Lagos State Governor Sanwo-Olu Receives Prime Minister Browne


The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Hon. Gaston Alfonso Browne, said on Friday, that his country is ready to partner with Lagos State and Nigeria in general in trade and investments.

Prime Minister Browne spoke during a courtesy visit to Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, at the Lagos House, Marina.

The Prime Minister was accompanied by his wife, Maria Browne; Ambassador Davin Joseph; Chairman/ CEO of Air Peace Limited, Dr. Allen Onyema; Nigerian Ex-International and Air Peace Ambassador, Chief Se­gun Odegbami and CEO of LIAT 2020 Airlines Antigua, Mrs. Hafsah Abdulsalam.

Speaking during the courtesy visit, Prime Min­ister Browne said the key objective of his country is to strengthen the relationship between Antigua and Bar­buda and Nigeria, as well as the Caribbean and the rest of Africa.

He said: “I believe Africa has a significant amount of resources, and literally every African country can become a developed country. I am of the view that African coun­tries can do even better than the Republic of China.

“Our aspiration for Nige­ria is to see Nigeria become a developed country within the next decade or two. And we want to make sure that we are an early mover in the Caribbean to establish close linkages with Nigeria to increase trade and invest­ment. The Caribbean and Africa must unite and work together to bring prosperity to our people.”

Speaking during the courtesy visit, attended by Lagos First Lady Dr. Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu and some mem­bers of the Lagos State Ex­ecutive Council, Governor Sanwo-Olu said his admin­istration will partner with Antigua and Barbuda in en­tertainment, arts, culture, and technology.

He said, “We are building a bridge.” The Caribbean is the sixth region of Africa. We can partner in the areas of culture, tourism, arts, and entertainment because we have a lot of things in com­mon. We can quickly begin to ship between the two re­gions all of the things that are common to us.

“Our tourism potential, arts and culture, and the kind of music we listen to can infuse into our economy very quickly, and we will be­gin to see the benefits among us and the two regions.

“Technology is very im­portant because it knows no boundaries. We say we are the tech hub of Africa. All of the unicorns in tech start-ups have their origins in Lagos. So, technology can also be the strong handshake that we require.

“The time is now, and we all need to seize the opportu­nity. Mr. President has laid the background for us. He has said that he wants Ni­geria to have a one trillion GDP within the next couple of years, and that is the kind of thing we are saying.

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  1. The PM has an attraction to attract ,or to seek relationships with rogue countries.

    Nigeria is the most corrupt country throughout Africa. The buffoon is deluded in thinking that his administration got what it takes to reform Nigeria. That’s the biggest joke 🤣 😂 ever!

    Mutualah Muhammad, was the only president who endeavoured to reformed Nigeria and he was brutally murdered, by one of his closest friends who was opposed to Mutualah’s efforts to stamp out corruption, and for attempting to stamp out poverty .

    What skillset does the buffoon possessed to influence changes in Nigeria? Antiguans should be weary of the buffoon’s involvement with Nigeria and should know that nothing good can come out of it. Nigerians are renowned for : fraud (419). 419 is part of Nigeria’s law statutes for fraud. They are scammers, diabolical practices, sacrificing humans for occultism rituals, harvesting human organs, drugs trafficking, human trafficking, which we witnessed from Olabanjo and Gaston’s migrants.

    During the time that Gaston’s migrants were in Antigua they were not restrained from showing their ability to commit and engaged in fraudulent activities. It is noteworthy, since the arrival of Nigerians to Antigua many young people have disappeared without a trace.

    Nigeria does not have a tourist industry because it’s not a safe country, local people are subjected to being kidnapped, as well as foreign visitors. Nigeria’s police services is worse than useless.

    All international countries have made it impossible for Nigerians to obtain visas. The buffoon should get one of his aids to carry out research on Nigeria’ s fraudulent activities and see what comes up. Better still, read Trinida’s newspaper and see what comes up about the fraudulent activities and criminality of Nigerians in Trinidad.

    Assuming, that the buffoon is nieve of Nigeria’s terrible worldwide reputation , he should asked himself on what grounds could he commit Antigua to Foster realtionship with Nigeria; would it be:
    Money laundering, drugs trafficking, people trafficking, selling human body parts. He should be in no doubt that Antigua has nothing that Nigeria would want, apart from obtaining our passports that would give them access to countries that would otherwise deny Nigerians visas. The buffoon should come clean with our nations and tell us his real reasons for wanting to develop realtionship with Nigeria.
    Nigeria, is the sixth largest oil producing country and 95% of its population lives in abject poverty, people in Nigeria goes 16 hours per day without electricity.

    The prospect of Antigua developing realtionship with Nigeria is a dangerous and unproductive move, that initiative will have devastating consequences and will further damage Antigua’s reputation. Has learned nothing from the human trafficking that caused damages to Antigua, has not learned nothing from his government minister who allegedly accepted bribe to allow or grant visas to Nigerians who travelled to Antigua on Air Peace? Fellow Antiguans and Barbudans if we love our homeland let’s not be fooled by what the buffoon is feeding us with.

    Antiguans and Barbudans should unite and protests to keep Nigerians out of Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua and Barbuda should not allow our country to become a safe haven for Nigerian fraudsters.

    Antiguans and Barbudans at home and abroad should not allow themselves to be fooled by the buffoon claims.

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