LETTER: A nuisance and disturbance of the Radio Range resident’s peace by a resident


Dear Editor,


Our peace has been constantly disturbed by some residents of Radio Range.


*To play music in a certain capacity, one would need permission to do so from the police. * This is the law of Antigua and Barbuda.


Let me continue…There is a house on the street below Baptist Academy where some Indo-Guyanese family resides. They play their music so loud, not from a music player within the house but their cars which are equipped with those big music boxes, so you can imagine the capacity of the loudness! This happens all day into the wee hours of the morning every day.


They have become a nuisance to residents of the Radio Range community.


I often wonder how do the elders manage and the caretakers as there is an elderly home just opposite their residents and another elderly home just approximately 50m away at the corner. They have no consideration for anyone. At least, have feelings for the elderly and even the caretaker who has to be up without any sleep from this nuisance.


There are other professionals like doctors, teachers, nurses and students who need the peace to carry out their daily tasks, study, have virtual meetings etc.


* They play nothing decent. Nothing proper.


Asking the relevant authorities to fix it as it is an urgent issue.


A nuisance and disturbance of the Radio Range resident’s peace.


A tired resident

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  1. Something needs to be done about loud music. I remember after bringing my baby home from hospital a car passed in the neighbourhood with loud booming base that she practically jumped out of her sleep. She was weeks old.

  2. Question is the indo-guyanese alone playing music or them Antigua too?.
    Which that’s not true about playing music in radio range area because many car n bus pass in the street below n on Baptist academy street many nights and day playing loud music too so which that’s not true about them indo-guyanese family!

  3. I have lived to see this day! I swear!
    I live just next door to them and I am a medical student. Who feels it knows it.

    I thought it was me one feeling the pressure. As they walk up the road you can hear them coming. It is really a bother especially when I have to study for exams.

  4. It doesn’t matter whether they are Guyanese, Antiguans or whom ever. The police should go by there and charge them ass and take them to court. People must learn to respect other people and follow the laws.

    • Who feels it knows it. I live on that road and day in day out they up and down annoying the hell out of us. The people here defending them would be singing a different song if they had to constantly live through it smh.

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