Kendra Beazer: Early elections would be ill-advised and badly timed

Kendra Beazer

Barbudan politician Kendra Beazer says an early election in Antigua & Barbuda is not what the country wants to deal with at this time.

He was speaking last night at the United Progressive Party Youth Forum.

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  1. What you don’t need to be doing right now is positioning yourself on a political platform. You just got yourself out of a precarious situation and you really allowed the UPP to call exploit you like this? The UPP really doesn’t care for people because if they did they’d find it wise to allow you time to heal and avoid public scrutiny as you recover.

  2. After what as just happened in St Lucia with a huge increase in their COVID cases including deaths, the last thing we need is a early election.

  3. Why is this guy wearing GREEN, not BLUE? Just askin’. Who is this guy anyway? Somebody tell us something about him, please. He’s an unknown to many of us. What’s his ideology, his philosophy, his values, and moral or spiritual views?????

    • Hes a loooser looking RELEVANCY …..

      ANOTHER wanna be gonna be used & refused by the blue useless party..

  4. PM needs to call an election before the coming wave of covid cases and deaths gets too big. And can’t lockdown, so cant control the wave. Only choice is early election

  5. I am confused nothing personal but is Kendra male or female?
    Is Kendra a male name or female name?
    Confused please help?


      Mellie Boy, you might just be ‘…Entering a Zone of Danger.’

      When confusion starts in the mind of a male/female who starts quizzing about ‘…Sexes,’ then ‘…Som darn ting rang’ (vernacular).

      Could not ask that in ‘…Sodom and Gomorrah,’ though.

      Gotcha ‘ide yah bahind (vernacular).

    • Guess his momma wanted a girl so badly that she gave him that name. Looking at the video and watching his body language and hearing the way he speaks, the name is quite fitting. That sitaution he went through with the police seems to have him shook. Either that or he is eating heavy harmone-laden foods and doesn’t know it. The Kendra that left will not be the same Kendra that returns to Barbuda. Something got to him.

  6. Kendra please don’t let Lovell use you and abuse you for his cheap political games. You recently suffered some “issues” and you need a long break from the spotlight. You are putting yourself at risk for a potential relapse. Please lay low and focus on your mental health.

  7. Didn’t he suffer from a mental breakdown the other day. Is this really in the best interest for his mental health for him to be in this nasty game call politics?

    • Unfortunately yes. This is why it’s surprising to see him back in the limelight pushing POLITICS instead of humbling himself and investing in his health. If he craves the limelight that much then at least make it about the importance of mental health or something along those lines. I hope not, but I would not be surprised if he were to suffer a round II of his mental collapse and we witness another psychotic episode.

  8. What is UPP plan for the people of Antigua and Barbuda what did they do in there last eight years

  9. ILL-ADVISED and BADLY TIMED is you making an appearance on such a forum given what you’ve been through.


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