In the early morning hours of Monday, two hotel workers were kidnapped and robbed.
The kidnappers allegedly held them at gunpoint, bounded their hands and placed duct tape over their mouths.
They reported that their attackers had threatened to kill them, but later assured them that they would not do so once they got what they wanted.
Based on a police report, the attack occurred around 12:45 am, while the two workers were sitting in a car on Pensioners Beach.
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I have a feeling these criminals are immigrants from the poorer neighbouring CARICOM countries that are here under CARICOM immigration rules.
Time for Antigua to withdraw from CARICOM now!
What a conclusion! No indication these criminals are non Antiguans. Unfair to jump to such a conclusion without conclusive evidence.
Please shit up
Watch your mouth!
A lot of truth to i
Seriously???? Immigrants??? Please have a look at who commits the vast majority of crimes in this country….born and bred ANTIGUANS
Do you have any hard statistics data on the different nationalities who had committed crimes in Antigua and Barbuda? It would help me a lot with my Business Statistics course. I need the data for the different nationality who have been convicted and also those who have been charged and awaiting for their day in the courts. Your help will be appreciates.
Only an asshole would make such an assumption. Stop igniting prejudice please .
You sound like a damn ass!!!!
Looks like you need your mouth washed out with soap! Watch the language, or do yu talk like that all the time? Whew!
I didn’t even know dumb people like yourself still exist
If tourism is our main source towards our GDP then the authorities need to take criminal activities & moreso gun related crimes extremely serious.. The perpetrators when should be dealt with severely. If the laws need to change to facilitate severe punishments then do so….. Enough is enough…. Antigua & Barbuda is a peaceful state….. Criminals should not change it.!!
The story/police report left me hanging. What happened after the duct tape was placed over their mouths???
The nationality of these criminals once caught need to be identify so we the native would not speculates.
Most are not born here and those that are born here are first generation antiguans with parents from Jamaica and Guyana and u know what’s in your dna is kina hard to change.
I agreed with the DNA part. I work with a Jamaican lady and her daughter and son were both born in Antigua. The behavior of the mother is seeing manifested in her children.
She always saying that she don’t know what tribe we Antiguans are from in Africa because in Jamaica they stand-up for what they want, and we Antiguans make people walk over us too easy.
It makes me think about the black people along the Caribbean chain of islands are all from African descendants but we are from different tribes with our own unique culture and habits because of our DNA. If we ourselves study the different African tribes we will found some shocking data
I walked away from my car in cost pro to push my grocery trolly out the way my mind told me not to go far so just as I pushed to the back of the car two car away from mind I turned around to see a short cooly indian looking man going to wards my car which was a vitz…when he turn and saw me he hustled off from my car if I had pushed my trolly any further this man would have stolen my car… I watched him as I drove off just wondering around in the parking lot..
Isn’t “cooly” an outdated word, no longer acceptable, in fact, very racist. STOP IT!
“The only good coolie is a dead one”
That’s a saying among Guyanese. Remember the wicked one who committed that murder-suicide with his ex-gf?? Bahrat I think he name. She was Latoya. That same “coolie” plunged a family into despair and a young boy is now an orphan.
Are these criminals telling us that we can’t spend a late night on our beautiful beaches with our other half especially on a hot summer night??
Those were the days when we would go on the beaches at anytime without being interrupted by any criminals…time has really change in this little paradise of ours.
Seems like criminals and hoteliers are similar in one sense based on your comment. Some of these hoteliers try all sorts of measure to restrict public access to public beaches.
Kidnapping? They were in their vehicle when the attach happened. Were they taken some where and held? Incomplete story…..
They are certainly some behaviors in our country that is not of antiguans. And if the Antiguans are involved then is trade pass on to them from someone outside. But listen we are already in this together so we need to live as one.
Light and darkness cannot live together. Every lawbreaker from abroad must be deported after finishing some hard time at 1735
We have become so intolerant to anything that we are not familiar with! We have set our self above anyone who is different and have appointed ourselves as judge and jury. This leads to hate,stereotype and prejudice.
Is this the world we want our children to live in?
Look around this nation, there are MANY Serians who look different but was born here. How would they feel / react to someone who took them for non-Antiguan treat them the way we are doing here today?
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