LETTER: Appealing to the Minister of Health to please address the situation with the deplorable road in Jennings


I’m appealing to the Minister of Health to please address the situation with the deplorable road in Jennings where families have to wade through water and mud to get to and from work, school and just about everywhere.


The sad part is that the Minister drives through there on a regular basis and this situation exist for years.


Prior to the last election a section of the road was paved in concrete and after the election everything came to a grinding halt.


We have been suffering since. I don’t think I can endure this till the next election.


It’s overbearing.

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  1. Just complaining about one road on the island? You could right a book with the list of roads that need to be repaired or rebuilt. Good luck getting it done!

  2. Looks like it needs doing… Shame then MoW only have a wheeled paver and not a tracked paver designed for a job like this…. Surprise surprise

  3. What will it take for people to realise that the government cares nothing for us? I hope you all enjoyed the ham and turkey.

  4. Many accepted the ham and turkey instead of insisting on better roads and infrastructure. When the ham and turkey nyam off, which was probably purchased with tax payers money, people still left with deplorable roads and rattling vehicles. We really fooly…SMH.

  5. Those were the types of roads I used to walk on to Church,School and work,many decades ago.I cannot believed my eyes that we are going back to those days in 2021.Those pictures above are not roads.Molwyn got what he was looking for,SIR.

  6. Get those damn roads fixed. The one to Hermitage Bay is a disaster and should be shown internationally on TV so the rest of the world can see how we are living in 2022. Maybe China will come to our assistance. Get those damn roads fixed now. Election is coming. We don’t want any of your hams or turkeys. We are not stupid. FIX THE ROADS. People will make this a major concern in the next election.

    • Why look to other countries for help? Especially CHINA! You’ll be paying the Chinese back for years to come, nothing in life is free and the Chinese capitalise on that.
      Antigua has some smart men and women who are wholly capable of fixing these things independently

  7. Wealthy and good living are only for the elected few . We elected them to get rich. I heard the building at YaSoso corner is a gift . Whose name the title is in . Is it different fir the thee buses. All a them are the same.WRONG

  8. Areu fooley no wah! If he cant put a wheelchair ramp on the back of the national hospital parking lot a road? Granny say some get turkey and some get ham. Some get rum and some get $6. Some like it cold!

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