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Advertise with the mоѕt vіѕіtеd nеwѕ ѕіtе іn Antigua!
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That man ran for an election in 2018.The people in the Constituency were always asking to see him.He was never in campaign mode.He was too lazy to be lazy.He was a Farmer and could not answer a farming question in a public forum.Now he is with Gaston Browne he has a do nothing work,not a job.Lazy,Lazy,arses.
What a dry joke!
Gaston, I am tired of you. All of a sudden, agriculture not doing it’s work. You and your election gimmicks won’t work. You take all the authority from the PS and give it to your wife Maria so you can control all the lands then you blame the PS. Stop playing games Gaston. You are not credible. You throwing everybody under the bus because you failed to do the right thing now you want it to look like it’s opposition workers holding up the progress. Utter nonsense Gassy. You stop playing games. Call the election and shut up, people eyes open.
Vote out gassi.
LOL. Governance by Radio. That is not how Government work. You have a minister of lands and a minister of Agriculture. It is for those ministers to see their ministry carry out Government policy. The inefficiency of civil servants is not unique to Antigua and Barbuda but all administrations does not have the guts to reform it because of political expediency.
Why don’t you Guys show some appreciation to have such a PRIME.MINISTER with a CLEVER MIND. Hon
Gaston Browne is a LEADER of GREAT STANDING stop berating the honourable Gentleman with Lies.
INGRAM do you like Gaston Browne take Antigua and Barbuda for some kind of cartoon country? How can a Prime Minister on public radio be giving an individual instructions to have meetings with the Permanent Secretary of Agriculture to address certain matters. I can recall sometime ago that he did the same thing on public radio calling on his son to get equipment to go and address a road issue. INGRAM you you believe that that is the way government is supposed to be run? We really need some kind of Divine intervention in this country, if the people are not willing to make the change themselves. By the way, does Lamin Newton have an official position within the Ministry of Agriculture?
TABOR Hon.Gsdton Browne does whatever He likes. Tabor STOP stay on the sideline and run for POLITICS. Tabor and UPP JEALOUS, ENVY and BADMIND for HON.GASTON BROWNE. Tabor should know better
Yes Tabor, Marshall has recruited him as a consultant. Unike you it is felt he can make a valuable contribition. I am told by UPP insiders that you are used due to the party’s lack of funds. Outside of that you are needed comic releif
@Tenman: Are you endorsing this move? Consultant in what capacity? What is he a specialist in to offer Consultancy? Give a damn break,all of you lazy fat arses are nothing more than hangers on of Gaston Browne. FEEDING AND EATING AT THE POLITICAL TROUGHS AT THE EXPENSES OF THE PEOPLE.WHEN HE IS VOTED OUT OF OFFICE.WHAT ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO DO THEN?SWITCH BACK TO THE NEW ADMINISTRATION POLITICAL PARTY,SPINELESS,BALLS-LESS,NO BACKBONES PEOPLE (NOT MEN)OF STRAW.
Me see the PM followed through with his wishes to suit up Lamin. There are a lot of gangsters and opportunists running behind the Labour Party, and the Party is happy to have them join the cult.
What are the differences between Lamin and a Dawg? You would put the both into a Palace.They would remain what they are,DOGS IN RED SUITS.
Wait! The Civil Service Act change? A PS can take instructions from a private individual? Lamin you have NO AUTHORITY over the PS, not even on the PM’s say so. This micro managing crude behaviour must STOP!
Lamin Newton was and is the dumbest Farmer wanna be in Antigua.He is going to tell a Permanent Secretary what to do? Where is the Minister of NON-AGRICULTURE MARSHALL? The Permanent Secretary needs to come to work with a Bull-Bud and give him two across his back and see what happens.
“The Permanent Secretary needs to come to work with a Bull-Bud and give him two across his back and see what happens”.
Well said. I could not agree more.
I would certainly hope that Gaston will accompany Lamin to the Permanent Secretary office so he can get two across his back too.
What a bunch of fools….. Dat a wha he switch for. Money turn his eyes (in my opinion).
Gaston, you look just like the cartoon that you are. Poor thing. Patrick from the SpongeBob cartoon could run the country better than you. You going to send duncy bat to bully the PS because you’re a dictator? Wheel and come again.
You know public servants, in particular the Permanent Secretaries in the various ministries, do have the power to frustrate government policies. This happened under the ALP, UPP and now the ABLP government. The only thing the minister can do is to request replacement. But you cannot fire them. As the election draws near more and more of these UPP aligned public servants will show their teeth. Remember the politician is the one that always gets the blame if and when things are not done or go wrong. Just look at how DCA handled the last matter in Parham. No politician was consulted, but the public cry was against the government. The IMF and World Bank had come up with a solution that was to be implemented in the Public Sector Transformation Program. There would be accountability and evaluations of all public servants annually and people would get fired if they didn’t meet the set goals. Presently no one can get fired in the public service for not performing. There is no standard. You get paid for coming to work. Not for what you produce. This cannot be right, and everyone knows that. But who will have the political fortitude to do so? In the private sector no one will pay you if you do not produce. You will be sent home. No wonder many people still prefer government jobs. That is real job security for life. You only get out of government service if you choose so. And the benefits are many. Lots more paid sick days leave than the private sector. More vacation days than the private sector. Less contribution to Social Security. Noncontributory pension after ten years of service, which will increase after putting more years in service. This all makes working in the government service the most preferable.
Sidelines: Based on all you have uttered. What the hell could LAZY ARSE LAMIN DO?
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