1825!

When students realized that they were expected to just “make do” in such nasty conditions, they took action. They left their classrooms and protested. And rightfully so! I fully support them. How can we teach children to stand up for themselves and then punish them when they do? My own child admitted to joining the protest, and I don’t blame them one bit. The last straw was when students saw The School’s Management getting into a vehicle instead of addressing the situation. That was like adding fuel to an already blazing fire.

After The School’s Management left the school with the students still protesting, some students took up their bags and went home. As much as that may not have been the correct thing to do, I completely understand their frustration. They were basically abandoned, left in a school with no water, no working bathrooms, and no leadership.

Now, this afternoon at general assembly, my child was told that the students who left school yesterday will be punished. My question is—who is going to punish The School’s Management for the inhumane way they acted yesterday? Who will hold them accountable for locking bathrooms, leaving students in unsanitary conditions, and then driving off while chaos unfolded?

And let’s talk about the student council president. Today, The School’s Management sent for her and made her sit in the office all day long! Even after school ended, she was still left waiting because they told her they wanted to meet with her.

What kind of ignorance is that? This child was made to wait from 8:00 a.m. until after 1:30 p.m. when school finished at 1:30! The school buses came and left, and she was still sitting there. Is this punishment for speaking up for the rights of her classmates? Not a single class did she get to attend for the entire day. If that was my child, I would be outside the school tomorrow waiting for answers!

It is simple—a school cannot function without water. This is not just about inconvenience; this is about health, hygiene, and human dignity. If The School’s Management cannot manage the school properly, then they need to go. The Ministry needs to find someone who can handle the job and treat these children with the respect they deserve.

I am calling on the Director of Education to step in and address this immediately. No more waiting, no more excuses. The students, teachers, and parents deserve better. If this issue is not handled properly, I guarantee this will not be the last time you hear from us.

A Very Angry and Concerned Parent

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  1. simply calling for action isn’t enough; we need clear plans and timelines from the government on how they intend to fix the issues. The situation has been ongoing for too long, and the lack of urgency from authorities is disappointing. Immediate action is required to ensure that students have a conducive environment for their education

  2. simply calling for action isn’t enough; we need clear plans and timelines from the government on how they intend to fix the issues. The situation has been ongoing for too long, and the lack of urgency from authorities is disappointing. Immediate action is required to ensure that students have a conducive environment for their education

  3. A more transparent, accountable plan for repairing and upgrading the school’s infrastructure would help build public trust and ensure that the issues are truly addressed and not forgotten.

  4. The part about punishing students who went home have me seeing red right now. If the laws have not changed it is the duty of the employers to ensure water is available for employees. Why are the teachers quiet and students being punished? What’s wrong with society. Why is my alma mater making me feel so ashamed today. There is a problem. Find a proper solution and stop supporting the mediocrity of the persons responsible.

  5. The part about punishing students who went home have me seeing red right now. If the laws have not changed it is the duty of the employers to ensure water is available for employees. Why are the teachers quiet and students being punished? What’s wrong with society. Why is my alma mater making me feel so ashamed today. There is a problem. Find a proper solution and stop supporting the mediocrity of the persons responsible.

  6. My Concern Mr. Editor is THIS::::

    How Can the TEACHERS In THIS School ALLOW The President of the Student Council TO TAKE THE RAP FOR THIS CATASTROPHIC OCCURRENCE which took place at All Saints Secondary School……

    According to the Parent Letter: The issue of NO WATER has been going on for Quite A While Now in Our Nation ……

    After All THESE YEARS of experiencing THIS WATER CRISIS in Our Nation, One would have presumed that A Specific POLICY Existed at ALL SCHOOLS In Antigua & Barbuda regarding The Modus Operandi of the School Body when there is No water in the Pipes …… And in A Secondary School, One would have presumed that the STUDENTS (through The Student Council) would have Become Involved in the Creation of THIS POLICY!!!!

    Having Students’ Involvement in the FORMATION of THIS POLICY will not ONLY ensure their “Buy-In” to THIS Policy (to which they have CONTRIBUTED), but also help “the Word” about the Policy’s Operation “to spread” throughout the Student Body …..

    This Parent may not have had ALL the information regarding the HAPPENINGS at the School ….. However, what is VERY OBVIOUS is the LACK OF COMMUNICATION Existing at THIS GOVERNMENT SECONDARY SCHOOL …….


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