LETTER: Don’t be distracted Antigua!

Special Economic Zone

Dear Editor,

Antigua, like other countries, has many positive and negative stories shared by each political party as we head into elections.

However, there are crucial things that shouldn’t be ignored and need continued coverage as we near closer. One troubling issue is the current status of the Western Imperial Special Economic Zone (WISEZ).

When the story of the Zone first broke, I recall seeing articles and radio coverage, protests, and even the said owners being confronted on camera; several weeks later, there was silence. Based on their website, the project continues under the radar.

Yes, many were upset because it was unclear how WISEZ would serve our people by providing jobs and why sell so much of our land? These are vital issues. But on a bigger scale, who were the people behind the Zone, and why is nothing transparent or continuing to be shared? Did any terms change? Is it still proceeding?

Plans for the Special Economic Zone were essentially to be its own state with a casino, crypto banking, hotel, medical school, no taxes, and many more perks, but the most troubling, the potential of having its own port.

With everything being revealed with the BVI Premier being accused of cocaine trafficking through his own country, why is this Zone being forgotten about by Antigua’s general public?

Is the owner, Victor Singh, still renting the Prime Minister’s home in Jolly Harbour? Is YIDA still suing WISEZ? Is Metropolitan University replacing the medical school at the Zone? There are so many questions!

Let us not forget that gambling has always been a magnet for people intent on processing the proceeds of crime. Although crypto is now mainstream, its sole use was initially to move illegal profits. Add a port, and you have the perfect trifecta. Transparency is key to avoid potentially crooked situations.

Yes, we must focus on the needs of the people, such as water, housing, and job opportunities.

However, in the end, questionable government dealings that cannot be fully explained can be far more damaging to Antigua’s reputation and industries. Especially in a world where news travels rapidly.

Can you imagine the impact on our economy and people if the same BVI news or worse occurred here?



Anonymous Reader

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  1. First of all the Indian guy who was promoting the Western Imperial is gone missing after ripping off loads including persons in high places. Rumor has it that his boss came to Antigua and fired him.
    The Zone now will become an enrichment zone for some local politicians who have carved out a piece of the action previously for themselves.

    • That’s unbelievable. Why can’t we just have investors without questionable pasts? It cannot be that challenging.

      • It’s challenging because investors without questionable pasts value their reputations. That and their freedom. If an investor pays a bribe to a politician, then he is just as guilty, and far more likely to be jailed in his country than the politician facing any consequences here.

    • I hope he took off with some of the politicians’ money. The agreement ensured the investors have anonymity, so I suspected from day one that some politicians were involved. How are you going to have people say they are investing in your country and you don’t know their identities. There is nothing in the agreement to benefit ordinary Antiguans. Them thieving politicians find all kinds of methods to rip off the Antiguan people. When UPP wins the election. They should stop paying the bills for infrastructure.

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