LETTER: Dean of the Ungrateful


Dean of the Ungrateful

Dear Editor,

Oh, how amusing it is to witness Dean Jonas, the disgruntled former MP for St. George, launching his feeble attack on Prime Minister Gaston Browne.

You see, Mr. Jonas, who is already a ripe age of 64, apparently believes that he can rejuvenate his political career and make a run for the next general election, which is a whopping 4 years away! By that time, he would be a sprightly 68-year-old.

Prime Minister Browne, in his wisdom, has suggested that the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) ought to start considering fresh, youthful talent for the upcoming election.

This seemingly innocuous remark has triggered Mr. Jonas, a man who neither possesses the vigor of youth nor can demonstrate any particular noteworthy talent at this point, has taken great offense to the political leader’s assessment.

Mr. Jonas began with what, he clearly believes, are his attack with some rather cunningly veiled comments on Facebook, praising another candidate while subtly expressing dissatisfaction with the ABLP leadership statements of fact: “I’d like to thank our candidate, Mr. George, for his courage and commitment… The by-election result is a wake-up call for the ABLP. It reflects the dissatisfaction and disillusionment of the voters with our leadership.”

It is worth noting that when Mr. Browne was both the leader of the ABLP and Prime Minister, he wholeheartedly supported Mr. Jonas as a candidate on their ticket.

In fact, upon assuming office, Mr. Browne even bestowed upon him the duties of a minister.

In 2021 the Prime Minister had reasons to relieve Mr. Jonas of his ministerial duties. Mr. Jonas accepted this decision without a peep back then.

Mr. Jonas found himself back in the good graces of Mr. Browne and the ABLP family, who once again appointed him to the cabinet.

I would bet the Prime Minister was not disillusioned with that action.

The people of the St. George’s constituency made their sentiment known loud and clear in the January 2023 election:

“Go home, Dean!” It seems Mr. Jonas didn’t quite grasp their message, for he has now launched an ill-conceived attack on PM Browne simply because the ABLP intends to seek younger, more talented candidates for the next general election.

So I must inquire: who among us is truly “dissatisfied and disillusioned”?

It would serve Mr. Jonas well to take a backseat, hold his tongue, and allow someone else to take the wheel.

After all, there’s no denying that the road ahead requires a fresher younger face and sharper mind than Dean Jonas.









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  1. Then the same hypocrites criticize UPP for retiring Cortwright Marshall in favor of the young vibrant Shugy. Let them stew in their bile. Is Gaston alone understand strategy!

    • They might be up there in age but at least, they win their seats. If they had lost, the same would apply. Losing + aging = new talent needed.

  2. Dean Jonas might have seen his best days politically but so too has gaston browne.

    It is no doubt that the rejection of Dwayne George was a rejection of gaston browne.

    gaston browne should leave and allow the labour party to breathe.

    • The loss of the seat cannot only be seen as a message to the ABLP. People support their candidate based on the demographic and culture of the constituency. In the areas of Bolans, Mr. George did well, for being in the race for 82 days. Further South is usually a struggle for Labour. In my opinion, Mr. George did extremely well under the circumstances.
      I would encourage him to stay the course as life is fluid and unpredictable. Continue to serve his community as the caretaker. Let the people his true purpose of wanting to serve. Meanwhile, the winner, Mr. Simon (congrats to him) must keep up with his promised endeavors, as best as he can. It’s a win-win for the community.

  3. Some people just do not know how to bow out gracefully. They want to go down with a fight. I have said it before in earlier posts. As Brix reminded me of a post in 2021. I advised Dean that he could get more flies with honey than with vinegar. Dean is a very controversial figure. He was one in an altercation with a parent from his school. And yes he won his case, but is shows his character and approach in dealing with people. As a politician you need to be a people’s person. Even to those that didn’t vote for you. Some people mean well , but sadly enough they do not possess the right skills of communicating. Dean is such a person. I also said once. Dean is not a very approachable person. The vindictive mentally he brought with him from his time with the UPP. And the PM will have nothing of that in his Cabinet. His philosophy is that we are all Antiguans and Barbudans and we all must yam. Contrary to that of the UPP when they took office in 2004. Theirs was, ah fuh we time now. And anyone that was perceived to be a ALP supporter, was removed. Its was the highest point of victimization that we have seen in this country. Brother B openly said he doesn’t want any Bird man working in his ministry. When you look at it though, Dean lost the election, however the Prime Minister still employed him as a advisor. So he still was doing work in the ministry which he lead before. If the PM had ill will against him, he would not have even given him the job. But Dean is not able to work with others. Sad case, but the man needs councelling if you ask me.

    • Mrs. From The Sideline, goh wey. Muve fram yah. R we a smell u tinking breath all de way an England. Goh wey wid U tinking red herring mouth.

  4. This comment sounds as if the PM is the god. There are sharper and younger minds who tried opening businesses to make a difference in this world and the Antiguan gods ignored or say they can not help.

    This article is not about empowering youths, it is about staying in government. I have witnessed young men seek assistance to do positive things without wanting money or materials or but your gods refuse to help them, by ignoring them and saying they can not help. No good leaders do this.

    However, it is Antigua, the citizens has no clue they are actually considered worthless by their politician gods until the days close to election.

    It is the entire party that needs to be replaced with people who truly can sacrifice all they are for the entire country.

    People who made millions outside of politics morally and legally. Not those who became millionaires while in politics. No good leader could become a millionaire inside of politics because good leaders share and give that sadly that good leader could not achieve such status. This applies to pastors too.

    However, we have the dunces and idiots in family that can not see and is so blind. They have no heavenly God inside them.

    I am never entering politics but any person cursing out people because those people do not support me is not the voters I want to support me.

    Nothing in this article I can support, all selfish statements to stay in power.

    I also know this tactic, done to me often by a particular blogger, to try to stop morality.

    All of the politicians are immoral, selfish, uncaring, and against progress. They do not have any kind of eagerness and happiness to help you achieve anything.

    • @my way of helping…brother! Brother! Brother!
      …ain’t it a shame!
      …the way, they play these games!
      …yet, at the end of the day!
      …even though, we hear what you have to say
      …they’re gonna say, you’re the one to be blamed.
      …I’m glad, that you’ve come to this #realization
      …as to what?! Is dumbing down
      …and, stagnating Our Nation!
      …but, according to School Children
      …if you’d check Mr. Tenman
      …the Nineteen #Parliamentarian
      …your business would be up and running
      …without any resistance or even problems.

      Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
      De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

      Vere C. Edwards

    • @My way I see you still crying about not getting a gun license. Seems you are among those who think you have a right to one. Instead of moaning online, you have legal training, why not take the matter to court for judicial review? Explain to the court how you don’t currently reside in Antigua yet think you meet the criteria for a gun license. Also tell them, according to you, a politician, now also Sir, opined you met the criteria

      • @tenman, you would make sense if I did not know what the law says and the same temporary permit was not issued to me while I was home in the US, before I went to Antigua.

        Also the law clearly says any requirements can be waived except for application fees. So, you would Have made sense had you read the law.

        Again, no politicians should tell citizens they can’t help. My plan was to help without wanting a vote or money from you and them.

        My request was for a decision on the merit

      • @tenman, I am still crying because your party’s statement that they are unable to help me help the village of bolans so that I can donate $100,000.00 to the village and the 20 barrels full of computers (laptop and desktop), heat vision tactical goggles, night vision tactical goggles, taser guns, pepper spray gun, wireless security cameras with monitor, vehicles, police bicycles, police motorbike, police scooters, metal detectors, motion sensors, bullet proof vest, traffic reflector vest and gloves, neighborhood watch t-shirt, motorbike helmets, wild life security cameras for farmers, the big pack of cds the police requested, the case of memory USB they way, covert vehicle bugging and tracking device, debugging device, gifts and rewards for police officers, students, and farmers, solar generators (the big ones and the smaller ones), and all the other things I purchased intending to donate this month to the People of Bolans Village ($100,000.00), the equipments to the police, equipments to farmers, students in Bolans, opening of my office to hire 5-50 people paying no less than $1000 to $6000 weekly, all this is delayed by Tenman’s party’s stating they cannot help people who say they are wrong when they are.

        No politicians should ever deny help to citizens, especially those whose focus is on helping the country without wanting any votes or money from the people and the country.

        I wanted my license and as the AG and Deputy Commissioner and commissioner confirmed, you over qualify, don’t worry, you will get it. You so overly qualify, I am sending you your temporary permit before you arrive, so they did. They then said, you must perform a few hours of training here that we will provide that you must pay for before it becomes effective, I paid for that training and to date, I have not receive it, until the temporary permit expired. But they still have my $500.00 and never gave me the lessons I must pay for and have paid for.

        My office in Antigua would have require me to investigate terrorism, murder, rape, robbery, assault, battery, kidnapping, witness tampering, human trafficking, domestic abuse, involuntary servitude, extortion, false Imprisonment, perjury, manslaughter, sexual assault and other inherently dangerous crimes committed against US citizens abroad in Antigua and Barbuda, and the Caribbean to provide evidence and arguments in administrative law proceedings to get these tourist from the US any financial or other social benefits they may qualify for in the aftermath of vicious crimes against them.

        My service also provides this for Antiguans and Barbudans who were victimized from these kind of qualifying crimes while visiting the US and even if they have returned to their home country of Antigua and Barbuda or other Caribbean Islands. They people could be entitled to their $120,000.00usd crime victim funds or about and other benefits like crime victim visa, greencard and eventual U.S. Citizenship.

        Protecting victims of crimes is of national importance and substantial merit for most countries and political parties except for Tenman’ ABLP political party it seems. It seems US citizens, Antiguans and Barbudans, and other Caribbean citizens who are victims according to tenman’s political party does not deserve advance and early help that my firm would have provided to Antigua and the Caribbean.

        So, yes tenman, my denial for my appropriate tool to do my job is in fact causing me to cry and hurt that your party, the one my family supports and I supported denied an application that was temporarily approved until I speak up.

        I cry for Antiguans and Barbudans who are stuck with what they have for now, and know no better. I cry for US residents visiting who may become victims of vicious crimes without proper help. I cry for me not being able to expand the businesses I love. And I cry for tenman base on his ignorance and loyalty to a man instead to progress, love, happiness, fairness and success.

  5. This is just a pathetic attempt at damage control. The Gastonites will try to defend how petty, vindictive and nasty Gaston Browne is, but sensible, logical thinking citizens not blinded by the red cool aid or taxpayers money, know better.
    It’s sad that Dean did not have the cahones to speak up while in parliament, but his donkey leader post along with Samantha’s, insecure leader post are undeniable confirmation of discord in the ALP camp.
    The DAWG is probably the most hated individual in Antigua and Barbuda and it is deserved.
    Our country just cannot survive with this clown at its helm.

    • @Watching, you and UPP ready to tek back Dean? Perhaps give him his role as PR man for UPP ? I remember the multiple times when Dean praised the PM. Must say, man looking good for 64 ( if true). The video with the him struggling with the cops make me think Anne {my former biology teacher) need to share the recipe for what she cooking for Dean. Dean can really tek blow and not back down. As with many things, there were better ways for Dean to handle to matters, maybe Anne need to cut some simple sugars from his diet.

  6. @Tenman, we can always count on your idiotic,red cool aid defence of the indefensible. This has nothing to do with UPP. Stick to the subject, for once. This is about Dean and the idiot you seem to want to defend at every turn.
    With all your incoherent ramblings, you will never admit that Gaston Browne is Antigua and Barbuda’s worst nightmare. The man is nasty, vindictive and the worst.
    Perhaps you are what Lester Bird calls,”uneducated, ” or the cultists,mental illness, red cool aid has done its damage beyond repair.

    • @Watching get it right, not kool aide, that’s for kids. Its red wine, the expensive kind (eg. Chateau Lafite 1787) Maybe if you had some good wine { a glass a day), you would let go of the bitterness you holding towards GB, and start thinking straight

      • @tenman, wine do not let you think straight, in fact it is usually used so person is not able to think correctly. A play on your own words.

  7. From the outset, I have always questioned the credibility and integrity of Mr. Jonas. As the former PRO, I made mention of some of his actions, prior to the 2014 victory.
    Also, from all accounts, he allegedly attempted to overthrow the PM as the leader of the party but no one publicly joined his call in the executive meeting.
    So there is a longstanding acrimony between the PM and Mr. Jonas.
    One of the qualities of a good politician is to bridle your tongue in public when you’ve lost. You can still be contracted to serve in other capacities, thus maintaining your self worth.
    Teco Lake is a clear example. He was removed as a candidate but he remained relevant to the administration.
    Dean Jonas should learn how to behave in public, as he has had more than one run-in with the law because of his actions. There is a pending case against him, legitimately or not, for his behavior.
    Stirring up an ants nest will get nothing but being ousted. You can never recover from that.

    • @Dave Ray, that is the tactic dictators and heartless people use. Any person who says PM Gastonis wrong when he is, that person is denied jobs, applications, and money. That is so horrible and I can see why @tenman work so hard in defending PM Gaston, even when he is outright wrong, and make no legal sense in the response he gives when he does not want to help you.

      Thank God I make my own money and never dependent on your politicians. Everyday I am thankful for the US because in Antigua I would have to be begging politicians for a job to be hired base on merit.

      I literally sleep next to over half a million dollars from still being in shock of what I have accomplished that I am confident I could never achieve in Antigua.

      Thank you God I do need money or job from him, I just needed my firearms license approved so I can protect my clients, my country, my few family and myself.

      But I still have the money rolling in despite the denial. It is Bolans who have losses $100,000 because of ABLP leaders failures and omissions.

      Heading to the bank now to deposit the $450,000 checks that just came in. One for $125,000 and the other for $325,000.

    Edited version.
    From the outset, Mr. Dean Jonas’ actions have always brought into question his credibility and integrity.

    When he served as the former PRO, I made mention of some of his actions prior to the 2014 victory.

    Also, from all accounts, he allegedly attempted to overthrow the PM as the leader of the party, but no one publicly joined his call in the executive meeting.

    So there is a longstanding acrimony between the PM and Mr. Jonas.
    One of the qualities of a good politician is to bridle your tongue in public when you’ve lost. You can still be contracted to serve in other capacities, thus maintaining your self-worth.

    Teco Lake is a clear example. He was removed as a candidate, but he remained relevant to the administration.
    Dean Jonas should learn how to behave in public, as he has had more than one run-in with the law because of his actions. There is a pending case against him, legitimately or not, for his behavior.

    Stirring up an ants nest will get nothing but being ousted. You can never recover from that.

    Edited version.
    From the outset, Mr. Dean Jonas’ actions have always brought into question his credibility and integrity.

    When he served as the former PRO, I made mention of some of his actions prior to the 2014 victory.

    Also, from all accounts, he allegedly attempted to overthrow the PM as the leader of the party, but no one publicly joined his call in the executive meeting.

    So there is a longstanding acrimony between the PM and Mr. Jonas.
    One of the qualities of a good politician is to bridle your tongue in public when you’ve lost. You can still be contracted to serve in other capacities, thus maintaining your self-worth.

    Teco Lake is a clear example. He was removed as a candidate, but he remained relevant to the administration.
    Dean Jonas should learn how to behave in public, as he has had more than one run-in with the law because of his actions. There is a pending case against him, legitimately or not, for his behavior.

    Stirring up an ants nest will get nothing but being ousted. You can never recover from that.

  10. @MyWayofHelping, I’m happy for you that you are self sufficient so you don’t need to kiss up to the pm the way this Dave does? It reeks of desperation! He wants to hold Dean to a standard when Gaston is allowed to roll in the gutter and spew filth without any criticism. What a glaring hypocrite! Perhaps you can give him some business tips so that he can get some money and stop kissing up to Gaston and get up off of his knees! Imagine you had all those things to send to your community and couldn’t do it because of spite,SMH. From the Sideline, you scare me. You actually went far in Dean’s folder to pull out negative things that some of us already know. What a pity you didn’t act on it then and tell your leader to get rid of him then! Instead, you and others gave him your full support! Oh and please don’t try to blame the Upp for Dean’s character flaws. He did not get them from them! Again, once you all could use him to contest the seat, you all turned a blind eye to his many faults as you do with Gaston’s!! @Tenman, keep drinking the cheap wine/cool aid that causes you to speak ignorance. The Upp doesn’t want Dean, he should stay with the alp. Honestly, he looks the same age as Gaston and has more hair. @Dave Ray, Gaston is right behind Dean in age. Dwayne George was a disaster for the ablp, come on man, be big enough to admit that! The loss is representative of that fact and the fact that the residents are disgusted with Gaston! Stop saying that it was a Upp stronghold when Hugh Marshall and then Samantha won several terms there! Do you take us for fools? Dave, how were you concerned with Dean’s credibility and integrity when you were up front at his political meeting THIS year recording a live of his opponent’s brother mere days before the election! Please sit down and hush, you have no credibility! You will say anything to try to get in Gaston’s favor and get some of his crumbs. For shame, it’s country before party!

  11. @My way..

    “1 Timothy 5:23

    23 Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.”

    “Red wine contains powerful antioxidants, and many sources claim that drinking it may be good for health. However, drinking too much red wine may cause problems”.. see https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265635

    3. “In classical Greek culture, wine was the staple around which philosophy, art, poetry, religion, music and political life revolved. Wise men drank wine to expand their mind and praise the gods. Fermented grapes were supposed to have health benefits and were treated as essential nutrition.” see https://medium.com/@antoniocapurso/drinking-wine-what-we-need-to-learn-from-ancient-greece-1d8754430afb#:~:text=Wine%20in%20Greek%20culture,were%20treated%20as%20essential%20nutrition.

    Of-course like with most things good, don’t abuse it. My way, it will probably help you get the wisdom you need, because these days you are clearly exuding bitterness

  12. @Dave Ray: Seeing that Gaston did promise you a position in his Administration,that did not come to fruition.Perhaps you should go to Antigua and run on his Gaston Browne Labor Party ticket.Then you would win your seat or get an arse kicking from the people.

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