The government announced today that it will pass a law to ensure citizenship for non-nationals who have resided here for more than seven years.
The Cabinet spokesman Lionel ‘Max’ Hurst said the law will allow those non-nationals who are still plagued by artificial “gaps” in their lawful residency, to be permitted to make their application for citizenship, provided they have resided in Antigua and Barbuda for seven or more years.
He said the previous administration created an “artificial interpretation” that prevented many CARICOM and other nationals from making application for citizenship.
This is not the first time that the ABLP sought to address this issue. It offered an amnesty shortly after coming into office.
“Too many innocent young people, mostly students who accompanied their parents to Antigua and Barbuda, have found themselves excluded from the early version of the amnesty,” Hurst said.
“The Cabinet agreed to provide an opportunity for this class and others to make use of this amnesty offer,” he added.
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What the f*^% Gaston!!! You guys have spent more time, energy and resources on non Antiguans than you do Antiguan nationals. You have amnesty for 2 years now you giving way more passport. You not stopping until England and Europe impose visa restriction on us when dem Jamaican start invade England on our passport.
Antiguans who hold a second country citizenship cannot be an Member of Parliament . Fix that
Antiguans who live abroad cannot vote in our elections. Fix that.
The pot holes in our so called third world roads. Fix that.
The water that we pay for that never running. Fix that.
The electricity that goes off every weekend. Fix that.
Barbudans still in Antigua. Fix that.
Schools overcrowded with same non nationals. Fix that.
More groundbreaking ceremony less projects. Fix that.
Ayu sick ma tomuk .
Really. What the f you mentioned Jamaicans for a dem alone live Antigua. Chupzz
Jamaicans alone go a small island just fe get decent passport and go England and overstay.
Well honestly I’m not jamaican but I don’t think is dem alone do it hun. U have to understand everyone want to have a better life so way
Smart woman! Isn’t that the same reasons Antiguans and other Caribbean peoples migrate to “real” foreign for a better life? Talk about hypocrisy! I guarantee you that if Americans spoke about “us” in those glowing terms we would’ve been up in arms calling “RACISM”.
So Antiguans don’t go other country and overstay??
The way Some of u Antiguans talk u guys must not go other country u all must stop in Antigua, but then again I must understand most of u that talk like this never travel yet!!!
None of your business where Antiguans go and what they do. Tek arwe name outa you mout. Let the Americans talk for demself. We are a smalll island and we need space to breathe, we can’t turn peacefully in this small island without bump into a maid or security guard or a stripper. Oh lord enough is enough. Go home jack
Whoever you are that right i I agree with you hundred percent thumbs up for this comment
You are just a racist bias prejudice f***ing “Airhead” Antiguan. Gaston is a unconscionable PM with love, mercy and compassion. y’all will never get him out of power as long we the non nationals exist in this society!!
You are one rude ass, uninformed entitled person. I’m a Jamaican/Canadian citizen and we are a very welcoming country to everyone. Canadaians would’ve NEVER uttered such rubbish as this and
Other countries were/are built by immigrants. How
Dare you? We are all ONE people; we’ve been divided enough by colonialism. Read your history and stop the nonsense.
That fucking ass government that u all vote for see what happen now we are in deep shit election is coming that what happen
Oh no listen if u are living in antigu for over seven years its basically ur home so y not citizenship thats ok y u all behave so brutal if a one thing r u dame chatters dey with the most foreigners
You are safer with Labour.
I am damn fed up as an Antiguan. I have been watching for a long time , how the nonnationals means more to the present Govt than we the Antiguans.They are depending on the foreigners to put them back in Govt. Antiguan pls go out on election day and vote.Antigua need you to rescue it.Nonnationals running things in this country,it has to stop now.Born Antiguan a get squeeze up and push down.Antiguans pls take back Antigua from all them criminals and crooks ,who come from big Carribean countries to get Us money to send home.They have no love for Antigua, only Antigua for what they can get to send back a Georgetown, Jamaica, and all way else.Me fed up.Antigua a second class citizen in them land of their birth.
It’s time we had an honest conversation about this. Too much is expected of Antigua and Antiguans and our government just makes it worse. They would rather get cheap votes than earn their keep. It’s no secret we are not getting any of the best and brightest from these countries. There is a limit on how many unskilled people we can absorb. When Antigua fails where will we flock to? I can assure you moving to Jamaica, Guyana or any of these bigger islands we will not have as many opportunities. They are patriotic to the bone and want to keep the wealth amongst their own.
Shut y’all dumb badminded asses up!
who the hell you call dumb bad mind we are looking out for our children future. the Jamaican, Spanish Guyanese. is over crowding the public schools in Antigua. Antiguans needs to stand up for one another because we can’t go to other Caribbean countries and behave like that. then when they get our passport they run go USA England Canada put them self in problem up their and make our passport look back they see what Canada do to us with visa restriction now the government want to do bullshit. yes if there are hear for seven years and beyond but investigate them for criminal records. because they are some good Jamaicans and Spanish, I don’t just the Guyanese. just the other day I was talking to some Jamaican’s and they told me the crime rate and cost of living i in Jamaica is so high that’s why they go to other Caribbean countries to live and some of they own make it look bad for them to visit other countries. But I am Still looking out for my Country.
You are just a racist bias prejudice f***ing “Airhead” Antiguan. Gaston is a unconscionable PM with love, mercy and compassion. y’all will never get him out of power as long we the non nationals exist in this society!!
#LonglivetheABLP Foreigners will always win the election for Labour
Based on all of your comments, this is why we as a people will never rise. All around the world people, including ANTIGUANS migrate to other countries and walk with our children seeking temporary and permanent residence in OTHER people’s country but yet, when HUMANS come to our shores seeking the same advancement in life……we crucify their children who grow up here? And tell them go back where they come from? SHAME on you fools!! Tell your families get out of people’s country and come back ya!! FOOLS!! YOU all are FOOLS!!
THANK YOU! Someone finally has some sense on
This site. Antuguans would’ve been mortified If they were treated like this in Canada, USA or
Other first world countries. Y’all are a bunch of
Hypocrites. Try living in Canada or somewhere else; you’ll see how real ppl treat others. Stop acting as if Antigua is the best thing since slice
Check your spelling errors before posting next time miss Alecia. You seem to need some classes in English. As I said, stop being so DUMB and badminded. Lol
Antigua must be the only country in the world to let people over stay then give them citizenship for a government to stay in power. MY POOR ISLAND ANTIGUA GONE TO THE DOG’S UNDER THIS GOVERNMENT.
Bad minded bitches. As they said 7 years and over. So what’s wrong with giving citizenship to those people. Smh. U guys that talk about foreigners like that should say away from them. If u have a business don’t even accept their money. Stay in Antigua and never leave.
Prejudice against your own this sickens me!!! While whites serians ands chinese uniting and rising together.
We as black people need to be worried about bigger things that this petty crap by now we should have evolved. We should be planning our uprise as black people that was the point of caricom. The craibbean needs to come togethwer and break away from the western world.
Wait, a wah Antigua name, FREE fa all!!
Shit man, Amnesty AGAIN????
No wonder dem call Antigua people “FOOLEY”.
Politicians, tap prostitute are we paradise country fu vote, have some pride in yourselves.
Are you tink dem foreigners lub are we. Dem a lakka termite, come in to infest the place like rats and then leave the shit for us to clean.
Antiguans should protest…. “NO MORE EASY AMNESTY”.
ENGLISH please! What on earth ate you saying?
The lack of education and history is certainly lacking here! Termites? Rats? Have you ever travelled outside of your itty bitty island of Antigua? I strongly doubt it; do you think your passport holds water outside of the tiny parameters of Antigua?
Sexy bitch, pls educate yourself prior to weighing
In as you make no sense whatsoever. You should be thinking of uniting our people as ONE and fight against the others. I was in Antigua for a month and was shocked to see how y’all workshop the Syrians, whites and Chinese. Try loving ourselves first!!!! Keep calm and learn your HISTORY
I agree with you Alicia,
Dem a bunch a parasites and prostitutes with no morals, trying to use their “peanut brains” and beat-up diseased sexual organs to get ahead in life.
She bad-minded fu want de best fu she country?
When are you foreigners can’t get fu use Antiguam people are you back side say are we bad-minded.
Well gu back to fu you galvanize mess to de good-minded people no.
For all we know your ass may be wanted back where you come from for some criminal activity…..
Run waaaaaay!!! Fool!
All you so called Antiguans sound like a bunch of uneducated idiots…..this is what you are teaching your children? To hate each other. Do you people realise that our grand parents from 300 years ago came here (Antigua), Jamaica, Guyana, etc. on slave ships and scattered our families all over. Who the hell told you idiots that Antigua is the most special? Look at half of you’ll spelling; it is shameful. You can’t even structure a proper sentence, but you on here showing your uneducated asses off cussing foreigners? Go educate your empty heads! Do you have any idea how a country is run, and how the economy works? All you Antiguans on here know to do is beg beg beg politicians and can’t fen for yourselves. Big up the foreigners who come to help develop Antigua and make it a richer and better place!!
Try traveling to my beautiful island of Jamaica where our houses are bigger than sheds; where our roads are bigger than a lane way or where our people treat YOUR people and other foreigners like GOLD! Jamaicans are welcoming and YES, foreigners like yourselves would get a job there before the locals. The ONLY thing Antigua has on Jamaica is the strength of your currency. Don’t ever forget that! Do you know how many of your ppl and others have decided to stay in Jca after only a short stay there? Like the saying goes, “once you go, you know”. But then again, after speaking to many of YOUR ppl; most have NEVER left
The 4 corners of Antigua with the exception of a few islands. Whoopteedoo! There’s ZERO night life
In Antigua; take that trip to Jamaica; you’ll have the time of your life and I promise you; once you
Go, you know! Stop the nonsense and unite! Your
Behaviours make the white man PROUD! Division!
Black ppl, we are stronger together but your minds are still enslaved.
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery”
-The Late “HRH” Bob Marley (yeah, he’s a Jamaican)
All you so called Antiguans sound like a bunch of uneducated idiots…..this is what you are teaching your children? To hate each other. Do you people realise that our grand parents from 300 years ago came here (Antigua), Jamaica, Guyana, etc. on slave ships and scattered our families all over. Who the hell told you idiots that Antigua is the most special? Look at half of you’ll spelling; it is shameful. You can’t even structure a proper sentence, but you on here showing your uneducated asses off cussing foreigners? Go educate your empty heads! Do you have any idea how a country is run, and how the economy works? All you Antiguans on here know to do is beg beg beg politicians and can’t fen for yourselves. Big up the foreigners who come to help develop Antigua and make it a richer and better place!!
You sir/madam (Born Antiguan) is a SMART human being! I couldn’t have coined it better if I tried 🙏🏽👊🏽👍🏾
They’re not even realizing that the real foreigners-
Syrians, Whites and Chinese are the real threats. Smfh!
Born Antiguan,
You educated till you dunce. Use your so-called intelligence back home fu learn and build it up rather dan run way fu be wan termite pan others.
You born a which Antigua, a good place you wan say you come from. Me sure you know even know who you father be, because plenty a are you hungry, naked, whoring leggo beast come yah come lay eggs lakka foul fu get stay.
Back a are you dutty country dem are you can’t even afford the education provided, talk bout uneducated Antiguans.
Run way…. beggy, beggy political con-artiste prostutute. Are you only a pretend fu have allegence to ALP fu get a you bag full a goodies fu run go a Canada and America under Antigua good name. Shame. Shame. Shame.
Bleaching cream, dutty weave, and chicken pill a wah are you have fu use fu look good, cause not even are you own man dem want are you. Dem lef are you fu de good-body natural Antiguan beauties soon as dem lan yah.
Born Antiguan, Gaston Brown do not need you all vote, he done inna paradise. Tek dat inna you nen-nen.
Go crack you coconut dem fu cook you rice, cause are we Antiguan tired a fatten up are you hungry chicken-foot eating mongrels with our fungi and saltfish.
Remember fu are you granny dead six times fu mek man sarry fu are you and gi money fu send home Western union fu feed wan whole antorage a cat litter are you lef in a are you country fu all kind a different man.
Never inna are you life are you accustom fu nyam whole box a chicken, much less fries with it, because back inna are you hungry land a de bone are you would a ha fu share up fu wan million family members.
Tap mix up nastiness inna Antiguan man food fu gi dem fu nyam, fu tie dem fu build house and feed are you bastard ugly pickney an dem. Are too filthy. Antiguans acustom fu drink carrot juice without “had-dim”. Thank you very much.
Don’t get me started…. gu home. Talk bout you born Antiguan. You WISH.
Girl you are a hot f***ing MESS! You sound jealous and petty. Maybe you can’t go to Cda, USA or the UK 🤣 why don’t you try picking up a book?
The word “for” is spelled FOR and not FU! Good body Antiguan women? Dwfl 🤣. I’m gonna stop while I’m ahead 😡
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