Jamaica Observer — Chief Executive Officer at the Mandeville Regional Hospital, Alwyn Miller, says the facility has resorted to placing some patients on mattresses in the outpatient department as the surge in COVID-19 cases continues.
“We provided mattresses for them to lie on, you will see oxygen cylinders in the proximity… That is a holding space prior to them being moved to the isolation ward when the space becomes available,” he told OBSERVER ONLINE a short while ago.
A picture of inside the hospital has gone viral which shows the patients on mattresses.
“As we did the other day when [Tropical Storm] Grace was passing, we had to move the patients indoors and we used the outpatient department — which is the department [where] that picture is depicting there now — to take the patients inside the building out of the inclement weather,” he added.
He explained that some patients were removed from the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department.
“We had a situation on Friday evening where we had 21 patients that were between the tent and the A&E department. It is not practical for us to keep them in the A&E department and the tent, because we recognised that more people are coming in and when they come in, we have to triage them under the tent, so we have to make the space,” said Miller.
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Why are they not teaching the people how to treat the virus rather than jamming needles in their bodies which is not helping so said the maker of the vaccine. So why is none of the nurses and doctors getting sick, because all you are saying is just the patients, please stop the lies and acting scripts and please be honest with people and stop putting fear into people. My Heavenly Father is not a founder of fear, fear comes from the pit of HELL where their father resides. Father come and get your children.
…..because Dr’s and nurse wear protective gear and are smart enough to know that this virus is real.
How much more educating do we need? Fear? Ask a Dr or a Nurse who has to treat COVID patients and then go home to their families. When you watch someone close to you take their last breath due to COVID…you will know fear, but a little too late.
Just protect yourself to protect others. Even if you believe it’s a lie, protect yourself for the sake of a child….an elderly person…..who’s immune system isn’t as strong as yours.
Protecting yourself to protect a child or and elderly person is not possible with a leaky vaccine, when a person call still become infected and still transmit. Data is showing that vaccinated persons are asymptomatic but carry higher viral loads 251% higher than an unvaccinated person. If you have no symptoms, because thats what the vaccine is supposed to do, then you won’t know you’re sick and should avoid others; you will literally be taking it to you child or granny. Data also show that asymptomatic spread in unvaccinated persons are negligible. The noble prize winning French scientist Luc Montagnier says the vaccines are causing the mutations, precisely because they don’t prevent infection.
Correction Nobel
Jelly are you an idiot? Just wasted a minute reading the sh#t you wrote… please go and find a rock and go under it.
Yardie dead out… nice😊
You are making it sound as if the vaccine will protect when it’s slowly eating your red blood cells away, did the tell you that. Don’t misquote me, the virus is real stop being side blinded, the day will come when he have to answer to the Most High WHY. I never seen such little faith in people, where is your backbone.
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