LETTER: Antigua State College Student Bullied Non-stop After Video of her enjoying a light moment is spread on campus


Dear Editor,

Recently, there has been a video of a young girl dancing on a bench at the AntiguaState College. This girl has been facing severe bullying and harassment from a large number of students at the institution.

Such incidents of bullying and harassment include jeering, stalking, cyberbullying, threats and unsolicited photos and videos taken of her.

She has made several complaints to the administration who has done little to nothing to address the issue. For the purpose of this letter, I’ll refer to her as “L”; She has explicitly authorized the use of the events in this article, as well as the attached evidence.

In a former incident taking place in the first semester, L had been harassed by a group of students, who were mocking and filming her as she walked by.

L immediately reported the matter to administration, but the outcome was unproductive. The Admin asked the group of students if they committed the offence to which, unsurprisingly, they denied.

The admin claimed that apparently, “they possessed no authority to search student’s phones.” And the matter was subsequently dismissed.

Leading up to the viral video being filmed, L was sitting on said bench when a group of students (differing from the first group mentioned in the previous incident) had begun to verbally harass her, unprovoked. She began recording the bullying to collect evidence.

Immediately, a particular student from the group got in L’s face, and shouted “You have a problem?”, then proceeded to yank her phone from her hand, and placed it on the bench. L took her phone off the bench, and continued to record the incident.

The same student, once again, ragged L phone from her hand and did not return it. During the commotion, several staff members were present yet no action was taken by any of them to quell the situation.

Frustrated and angered, L turned to the by-standing staff and asked “should I just start dancing?”, and began dancing on top of the bench.

L is a beautiful, talented, intelligent and expressive soul. Additionally, She’s quite the introvert, preferring solitude, especially when on campus. She, like any other student, deserves to complete her tertiary education in a safe and comfortable environment.

No person should have to endure bullying and/or harassment under any circumstance, let alone a young girl such as L. Bullying has severe side effects, including lifelong trauma, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide. If there had been more
care and urgency from the school, these incidents could’ve been avoided all together.

There are several ways in which the administration could have addressed these instances of bullying. Possible solutions include diligence in identifying and tackling bullying and harassment, enforcing stricter policies against bullying and preparing Anti– Bullying campaigns to be presented to students regularly.

It is disheartening that the issue has only been seriously addressed due to the video of L going viral. Is this the necessary approach one must take for bullying to be considered a serious matter by the majority?






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  1. The question is where are the parents of those bullies, Who raised them? You will find that the parents are either absent or dont care or are bullies themselves!

  2. This is ridiculous, one of my cousin who goes state college say they doing that girl badly . I pray she gets help . This bullying needs to stop

  3. Are you a student?…….This girl has been showing signs of deranged behavior and tendencies no one was actively bullying her on campus quite frankly persons were scared that she would lash out at them so unless you have official proof plz stop trying to play detective and go touch some grass

  4. I will encourage the victim, to report the matter to the police. Bulling is constitute a crime in Antigua according to the The Electronics Crimes ACT 2018 (AMENDMENT) ACT 2018
    No. 25 of 2018

  5. Are we surprised? These children who are doing the bullying are most times raised by bullies and they are repeating the pattern of behavior seen at home. These same adults are the type who bullying co-workers. Having experienced it first hand I know how hurtful bullying can be, especially when the bully lies through their teeth and the company would rather turn a blind eye to save their collective face. One thing is certain is that God is not an old man in the sky, He is a real God who deals with wickedness in very real ways and those who choose to give in to the demons driving them and purposely make someone else’s life miserable, or try to, never end up well because WHAT YOU SOW YOU SURELY REAP. They may feel like they will continue to get away but it’s certain, the end result is certain. It never ends well for these types of persons. Guaranteed!!!!!

  6. @sense maker, you seem to be a rass. It says she recorded the incident and because she did so a student took her phone????? But no one was bullying her?? Ok dunce


  8. Please. They have parents. As soon as the victim retaliates and something happens all of a sudden the parents crawl out of the woodworks all lawyered up and everything.

  9. I am a first-year student at Antigua State College, and I was in the same class as the young lady everyone is now talking about. After reading her best friend’s letter and seeing how videos and screenshots are being shared without context, I feel it’s important to provide a clearer picture of what really happened.

    Right now, snippets of videos and out-of-context messages are circulating, painting a story that’s incomplete and unfair. For example, why aren’t we seeing the messages where she warned, “Don’t mess with my grades,” or where she said she doesn’t want to “get dark” in the group chat? Those didn’t make it into the story because they don’t fit the juicy narrative people want to push. It’s easier to sensationalize the situation than to understand it fully.

    Here’s what I observed: On that day, she wasn’t herself. She was told to wait for her mother to pick her up, but she refused. Instead, she stormed out of the room, saying she wasn’t going to waste her time waiting. After some time passed, she began talking to herself, pacing back and forth. Then she received a phone call. Whatever was said during that call disturbed her, and she started ranting again.

    It didn’t end there. She pulled out her phone and began filming a group of students. One of the students, clearly uncomfortable, asked her to stop filming them, but she continued. In frustration, the student tried to grab the phone to delete their footage. That’s what I saw happen.

    When someone is unwell, their behavior can seem erratic and irrational to others. At the time, many of us didn’t understand what was really going on. We laughed at her outbursts and thought her actions were strange, but now, looking back, it’s clear she was in distress.

    This isn’t just about her behavior. It’s about how we, as a community, responded—or failed to respond. Mental health is real, and when someone is struggling, their actions may seem unusual or even disruptive. But they need understanding and help, not ridicule.

    Instead of jumping to conclusions or sharing out-of-context videos, we should ask ourselves: how can we do better? How can we create a space where students feel supported during tough times? Teasing and sharing someone’s lowest moments only add to the problem.

    Let’s acknowledge the real issue. Mental health matters. It’s not just a buzzword—it’s something that impacts lives, often in ways we don’t immediately see. Instead of spreading incomplete stories, let’s focus on fostering empathy, understanding, and responsible use of technology. Only then can we address the elephant in the room and make real progress.

  10. Ssf! Bullying is occuring everywhere in society. It seems to becoming a norm! Bosses bully employees, children bully children, fat shame them, teas them about wearing spectacles, bully them if they perform better or worse than the norm! The majority sits by natting themselves thanking God it is them or someone for them! One day, it will be you? Let us see who supports you! Bullying is NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR?

  11. With that comment there , I know you just a chat just to make a comment. If an offence was indeed committed it will be handled.

  12. @Sense Maker. Change your name to Nonsense Maker or Bullshit Maker. They would be more suitable to describe you. You said “This girl has been showing signs of deranged behavior and tendencies”. Are you a psychologist or just a simple jackass? Obviously the latter.

  13. If thst was my child the bullying would a stop because all of those who bully her wouldn't live long to remember what they did to her!!!I hate bully's If thst was my child the bullying would a stop because all of those who bully her wouldn't live long to remember what they did to her!!!I hate bully's

    Kmt those teachers are fucking staff won’t fucking do nothing about it wheres her parents to handle this shit!!!! Because if she was my child all of them who bully her would have drop dead at once it would a reach Antigua news room I swear !!!!!
    Since as the teachers won’t do nothing I would handle it my way full time bully’s knows to stop fuck with ppl children!!!! I would a make them an example

  14. Seem like alot of crime taking place are all young folks. Going around killing each other, it does not matter if she was deranged or not, the fact is why this group of other students provoke and bully the girl, why can’t they all study them school work and get ready for the world and leave other ppl.

  15. Little girl to read psalm 109 pan Dem backside for nine days straight 6 in the morning, 12 midday, 6 in the evening and 12 midnight read it with all the hurt you are feeling and cry out to Almighty God and just watch what will happen. NINE DAYS is all it takes.

  16. God is awesome
    But that young lady should be even my 100 cousin
    Why some people like to make other people’s lives uncomfortable
    And the head of the college does nothing
    That’s why to the east of ARG always over crowded
    Where is that child family
    Lord have mercy

  17. Please provide me with this video and evidence of this bullying. If I feel it merit me taking actions to help her that MAY include but not limited to a computer, camera, financial scholarship, a few days at a hotel, assistance with applying for visitor’s visa (B1, B2, F1, etcetera) to the US or whatever help I deem appropriate. Severity and emotional impact are highly relevant.

    I have not seen the video or the person and any of the evidence of the bullying. This message is going to those who have my WhatsApp number, with permission from the victim, please forward to me, along with the victim’s contact information (she must consent to these transfers).

    In conclusion, it is Antigua, do not expect much competence or care from those people there. Sad to say. And I say these things with hope my words are motivating others to be better there. I doubt it though.

  18. So why the story didn’t include the part where she was troubling people? Or the part where the people she was videotaping was not troubling her she just assumed so? Just like the snippets and screenshots this story as well is half based.

  19. This article only shows one side of the situation. You should’ve brought light to her messages in the class group chat where she was threatening people and using expletive language. Yes students were wrong for recording her but she is also in the wrong. She has posted pictures of students who have never interacted with her, leaked people’s personal numbers when all they said was a simple “Hi” and has gone around shouting on students who had been defending her or went to check up on her. The young lady is odd…yes but that is not a reason to bully her. They say of the incident (The tenth) she came to the school compound already irate. She went straight to the main building and started cursing whoever was upstairs (we heard it from the first floor). Then she walked outside and began walking up and down talking and shouting to herself. She shouted on a student for no reason purely for the fact that the student asked her friend “Who is she talking to?”. She then went to lay on the bench and started recording videos of herself. A group of students were under the canopy and we’re making joke amongst themselves and from what I know they were not about the young lady in question. She then began to record the students and they scattered. When they returned, she began to record them again. They asked her to stop and she ignored them completely. One girl from the group walked up and asked her to stop, when L refused the girl proceeded to grab her phone. Yes the student was wrong for what she did but if you were in that situation, I can assure you that you would feel uncomfortable too. Some students are disheartened at the situation due to the fact that she has been going around school, recording and taking pictures of them since school began in September. People have messaged her on WhatsApp regarding group work and her response to them has been to leak their phone numbers on her Instagram accounts(two which are now deleted) . People have complimented her and she’s either rolled her eyes at them or shouted at them. A lawyer came to talk to the students about the Electronic crimes act and how the students were wrong for recording L but they failed to mention that she was also wrong for going around and recording people. Most of who had never interacted with her, physically or virtually. At the end of the day both parties were wrong in the situation and the situation could’ve been handled better. Some students also believe that if the video of L walking around on Saturday with her guitar and book; plus the follow up posts of her barefoot or her missing were never posted, that the school would’ve never sprung to action. But hey, that’s a story for another day.

  20. The law wont do anything to help anyone if you having problems deal with it urself ,fuck the police . If ppl start dieing nonstop they will learn how to live right.some ppl just live to create problems,guess what.God cant help noone will each and everyone should just start killing.that will give the govenment a wake up call.useless police force.666.i never call police in my life.ive learn to sin my soul because humans to evil these days.fight fire with fire.noone want good.

  21. Tell the whole story. Tell them that she only said those things because she had been waiting to added to a group chat to complete her assignments and they had been ignoring her. Tell them they had been sending aroud unsolicited photos of her and posting it on their statuses and group chats SINCE FIRST SEMSTER. AH NAH NOW! When a victim retaliates to their bullies, it’s suddenly all about mental health.

  22. Bullying not suppose to be in any school or colleges. Where is the teachers and principles. These kind of acts created problem in school. ..The PARENTS OF ALL THESE STUDENTS MUST BE ADDRESS BEFORE THINGS GET WORSE AND OUT OF HANDS.

  23. L’s parents should have been advocating for her from the first occurrence. The blood of Jesus be on this situation. His name is above all names.

  24. This story is just bringing everything that was in the dark, right out into the light. Yes, bullying should never be tolerated in any institution of leisure, work or learning. Yet still, it is clear that the young lady has some sort of mental illness that may catalyst her out of character behavior, even outside of the alleged bullying. I have a college friend who basically explained the situation to me and it is factually in line with the comment made by ASC CLASSMATE, unbeknownst of who that commenter is. It is said that the young lady has a weird demeanor about her even before her attending the college and most persons try to avoid her or avoid interaction. They also said that she would put on whitish makeup, almost looking like a Mime and its not the first ime she has done strange things on campus, such as talking and laughing out loud to herself. Now I’m not putting down the fact that there may be persons who ridicule her for her odd behavior or laugh at her when she acts out which is a form of BULLYING and i DO NOT know the context of who may actually be bullying her, but i would like to know, WHERE ARE HER PARENTS IN THIS SITUATION? this leaves me to question if they know she may have been bullied or had certain struggles but didnt care? Even after that video from college there was a video of her at the bus stop infront Foundation Mixed School, where a woman tried to take her to the Grays Farm police station and her behavior and appearance in that video, too, was extremely strange. And again I ask, WHERE ARE HER PARENTS? Wah she do, drap outta one mango tree inna NewField? The school administrators can tell her behavior is out of the norm, HOW CAN YOU JUST DISREGARD THE SITUATION. Anytime someone acts out, THERE HAS TO BE A REASON, for them to act out, and nobody can convince me that they realized her behavior was different and NOTHING WAS DONE. I believe this is beyond bullying and this young lady has been failed not only by society, but by her parents and the school , because if she always had this behavior, this should have been tackled LONNG TIME. It’s doesn’t take rocket science to know that someone may be suffering mentally and needs help. The signs were showing long before any bullying allegations and any video. Mental illness is waaayyyt too prominent to still be treated taboo in this day and age. Our social institutions need to come better than this. PLEASE NOTE: 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙈𝙔 𝙊𝙋𝙄𝙉𝙄𝙊𝙉/𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙣 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙧. 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙄’𝙢 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙃𝘼𝙑𝙀 𝘽𝙀𝙀𝙉 𝙎𝙀𝙀𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙊𝙉 𝙈𝙔 𝙋𝙃𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝙎𝘾𝙍𝙀𝙀𝙉. 𝙃𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝘽𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝘿𝙖𝙮.

  25. Don’t know anything about this situation but can see all sides. Bullying and other personal problems can cause mental distress and mental distress can cause bullying and other problems. Perhaps she had problems at home or elsewhere that caused her to behave oddly in other people’s opinion and that caused some people to bully her instead of either trying to help or just mind their own business. Perhaps she then became more sensitive to people’s judging her and overreacted thinking they were mocking her when they weren’t which led to them thinking even worse of her and all the drama written about here. Perhaps the staff didn’t help because they thought it was just some minor disagreement amongst the students. Also, did the young lady share her evidence of being left out of the group etc. earlier with the staff or did she try to deal with her peers on her own until too late? Never heard of bullying amongst students at that institution before but children today are maybe more inclined that way than in the past. Or possibly, COVID lockdowns and too much time online on Social Media these days has led to a deterioration of social skills so young people and even older persons don’t know the right way to react to their peers in situations like these. Some empathetic communication amongst all parties from the start would have probably prevented this incident from going so far.

  26. All of this began because she was messaging students and telling them to add her to a group chat which did not exist and had never been created. The students explained this to her and she still continued to harass them and berate them. Goodnight.

  27. It’s crazy how y’all are saying untruthful things in this post cause nobody did nun of those things all the students avoided her some was even uncomfortable around her,the young lady y’all trying to make seem like she innocent and nvr do nun is the one who started everything. Y’all can’t want come at these students just cause they retaliate better than her.her she’s going through alot I mean we all are shes nun different nun special everyone is the same.when she’s in the skl group chat cussing everyone for no reason,talking to her self, going in people personal chat and cursing dem and making demands y’all ain’t studying that, y’all still see her as an innocent girl going through stuff…look at every video she has taken everybody can agree is her attitude that got her into this situation and also the parents has a big role in it.yall can’t blame students for her mistake. Sure if it was a boy going through all this y’all wouldn’t care but cause is a girl y’all wanna ACT all prim and proper lol y’all need to get y’all facts right and stop blaming students for wat happened is her nasty attitude that led all that situation to happen. The lord shall be with all you people.

  28. To Be Honest…..you people who are opening y’all mouths and don’t know shit need to hush. Nobody not one single smaddy bullied that young lady. Y’all need to get y’all facts right. Nobody had shit to do with her till she herself trouble the students started cursing them and stuff.its not the students fault she couldn’t defend herself knowing wat she was getting herself into.it even looks like her mom is embarrassed of her cause she herself knows the students had nun to do with her.so.stop with the bullying nonsense cause honestly the students don’t have any time and energy to waste on bullying anybody.they have there future lives and goals to work towards.

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