Kareem Simon of Green Bay charged with murder



The police have arrested and charged 42-year-old Kareem Simon of Green Bay with the alleged murder of 66-year-old Dennis Edwards of Bolans.

The alleged incident occurred on Monday, August 21, shortly after 8 pm on Lower All Saints Road. The accused is expected to make his first appearance before the court on Friday, August 25, 2023.

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  1. Did not hear any out cry about the nudity of the just concluded carnival. Heard the children on the Friday afternoon Observer teenagers program saying how appalling and disgusting it was. These are not children from Christian homes. I was at a function yesterday and the lady sitting next to me was saying that the split in a woman dress was too high. So I turned to her and ask what about the nakedness during carnival? Her response was that a different function. Wow
    You may ask what all this has to do with the murder of the gentleman. My answer is the moral fabric of this country is gone. So crime snd violence with escalate.
    Have you heard any of the government officials coming out and speaking openly about this, except when in opposition . In fact the main emphasis of the leadership of this country is economic. To include lining the pockets of themselves and cohorts.
    So we are becoming a lawless, immoral society, with leaders without integrity. No wander our crime rate is on the increase.
    So what do we do? Look at our education system. Our young men are left behind. Look at our sporting facilities- we show no interest in our young people developing. We also need to have better management of our resources.
    Finally where is the Christian council and our church leaders. A vibrant Christisn council use to call out on the leadership, the political leadership of this country. Now our religious leaders are playing up to the politicians for material things- like duty free concessions.
    What about law enforcement- I will ask what happened to Bruce Greenaway murderers and those that shot Mannie in the back?
    So where to turn- those of us that love this country are to stand up. Let’s say it starts with me. Time to take back Antigua Barbuda.

  2. Two black men, forty-two and sixty-six years of age, some only grow older not wiser. Someone’s fragile ego was bruised resulting in yet another unnecessary loss of human life.

    The usual suspects? Poor conflict resolution and anger management skills, nature verses nurture, impaired judgement due to drug and/or alcohol consumption, an illegal transaction gone bad, infidelity, or just plain old envy and jealousy. I wonder what ridiculous reason this time will be. D-evil maketh man.

  3. The self righteous comments so far are a pain in my brain.
    How convenient we all know what is right and what ought to be right at our opportune time to call out what we think should be right. Gimmie a Bruk!!!

  4. The irony about Frankly Speaking comments is that it will be the same set of young people who will be parading the streets for carnival just as naked. They will be smoking weed and do all manner of things self righteous people will frown on.

    • You do well fu study Frankley Badminded. It’s like some of them naked women dancing in the street nah gee he one dance so him bex ah cuss straight about naked women dancing in the street. He hab the same energy for the half naked women who comes on the cruise ship and walk around town half naked? Oh no right cause them ah the bread and butter. Mek the woman and them alone and mek them.have their fun. If it ain’t ua wife or underage daughter who gives af. Those “teenager” on observer are some damn hypocritical suck up cause me can tell you some of these were in the fetes getting on bad like the naked women.

  5. Sorry to bring bad news. The Antigua we once knew no longer exists. The peaceful, easy going law abiding society where murders were rare and residents coulld go about their business without fear day or any time or night is for the history books. We know when the rot started and now will be difficult to reverse. The horse has bolted and the stable door is no longer fit for purpose. Nudity and its conjoined twin lewdness is now the new norm. Our native music has been suffocated by the crude violent lyrics of foreign songs. To say Antigua is going to the dogs is not accurate; Antigua has patently already
    gone to the dogs. It has gone, Gone With The Wind.

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