LETTER: Fix the ambulances


Dear Editor,


For a place with such high risks, you would think they give us some kind insurance. No, they do not. Risk allowance don’t cover the things we have to deal with on a daily basis.


Why is it that the proper ambulances are saved for special visitors, and special occasions when the Antiguan taxpayers have to be riding around in Creaky 1, 2, and 3?


One of them so bad that the steering wheel is almost upside down for the ambulance to drive straight. One done catch on fire.


One would be smoking today, and back on the road by tomorrow. Every single problem them put one plaster pan um.


How management and staff comfortable moving around, going for sick people under those conditions?


At least 2 times a week a/c stop work, so you lock up in 30-degree weather with sick people in ambulance with not even little fresh air pan your face.


There is an ambulance that can only drive pan road during the day, because it nah have no light FOR WEEKS. Every day you have to complain bout the same things over and over again.


For days you are driving around in an ambulance that pulling so far left, one wrong pothole and you fly gone.


When you complain, them mad mind you, give you the worst schedule or put you pan the same ambulance you refuse to work on. Them nah care wa happen till the worst happen.


The one maintenance man them hab, have bout 50 other job. E nah work. The least them can do is give us proper tools to do our job.


Done know they go put out some liard response. All that safe, just fix Aryu ambulance and them.

-Sick & Tiyad

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  1. We know you’re not lying. We see them oj the streets with no hub caps, looking like trash and bouncing all over the place.

  2. Shocking! This requires action immediately
    AND a clear weekly maintenance plan that actually happens.

    Writer, Please update us next week, and every month hereafter.
    We all may need services of an ambulance, this should disturb every person in the country.

    Why is preventative maintenance in government agencies /departments so lacking?
    Always has been.
    Seems there is a belief we’ll always get a new replacement free or on long term payback loan.

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