Dear friends in Antigua
2025 is the year of giving back and strengthening my community!
Therefore, over the next 12 months, I will be offering FREE psychotherapy and trauma recovery sessions, mental fitness checkups and sleep management sessions.
This is being done thorough a global initiative which I have launched – The International Mental Fitness Center – and is open to anyone in who needs support.
Jamion Knight, M.A, MSc, M.A, MBACP
International Psychotherapist / Insomnia Management Specialist / Trauma Recovery Coach
Advertise with the mоѕt vіѕіtеd nеwѕ ѕіtе іn Antigua!
We offer fully customizable and flexible digital marketing packages.
Contact us at [email protected]

I was offering similar services, and a bit more (easier access to crime victim and terrorism victim funds) to assist in trauma recovery for Antiguans and Barbudans and US residents, if the victim is a resident of a US state visiting Antigua when they were victimize or whether the Antiguan and Barbudan were victimized while visiting the US but ABLP say they would not help by simply requesting my applications with the firearms department is decided on the merit and within a reasonable time. I am not working in Antigua without safety measures.
However, I am proud of this person for making such offer. Thank you. Never give up on helping others.
Thank you Jamion Knight for your kind offer to your people in Antigu and Barbuda. Don’t allow that fraudulent leech to try to attach
Itself to your cause. Let it stay where it is. There are many citizens our there in the diaspora who can be persuaded to avail themselves of its services without local government’s paying for its so-calledfree gift to the people. God bless you, Jamion!
We appreciate your time and service
This is a great initiative and one that is needed
That’s some good stuff right there.
KUDOS To Mr. Jamion Knight!!!!
I almost Wish I was still at an age to become involved in THIS “International Mental Fitness Initiative” …… A Small Piece of Which will be Based in Antigua/Barbuda. …. The Country of Birth of Mr. Knight …..
Thank you Sir for THIS MASSIVE “Give Back” to the Country of your Birth …. after assisting so many Other Countries in Our World …….
…… What an opportunity for the Young and Not so Young Professionals (and soon-to-be Professionals) to Become involved in THIS international Effort!!!!
I am particularly Intrigued by the Fact that 2 Countries of Our Motherland (Kenya and Rwanda) are being Targeted along with Costa Rica, Syria, and Sierra Leone……..
Having a small piece of This “New Age”, “Advanced Technological” Collaborative International Mental Fitness Initiative based HERE will Definitely Help Us Here In Antigua/Barbuda to Spring Forward in Addressing this Great Need that exists Locally in Our Population (especially our children & Youth) for Mental Fitness!!
A popular saying of my Father is: “The Mind is THE Thing!” …. What We Can Conceive AND Believe ….. We WILL Achieve……
Mr. Jaimion Knight WILL Succeed in THIS Initiative……..!!! And I Look Forward (with God’s Help and Our Continued Prayers) for ANU/BAR To Lead The Way to Mental Fitness in THIS Area of the World …….
……. “We Likkle but We Tallawah” …….
God Speed Mr. Knight!! Keeping My Ears Close to the Ground on This Initiative….. With your Training and Past Experiences in So Many Necessary Areas ….. I See ONLY SUCCESS Ahead…… Asking ALL Prayer Worriers ….. Let Us All Keep THIS Initiative in Your Global Prayer Efforts… until It is Realized…… May God Be PRAISED ALWAYS!!!!!
WONDERFUL NEWS 🎊 🙌🏾 🇦🇬 Thank you sir
P.S. all the people who resigned from UPP will need your service. They endured a lot of trauma, bullying and depression at the hands of the CHAOS DEMON 😈
Wow, Jamion Knight has stepped up, fantastic.
Mr Knight, can I suggest that you provide some contact details so that the many people who are desperate for your help can get in contact with you and get your program up and running
There is a wave of gambling addiction in Antigua many struggle with this problem and there is no help available. Homes are bring lost and families destroyed.
what gambling are you talking about???? the only gambling addiction is over in Barbuda according to Trevor Walker who cussed them out.
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