J’Truth: Time for top posts to be filled by locals


Antigua and Barbuda’s most popular social media influencer, J’Truth, says he does not understand why there are “all these foreigners” at the helm of the country.

During a Facebook Live Saturday morning, J’Truth made it clear that he has no problem with foreigners, nothing that there are Antiguans living and working abroad.

“But why is it that there are foreigners at the helm?” he questioned.

“Are we news anchor — Jamaican Burford. Inna arwe national TV station arwe a see one Jamaica more than are we see f**k**g Antiguans.

Inna every f**k**g news report, Burford,” he added.

The popular social media influencer said there will be a change when the “J’Truth Government” gets into office.

“When my government gets in, there will be an Antiguan Police Commissioner, there will be an Antiguan Customs Comptroller,” he said.

“We have more than enough qualified Antiguan and Barbudans to be at the helm of our workings here in the country, so we will have an Antiguan.”

J’Truth, who used the Facebook Live to condemn a recent assault of community activist Mary John and the failure of the police to go to the crime scene, said he was “talking for the rights of Antiguans and Barbudans.”

Ms. John — who was assaulted by a man alleged to be a non-national — is calling on the country’s lawmen to do better by citizens, especially when they are called to come to the aid of citizens who need their assistance.

Ms. John said she was assaulted by a male at a gas Station early Thursday afternoon.

She said the police answered her calls but no one ever showed up to the scene of the attack.

J’Truth said pointed to the closeness of the site of the attack to the St. John’s Police Station, asking, “How the f**k no vehicle reach to Mary John. How?

“They have the audacity to tell Mary John that she must go to police Headquarters. So she must [leave] the scene of the crime. So if she [had gotten] stabbed, what would have happened.”

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  1. J ‘ TRUTH is a LOUD MOUTH looking for publicity. J ‘ TRUTH is not a Person to take any CREDIBLE advice.I am surprised Mr.Burford ( A RESPECTABLE JOURNALIST) has quoted J’TRUTH. NOT GOOD example Mr. Burford.

    • Smh look at the bigger picture so what if he has a loud mouth at least hes not using it to kiss ass like some of y’all J’TRUTH all dem can do is hate bruv badmind is real out here

    • This is not news worthy. This myopic view is absolute foolishness. Then all Wadadlians that held positions elsewhere should resign.

  2. As long as we have competent antiguan’s available ,we should be given first preference in top positions . We are been side lined for too long . Our people to passive . From customs ,police commissioner and DDP. Don’t tell me we cannot find qualified born antiguan’s for these positions .

    • The guy? has a foul mouth. It stinks!!! No UPP will give him any position. Who raised this person anyway????

      • U have some nerves he has a fowl mouth and we respect him for who he is and for u to ask he came from the same place i came from this is why ppl like i can only see up to the top off your noise hop I don’t have kids cause what he is doing is not for us but for our generations to come . Before u start judging someosomeone because of there mouth sit and listen to what he is saying which makes alot of sense. “I AM A J’TRUTH SUPPORTER AND I APPROVE MY STATEMENT” J KEEPING FIGHTING FOR WHAT IS RIGHT.(FACTS)

        • What’s wrong with you? Sound like you have a very sad life. I have never heard of this guy. It seems he’s important to you though. Get a life. As for judging someone because of their fowl mouth….the guy has judged himself by his profanity. Where he really from? He must have a sad life.

    • I am in agreement with you on this. In most countries, a few key positions are reserved for birth citizens. Then below that, some positions are reserved for citizens (birth plus naturalized). After that is is usually open but giving preference to citizens once every thing else equal.

      I really dont think a broadcaster position is that critical though especially for some who is from within caricom.

      I think both governments have failed us on this point and even our own people sometimes have more confidence in foreigners that their own. I usually down even count caricom nationals as foreigners since I think we should move towards integration.

      It is in fact a sad reality but I also do believe that the Gaston Browne administration is one of the most Pro-Antiguan we have had. Check which banks all government cheques come from under his government compared to the past.

  3. It is said when UPP gets into office J Truth will have a top post. Can you imagine such ah foul mouth individual having a top post.

      • Gaston is a blessed man. As for J Truth he represents everything of hate. How could a political party vying for office with so much save soul person associate with this Guy?

      • So most of the private companies and businesses are owned by non nationals. I’m not understanding what’s the argument here. So all non nationals hire non nationals and then what happen. Everyone pack the public sector. I’m still baffled that good sane working people take advice from this Guy.

  4. I’ve said many times. Government jobs should only be for citizens and naturalized citizens of Antigua and Barbuda. Full stop!

  5. A J Truth Government …lol thought comedy central had come to a close with the concept of a go green government!

  6. ALP supporters are still afflicted with an inferiority complex, so they are more comfortable on their knees. If an Antiguan was given a prominent job in Jamaica, there would be riots day and night.

    • FYI some of those top positions such as the DPP and Comptroller of Customs were filled by the UPP and lets not forget the white Canadian Mountees the were bought in by the UPP. Six and half a dozen are the same thing. Both political parties are full of s###.

  7. Burford is actually very good at what he does. He is excellent. I have never seen an Antigua broadcaster as good as him. Give him a break, please.

  8. I’ve never heard of you and I don’t know who you are, but you must think you are somebody important. Judging from your filthy mouth, with all that profanity, you appear to be a very troubled individual, seriously in need of some simple manners. You certainly don’t represent the huge majority of Antiguans. You have nothing to offer. With that language and that mouth you need to be cancelled!

  9. Why j’truth na shut up he stinking mouth and go look work fu do and stop stay home behind camera and beg money! Ppl like you is why Antiguans can’t get no big job, some don’t want no work that requires them to actually do work and others can’t respect anybody…..mek mary Give you a job to be her bodyguard nuh!

    • Aryu deh can hate smaddy fu voice dem opinion NF jak!! Ah wa hapn if ppl want send dem money all you do nah send fu u fuqin money ya rass

    • We don’t mind giving him our money so why are u so bothered go and give some of your money to charity if u know what charity is

  10. When you are screening persons for a job, you don not just look at his or her qualification. You look at the entire persons background. Also how the person present him or herself at the interview. And mostly it is a panel that interviews the person. And having been in many of these panels I know sometime it is very hard but in the interest of the position you chose the foreignor. Sometime it’s just a situation where you do not want too much friend and company. And given the size of this society it is very difficult to find people not connected in one way or another. Sometimes we are becoming somewhat incestorous. Just look at Barbuda. And being a national is no entitlement to a job. Yes Nationals should be able to live and work in their own country, but lots depends on their own attitude as well.

  11. You see that’s where we go wrong in Antigua when it comes to hiring for a position. We want to dig into the bed grass of the Antiguan and search for anything and everything so that he or she does not get the job… but for a foreigner you don’t do that they come with fake degrees and fake references and you hire them without doing a background check. Some of these people are criminals where they come from. Jtruth right i totally agree with him period.

  12. I hope our loved foreigners are taking note whether you are here doing a job as cleaner or a cushy job as grudged by this UPP undercover spokesman name J Truth. ALP is the only government that truly cares for you and your survival in this country. Keep these fowl mouth people and the party they work for at bay!!!

    • Ah yah r we born r we can’t go them country and do wah some a dem a do yah so of alp care bout foreigners idgaf a locals them fuh care bout more yah we born

    • If the Labour Party is really for the good of Antiguans, why do they need non Antiguans to keep them in power? This government cares nothing about Antiguans. They are using the foreigners to continue to loot the country’s resources, while Antigua remains a dirty corrupt country. A lot of these foreigners care nothing about Antigua. Their primary concern is to make some money to send back to their country. They will vote for the Labour Party that allowed them in country.
      Look at the Bahamas. Foreigners cannot get permanent residency in the country unless they are the wife of a Bahamian. You can work there for years on a job permit but you cannot vote. Bahamians vote for their government and they vote parties in and out of office.
      The Bahamas is far more developed and cleaner than Antigua.

  13. Certain positions should be filled by qualified Nationals only.For instance in the US Military.If you are a green card holder.Your upward mobility is very limited.You would not be promoted into certain positions until you become a Citizen.I have been observing.That many persons are in sensitive positions.Who are Non Nationals and that could become an issue.It is up to us Nationals to assert ourselves.Not indulged in Politics to be promoted.

  14. J’TRUTH is working for UPP.The same that KNIGHT is doing. J’TRUTH and KNIHGT are the same. UPP should distance from these GUYS . J’TRUTH and KNIGHT will definitely make the UPP lose all Their sests. I hope Charles Tabor is listening.

  15. IF this guy is some kind of an “influencer”, who is he influencing??? Nothing there. All mouth and no more. Tell granny to get the bar of soap and wash out this guys mouth. He must be hells to live with (or near).

    • Obviously he really bother you cuz if he didn’t u wouldn’t waste ya time to comment !! He nuh k Mek d man talk and voice his opinion stfu now n Gwan

      • Face it Shiela, the guy is a joke, a self-promoter with a sad life, an entertainer. Ask those who know him.

    • Why u watching the broadcast smoking weed is gd for u is the cigarettes most u mfs smoking that mess y’all up

  16. So is he saying to get rid of:
    • Dr. Rhonda Sealey-Thomas
    • Dr. Albert Duncan
    • Raju Boddu
    • Darwin Telemaque
    • Atlee Rodney
    • Sir Ronald Sanders
    • Salvation Army Major who prays in Parliament?

      • Rude boy best you hush can tell it bother you cuz u comment why would u make someone as dumb as a bat make u comment seems like u the dumb one to me

        • Ppl like u listen that “clown” . Most of you are not very smart. What I said was ” dunce as a Bat” ..not dumb as Bat. Fits you perfectly though…’DUMB BAT”…..Dwl..lol

    • Exactly. J’ Truth and all those who are asking for Burford to be removed simply because he is not from Antigua are being xenophobic. They are no different from Trump wanting to keep Mexicans and Muslims out of the USA. And considering that Burford is a fellow black man, it makes me wonder why Antigua blacks would hate a Jamaican black Caribbean man simply because he is not Antiguan. We need to get over these foolish hatreds.

      • The guy is an Antiguan TRUMPer. We don’t need that kind of hate here. He really sounds distressed, and if you know his whole story you’ll begin to understand. I actually feel sorry for him.

      • We don’t hate him u see anybody from antigua with any big position in jamaica no cuz all hell would of broke loose same should be happening here but antiguan ppl are choose to see and not see what they want

    • So what are those on your famous list the only one that can do these JOBS .

  17. When I first came here to work, it was on behalf of my company. I could not believe what I was seeing. Almost all the top jobs, including national security, were held by foreigners. Because I liked Antigua, I wanted to stay and I knew it would not be hard to get a job when my contract was over.

    I have never seen such a thing any where else. I asked why this was so and I was told that the government prefers foreigners in the top positions so they could control them and the people easier. I was around long enough to see that this was true.
    Antigua is a strange place. The people do not have any national confidence, and having to watch this type of thing happening to them seems to make them worse. No national should ever have to feel inferior in his own country. No national should have to watch helplessly as others come in and take over their country. This is what is happening to Antigua. It is like a national mourning is going on. The people seem helpless to do anything about it because the leader is the one who is causing them to have this inferiority complex. He doesn’t seem to mind the Chinese coming to recolonize Antigua, and Antiguans are not doing anything about it. I think they will live to regret this.

  18. To continue your list:

    Gregory Georges
    Anthony Armstrong
    Suzan Snaggs-Wilson
    Garfield Burford

    Way too many foreigners in the top positions in this country. This would cause rioting anywhere else in the world. Antiguans and Barbudans need to hold most if not all of these positions (non nationals should get these jobs ONLY when one of our people cannot fill the post.) This phenomenon of foreigners at the helm of our ship must come to an end. We love people that come here to contribute meaningfully but this is just ridiculous now.

    • The problem is that the Foreigners do what they are told without questions. Antiguans will stand up for what is right so they put the Foreigners in those positions because they are easier to control.

  19. There is a document called For Your Eyes Only. It was written to Lester Bird before the 2004 elections. In it advised Bird how to take away the jobs from Antiguans and give them to foreigners. This document should be mandatory reading for any course in National Patriotism.
    Today, Bird has been made a national hero and is Antigua’s highest ranking ambassador abroad.
    Strange place. Very strange place.

  20. J’Truth’s language might be ripe, but the young man is spot on with what he is saying. He seems to be the only one who has the courage to voice what others are thinking.
    The UPP is afraid to say one word that would sound negative about non-nationals. Knight is the only one who is showing some guts. And the ALP is using them and discarding them as it sees fit.
    Yes, J’Truth is right. Come and push me around in my own country? What could go so? Ask a Jamaican, a Guyanese. Do you think an Antigua can go to their country and the same thing happens? You’re out of your feeble mind.

  21. Profanity is a form of verbal abuse, smallmindedness, and bullying, not to mention stunted intelligence. This usually indicates the abuser would be hells to live with. Antiguans are now well educated and for the most part people with dignity and values. Our people are better than than this guy, for sure. He seems to think he’s somebody, but he’s not, obviously.

    • Seems like someones upset no man is better than another u bleed we bleed to u same six feet all of us a go when the time come

  22. Come pan da live n share y’all bs opinion there n stop hide over yah lol punch a coward over yah lol move all aryou quel

  23. J truth is the reason why everyone is waking up from the sleeper hold. And that is scaring many people but, understand that young people are FED up and we will take back what belongs to us. If this government or any government feels that they’re going to stifle and mistreat us moving forward…THINK AGAIN. J’truth don’t worry. They’re coming for you because you’re making an impact. But, you are protected in more ways than you can imagine. God and Magic.

  24. Why does everything have to be about politics?? Do you go with him to vote at the poles? His whole family is ABLP so he has stronger ties to ABLP than UPP. Y’all always trying to politicize everything when it is just simply facts. In any other country this could never happen.

  25. Half of yall in the comments taking but if it was gaston yall woulda open wide and swallow um

  26. So according to J’Truth Antiguans should fill the top positions in Antigua which is good and all so what about all the Antiguans who are filling top positions overseas? Hmmmmm?

    • Those overseas countries are big countries with lots of opportunities. Antigua is a small country with limited opportunities. Don’t fool yourself there are very few Antiguans in top positions overseas. In fact many are employed below their qualifications and abilities.

  27. What J’truth is saying makes a great deal of sense. I remember a few years ago when we had that lady over our immigration department. The statement that was made was that there wasn’t an Antiguan or Barbudan who could fill the position. Aparantly we seemed to have found an Antiguan who can now lead the immigration department. Xenophobia should never be tolerated. But we should be smart about how we approach this issue and take a page from the USA on how to fill top positions in government to encourage economic prosperity and put and end to our economic brain drain.

    • “Katrina Yearwood is the daughter of long standing parliamentarian Sir Robin Yearwood.” ANR 2017

      • I was refering to the lady who was there before katrina. We seem to have forgotten how that went down.

      • I guess the government had to put a close relative of a politician to head the immigration department so they can let in as many foreigners as they want and fast tract them to become voters. Robin Yearwood said UPP does love foreigners but I guess labour does. Every body knows why.

  28. There is a difference between filling a top position in a country as oppose to filling every single top position in a country ….Which other country is this happening in ???

  29. Keep up that good work,J’Truth.You are a man who loves his country.A Antigua you come fram.A dey you barn.Let no one stopped you from expressing yourself.I see you have brought all of those Gastonites and Laborites.You are doing a heck of a job.When you could bring them out.Freedom of Speech,Freedom of Expressions are the orders of our days.

  30. J Fluke want Garfield position it seems… #CompleteWasteMan y’all can’t blame him too much because that “Over Ripe” mango was raised up by an Harlot and a drunk.. This mfo need to go look some construction work fo do and stop come on fb to beg.. Mfo be like: Beg y’all a car cover, beg y’all computer keyboard, beg y’all gift for my unborn😮, beg beg, fking beg.. Ya lazy rass nah hear the bible say, “By the sweat of your bro you shall eat bread”..

  31. Big mouth, loud mouth, trying to position himself in the public’s eye, no one cares, go away and get a real job

  32. This is not a new topic it has been well ventilated many times.
    Under UPP
    Head of Port foreigner (he is one of us)
    Head of Airport foreigner
    Head of Customs foreigner
    Head of Immigration foreigner
    Only ports, main revenue source and immigration in the hands of foreign elements.
    Head of tourism authority foreigner
    Control of main industry’ in the hands of foreign element
    Police force foreigner (he is one of us)


  33. As I figured, it’s all an act. He needs a real job. Beggar. He obviously has no education. Maybe we could get him into some kind of adult education courses. The guy IS an Antiguan TRUMPer.

    • “Kristi” how many times are you gonna respond to someone’s comments. Get a job seems like some of you sleep on here ?

  34. When Weston said alot of serian dont have qualifications being big contractors alot of people didnt have much to say.

    The politics has divide us so long we can’t think logically

    I dont believe Jtruth is against foreigners is just that as a logical and unbiased person the question must comes to mind.

    Why are all the top positions filled by non nationals when they have qualified nationals?

    The politicians are the ones making the decisions they want to control everything, politicians love working with (Yes Man)

  35. The #BASTARD complex and syndrome have reared its ugly head again, amongst Caribbean People.
    While there are concerns, anger, frustrations by those affected on both sides of the fence, and even those sitting on the fence regarding the #FOREIGNERS, and rightfully so, there are more components in the equation besides, “the head of departments” which need to be addressed systematically, to bring some semblance to this vexing and troublesome issue, of #FOREIGNERS in your own Nation, and by Nation, I mean the a #True Caribbean Nation, and not the #Quasi individual ones(Antigua, Barbuda & Redonda, Barbados, Jamaica, Grenada etc), let loose like wild animals in a jungle(concrete and skyscrapers) released by their masters, and fed few pieces of meat scraps when they make them hungry and ravenous enough to fight over like a pack of wild dogs, for the carcasses left by the Lions!

    There is no Quasi Caribbean Nation, that can go it alone, survive and thrive going forward into the future.

    Antiguans, yes you need and should protect your interests at home, but not at the expense of isolation. Many of these #FOREIGNERS are teaching, have taught you and will continue to teach you, the need to hustle with humble aggression, the need for comradery and unity within your homes and by extension, the Community’s.

  36. J’Lie, why aren’t you at the helm? Guess you aren’t qualify…so just be quiet….you are just like them whites in slavery time….keeping down the black man. If you believe in God for one minute, you would not think like that.

    • “Respect for Everyone ” You sound like a serious ASS. So because he’s not qualified he should be quiet what a brain dead response !

  37. I do believe.There are many Antiguans and Barbudans at home and abroad.Who are quite capable.To fill all top levels positions in the Nation.When you look around Antigua.You are telling me.Only foreigners could fill the positions at the Deep Water Port,Collector of Customs and other Senior Positions in the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.I say,it is time to begin to take a second look.For instance that position at ABS.No local person could have filled that created slot. An outsider had to be brought in to fill it.Give a darn break.

  38. Too many blue cloth and red cloth is wrapped around the eyes of the people in this nation that we have become political thinkers instead of logical thinkers, The politicians are the ones responsible for this division.

  39. I have a feel points to add to this forum:

    1. The persons At that hold these top office have worked in lower positions for years under the previous persons that held them. So they have gained experience and mileage back in times when there were not much Antiguan born with the experience and degree to held the top office. They already had experience and mileage and not withstanding that I can say some of them already had their degrees while working in lower positions, so they were recommended over their Antiguan born counterparts.

    2. When the foreigners being in top position is going to look pass politics to promote persons and carry out their duties irrespective of who belongs to this party and that party, who related to who, and who knows who, they Antiguan born counterparts don’t normally do the same.

    3. So now that we have a few more Antiguan born went away and study and came back with degrees; Is the government to fire the so called foreigners who hold these top positions and place the Antiguan born in their office? Baring in mind they have no experience no mileage under they belt.

    I will say this; both Red and Blue governments are fully aware that Antigua and Barbuda is a political island and they would prefer a foreigner in certain positions than an Antiguan Born individual whose political affiliation would hider their office. I can remember back in the day when Antigua and Barbuda had to source out foreigners to join the Police Force because no Antiguans wanted to serve and now that they hear about the money and they want power they are flocking like birds to join and serve. Why are they not flocking the military as they are flocking police headquarters? I’ll tell you why! It’s because the military discipline is way different in comparison to that of the police and the pay is not as good as the police. Now I’m not advocating for neither government or the j. Truth. Sometimes J truth have some good points that is worth listening to but from the time he let out his explicits he tosses his intellectual intelligence out the door the same time.

  40. I do not believe the UPP and its supporters have any moral authority to make any comments about foreignors in high places. For it was under their adminsitration when they fire the entire top of the police force and brought in Canadians mounties to run our police department. They also brought in Roy Boyke and gave him all sorts of political title and authority and then a Guyanese Attorney was made special investogator, putting him above the Chief of Police. And we can go on. The Port, the Customs Department and the Airport. All persons were brought in by the UPP administration.

    • We have a serious problem in Antigua where everything is controlled by politicians. They control by putting people in acting positions to do their biddings. Serious changes need to take place in Antigua.

      • ACB has a St. Lucian lady as General Manager. Does the government has anything to do with that?

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