LETTER: Concern Over Dual Roles in Steelpan Leadership


Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern about the current arrangement in which one person holds both the positions of President of the Steelpan Association and Steelpan Coordinator within the Department of Culture.

While I understand the intention to streamline efforts and promote efficiency, I firmly believe that this concentration of power is counterproductive and detrimental to the growth and development of the Steelpan community. 

Having one person occupy both roles creates a conflict of interest, blurs the lines of accountability and hinders the potential for the art form’s creativity and innovation. 

Moreover, it also limits the opportunities for collaboration and innovation that could arise from having separate leaders with distinct perspectives and strengths. 

This arrangement further undermines the autonomy and independence of the Steelpan Association, which are essential for its credibility and effectiveness.

It also concentrates too much power in one person’s hands, leading to a lack of transparency and potential abuses of authority. The urgency of this issue cannot be overstated.

Therefore, I urge you to reconsider this arrangement seriously and separate the roles.

This change could pave the way for a more democratic and inclusive approach to steelpan governance, which is crucial for the future of the steelpan community.

Sincerely Yours,
A lover of the Artform

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  1. I am a CAPITALIST. I do not like to see Government in the space where the Private Sector and Capital formation should be. I do understand that in small society like ours we need government’s intervention when the private sector fails and do not want to take the risk to invest. Industries such as essential utilities should not be left only in the hands of the private sector.
    But Carnival! in my opinion government should not be spending our hard earned tax dollars on Carnival. And since Carnival is suppose to be a lucrative enterprise, why not let the private sector make their investments and take the risk. We have so many fetes months before Carnival and those are not subsidize by the government. The fete that kicks off the Carnival season is Farmers’ Only. Thereafter many entrepreneurs take the risk in putting their money at work. There is obviously lots of money to be made. I already have my tickets for the Breakfast Fete at Jules. I don’t expect the government to be sponsoring Jules. I suggest government get out of the business of Carnival and focus strictly in regulating the people involved in the various activities. And the only thing government should do is providing duty free and ABST for certain items that need to be purchase of services that need to be brought in. Let the private sector do what they do best. Government can also offer the venues at a reduce rate to cover cleaning services and the use of utilities. We cannot and should not use the fact that Carnival brings lots of economic activity to the country as the reason why we should be spending all our tax dollars. Lets get government out and let the private sector run with it.

  2. Ok speak on Khan Cordice being the Director of Culture and still arranging for Hells Gate Steel Orchestra in the the National Panorama Competion during the Carnival celebration. Now if that is not conflict of interest, then what is?. That’s what u call too much power if u r going down that line.

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