LETTER: Besides Customs, why aren’t the heads of the other statutory boards not giving the public an update on the financial health of their organization?


Dear Editor,

I was very much impress to hear from the comptroller of Customs that a profit of a little over a half a billion dollars was collected from the establishment’s operations, for the year 2024.

Obviously, the Comptroller of Customs and his team is doing something great. High praise should be given to them. They have generated well needed revenue for the nation’s GDP.

Interestingly, Customs is just one of the many of the statutory boards which seems to be declaring their financial status to the public. Last year the same was done. Now, why aren’t the other statutory boards doing the same?

Although, the report from the Comptroller was not a comprehensive one, in reference to the establishment’s receivables vs its payables, it is my view that the public stll deserves to hear a similar report from the other statutory boards.

Social Security is one such statutory board, the public needs to hear from. For 2025, some pensioners will be getting an increase on their pension, while on the other hand, new applicants for pensions have not received not even a cent for almost two years and more.

Obviously, something does not add up.

The funds at Social Security should be in a trust fund, which belongs to the people. The same should also apply to Medical Benefits (SLBMC), Inland Revenue etc. It is only courteous and the rights of the people to get an annual update of their monies.

2024 has just ended and the nation has not heard anything from the heads of most of these statutory department concerning the financial health of these statutory organizations.  Presenting the public with a report, will only set way for transparency & proper accountability.

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  1. Well, one previous commenter says it has been given but i must say, why is it the one from customs if the most well-known. Probably because they tried to share the others without really sharing it cause they don’t look as good

  2. Social security has a fiscal surplus. This has been covered in several news media. Pensions are on time every month. Most people know this.

    We can’t expect UPP editorials to be honest in their commentary, especially now that they see this as their only fleeting hope of getting their failing low-rally-attendance party traction.

    Unlike the delusional UPP colaid drinkers we patriots can acknowledge both the clear positives and the challenges.

    Where Social Security challenges are concerned, they need to tighten their administrative procedures to ensure that other benefits are paid on time for all beneficiaries. Since money is not an issue, whatever inefficient processes cause some people to receive other benefits late need to be rectified.

  3. The main reason is that the comptroller of customs is campaigning to keep his job with the publication of period unbaked and misleading statistics. It is shameful that the press the press allows him to get away with this gimmick. An increase of ABST from 15% to 17% represents an increase of 13.3% in ABST. Additionally the inflation rate should be accounted for in the analysis. The big question is, does 25% nominal increase in aggregate revenue reflective of real growth?

  4. If Social Security is operating on a surplus, why are some of us as pensioners can’t get our monies? Thank God for sparing the lives of new applicants to live 2 years or more before they get their pensions…… Somebody joking!!

  5. Not to take anything away from the Customs, I don’t know if the author likes accountability in Government or grandiose talking by the head of Government. Well, whey de money garne? It’s not in water; it’s not in healthcare, and it’s not in infrastructure. Social Security should come forward indeed. Have they been raped so much and are too naked to appear before the public? How much monies our grandoise talking Government taken out of the Social Security Trust Fund ? Have they received the monthly contributions from Government for Public Workers? Come on Social Security and State Insurance? Come down and talk to the Public so we know how Barley a go.

  6. Who are these board members anyway? Maybe their names should be made public so that when they fail to keep the government in check by keeping the public intimately aware of their actions and decisions, they would understand their fiduciary responsibility to tax payers in Antigua and Barbuda.

  7. A most pertinent question. Even school children know that these Boards are headed by political cronies whose contribution is kept in check if it runs counter to the excesses preferred by the powers that be. The rare board member that refuses to tow the line are unceremoniously booted from the inner circle.This is not a new problem. In fact it was especially true during the administration of the former government. It seems that for many, it is just a top-up of sorts of their pocket change.

  8. It seems as though all these commenters do is complain, criticize and cry foul on every single matter.
    Who pays for public schools, teachers, books, tablets,? Who pays for nurses, doctors, emt services, maintenance of clinics, the mental home, the prison?
    Who pays for most government ministries that generate no income whatsoever?
    Who pays for road works, etc?
    The government does not generate enough funds to manage all these monthly expenses. They are mostly liabilities to the government.
    Only in the Caribbean do they have public hospitals. Every medical facility in North America is privately owned and is supported by insurance companies. Nothing is free.
    The government has to use creative ways to keep up with these procurements and expenses.
    Then again, government workers and pensioners are looking for increases in wages.
    Governments are not in the business for profit. It’s only to maintain and create some sense of stability.
    I applaud the administration for striving to create a better environment in every area.

  9. @ Dave Ray: You seem to be missing the point. The author of the letter is not accusing the govt of making a lot of money. Perhaps you of something that the public does not know.
    The author was just asking for the heads of the other statutory boards to take a page from the Comptroller’s book….. The public has a right to know.

  10. Transparency? 😂.. y’all must be joking.

    This governments MOD is not transparency, never have been, and never will be. Good try author, but it will snow in Antigua before your noble request come to fruition. 🤣.
    Just look at Dave Rays response, and you will see how good these people are at ducking and diving.

  11. The Comptroller of Customs is clearly campaigning to secure his position by promoting periodic, unbaked, and misleading statistics. It is shameful that the press continues to allow him to get away with such gimmicks.

    For instance, an increase in ABST from 15% to 17% actually represents a 13.3% rise in the tax rate, not just 2%. Furthermore, any analysis should account for inflation, which significantly impacts purchasing power and real revenue growth.

    The real question is: does a 25% nominal increase in aggregate revenue truly reflect real economic growth, or is it merely a result of higher taxes and inflation?


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