Dear Editor,
The world we live in is quite dynamic. With technology making it easier for us to stay connected, many services have been extended to suit the needs of the modern consumer.
However, amid the changing world, there are some committed to remaining unchanged… the practicing Seventh Day Adventist. Mind you, many of these individuals lack other attributes which signal virtue but they are steadfast in not working on Saturdays until sunset. Perhaps they are saving energy to fornicate later.
But I digress, Seventh Day Adventists, as seen in the 2022 turning away of a 5- year- old girl who was wearing locs from their school, were allowed to stay by their colonial- influenced rules.
They could forsake “suffering the little children” to come to their establishment. However, in companies that require work on Saturdays, Adventists have no qualms creating unfair burdens on their other team members to pick up the slack.
To hell with others… literally. Adventists are fine reaching out to coworkers, pushing colleagues to “sin” by switching work shifts so they can be off on a Saturday while their colleague toils.
I think organizations should begin being more discerning about who they employ, not because of their religious convictions, but whether they can do the job. It just so happens that many practicing Seventh Day Adventists do not present the 21st century skill of “flexibility.”
Imagine, you have a security company filled with Adventist security guards… know that you will not secure any contracts. It cannot be that those who make a company pliable and competitive by working on dreaded Saturdays have to do so while others are unwilling to assist.
Can we have a hospital, police force, air and sea port workers, filled with individuals who refuse to work on Saturdays? The reality is, we need people breaking the Sabbath to keep people alive and fed.
Unbeknownst to many practicing Adventists, they omit themselves from advancing within organizations despite their brilliance due to being so rigid.
Your team can only rely on you for so many days and when you are consistently absent in times of need, it’s difficult for a company to see the value in you; after all, in many organizations- extraordinary events and emergencies call for work on weekends. If as a rule, you aren’t there, a company will see less value in your presence.
Everyone had to problem- solve and do the heavy lifting while you were absent. Who cares if you’re here now?
Can you imagine the Commissioner of Police, being unavailable during an emergency because it’s a Saturday?
An arson happens and the Fire Chief has nothing to say… because it’s Saturday?
A barge overturns at the port… The Port Manager can’t be reached… because it’s Saturday?
An inaugural flight arrives and the CEO of the Tourism Authority, he’s at home keeping the Sabbath holy?
Mark 2:27 says, “The Sabbath was made for man, not the man for Sabbath,” but some Adventists will allow the Sabbath to deny their career advancement.
We would all love to be home on a Saturday but sometimes the demands of life require otherwise.
Organizations need to get as tough as the Adventist school was in turning away that 5- year- old girl if employees cannot do what is required on a Saturday.
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while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Whilst I understand your point, this opens the door for discriminatory practices and your suggestions if implemented without proper guidance, can easily lead to a lawsuit.
You can not actively advise someone that you do not hire Adventist who keep the sabbath. If you are upset, perhaps you can work for yourself or call sick lol 😆
Is Pringle advising the writer of this baseless letter? He already pissed of Richard now he want piss off Fled???
Man Cow interview with Nikki phoenix just show everyone who SHE really be.
This makes perfect sense. Just ignore religious views people have held for centuries while bending over backwards to accommodate every other weird lifestyle…no bias there right..
This not working on Saturday is ridiculous!
My view, my opinion!
Can you keep Pringle name out your mouth. Since you so invested and obsessed. I’ll comment everywhere you comment so ppl can see the pos you are. Lol. You lame. Bad
Don’t be so quick to cast away the hard-won freedoms that save us all from slavery. Many employers would be only too happy to treat us all as modern slaves with no reasonable consideration for our personal or family lives. Freedom of religion is important. It’s not Adventists’ fault they work in a society where most people traditionally have a Sunday off instead. Naturally there needs to be a fit between an individual and their work, but consider the following… Jews are amongst the richest in the U.S. yet they have a Saturday sabbath. An employer can open every day with Adventists working on Sundays and other staff on Saturdays so more money for the business. Recently I needed to arrange a regular taxi to go somewhere every Sunday and only an Adventist was willing to make the arrangement. If a business does not open on Sundays the employer can always negotiate with the Adventist to do extra tasks or put in extra hours on other days. People need to dialog respectfully about issues and consider all options instead of low key hating each other’s life choices.
Get your facts straight before you make a fool of yourself next time please. There are obviously lots you don’t understand about Adventists and your letter seems to be coming from a place of hate.
Total ignorance!!! You are condemning Adventists because they want to remain true to GOD and not MAN!! Did Adventists create the commandment that states:”Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labour and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord….?”
He/she should have taken his/her grievances to God. Adventists are doing what God ordained as it relates to not working on the Sabbath. Whatever else they choose to do on the Sabbath, that is between them and God.
Even if Adventists hold high positions in certain jobs, arrangements can be made to and rightfully so, so that there is continuation of the job.
Why should they comprise their belief of the Sabbath because others choose not to keep the Sabbth holy?
Why should they compromise their integrity for a changing world? Why should they be flexible for a changing world?
As I know it, God asked his people not to CONFORM to the world. If this individual had a thorough understanding of the Adventist faith and respect for God, he/she will not sprew such nonsense.
At the end of the day, where one chooses to spend eternity it’s up to them. If others are trying to abide by the word of God so that they spend eternity with him, who am I or anyone else to condemn them for that?
At the end of the day, we are to obey GOD rather than MAN!!!!
Well, continue to obey God and remain unemployed. Simple. Adventists don’t bend for anyone. The “world” you all condemn so badly shouldn’t bend to you. You have a right to freedom of religion and a company has a right to employ people who can do the job and work on Saturdays.
Adventists need to live in a village where they can continue to discriminate against little girls with locs and call it discipline and remain in their antiquated lifestyle instead of straddling the line between being an Adventist and wanting a “worldly” job.
I will pray for you 🙏🏾
The bases and fundamental point of this opinion is faulty, in that, approve hair styles are part of the rules of the school for admittance. This rule is not arbitrary.
In the same way, Seventh-Day Adventist members applying for jobs that require Sabbath off must make it clear at the interview of their religious belief of sabbath observation to the employing organization. As such, the individual is employed on this basis thus has no obligation to work on the sabbath.
However, if the sabbath issue is not disclosed and the worker tries to force the had of the employer then this is deception and the persons behavior is left to be questioned. Seventy-day Adventist do not support this.
The reason so many Adventist hold many jobs and prominent ones at that and get the sabbath off shows their great value to their companies or departments. Therefore, the administrators of these institutions willingly higher them while getting the sabbath off.
Further, the laws of the land does make provisions in such religious exception.
Prominent jobs where? I’ve seldom seen an Adventist manager. If an Adventist is sick on the Sabbath, would they not want people who are working to tend to them? If they are robbed on a Saturday, do they want the police to wait until a Sunday to arrive on scene? Adventists are some of the biggest hypocrites I’ve ever come across in my life.
The scent of your ignorance and phorbia is extremely high. Please to go take a long bath.
Firstly, for all who do not know, it is not only Seventh-day Adventists that worships on the Sabbath aka Saturday, you have many other denominations of “christianity” that worship on the Sabbath, from Seventh-day Church of God, to Seventh-day Baptists, 12 Tribes of Israel to including Christian Jews. So specifying that one should not hire a Seventh-day Adventist but can hire a Church of God of Seventh-Day, would be highly discriminatory or bias from your argument point of view. Because as I stated you are ignorant of religion and the many religious denominations and persausions.
Secondly, you stated that Seventh-day Adventist will not work on Sabbath due to their religious beliefs and persuasion, so businesses should not hire them. What about the Sunday worshipper, who highly believe in their religious persausion that they should not and will not work on a Sunday. YES, there are Sunday Christians who will not work on Sunday for no amount of money, although this amount of believers is small in numbers, they are there. Kudos to them as well.
Third and finally, you opened up your argument to ALL businesses. Ignoramus, suppose the said business does not operate on weekends? What then? Are you further going to discriminate to a religious set of people that they should not be hired because your business does not operate on weekends?
Whomever you are, please find a hole and continue to dig further deeper once you start getting warm, then hot, you are going to the right place until you see your master. He will welcome you with open arms.
Mr. or Mrs “Pissed”… Seventh Day Adventist who are essential workers such as Nurse, Police and Doctor do work on saturday. Although Yes, most will exchange shifts where possible. Yes, there is fault within the SDA religion. However, who is without sin, cast the first stone. Why strip someone of their religious principle when an accommodation can be made? Let’s be a little more helpful.
What a shame for you Quoting from the Bible. The devil told Eve that if she eat for the tree that GOD Command them not to eat they would not Surely die then they eat, they didn’t die physically at the time but Spiritually then physically . What I’m I saying? When GOD Give a commend the devil twist it as you are doing So if it were possible you would fool the very ELECT. Remember GOD Command.
I just find it to be A DOUBLE STANDARD & PURE HYPOCRISY that certain religious people would be UTILIZING services such as electricity, water, even Youtube on a day that they refuse to work on due to some religious belief. Isn’t it people same way who are working behind the scenes to provide such services for them, in such jobs that they themselves CONDEMN to be done on their sabbath?? Food for thought.
There is something called essential services and persons who work in these jobs for example medical professionals, safety officers (fire, police etc) can and do fulfill their duty on Sabbath.
There is also something called religious liberty which seeks to respect persons’ religious views and practices. I know Muslims who work and at specified times have to get a few minutes off to do prayers. This is at times of the day or night during the week. I was at an ice-cream parlor one time and the Muslim guy was in view behind the counter doing his prayers and not serving me but another worker did. Do you think I started to make noise about why he take the job if he cannot work consistently during operating hours? No! I simply accepted the service of another worker and went about my business. You don’t have to agree with or even understand everything but you should have the decency to respect the fact that we all have different religious practices among other things.
Also if an SDA is in a job that should not / does not need to be performed on Sabbath and they get persons to switch with them understanding that they also would work a shift on that person’s behalf, why are you making that your problem?
Lastly, what happens when you go on vacation or take sick leave or even casual leave from your job? Doesn’t someone “fill in” for you?! Yuh bold face self should never go on vacation or get sick for that matter because nobody should fill in for anybody for any reason. I don’t know who hurt you, but I encourage you to look to Christ, the only perfect one to walk this earth. 🙏🏾
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