JAMAICA GLEANER- A survey of salaries conducted among 119 companies in 20 Caribbean countries released this week indicates that Jamaica may have the lowest salaries in the region on average.
According to the survey, the salaries in Jamaica fell below the regional average in 91 per cent of the roles surveyed, which was the highest percentage among the countries surveyed.
The Caribbean Salary Survey Report: Pay Pulse 2024 was produced by the Caribbean Society for Human Resource Professionals, CSHRP, in collaboration with Caribbeanjobs.com.
In the report, now in its third edition, The Bahamas emerged as the salary leaders, particularly in executive and specialised positions, followed by St Kitts and Nevis and Barbados.
The Bahamas was found to pay above the Caribbean market rate in 97.3 per cent of the roles surveyed in the country, St Kitts and Nevis paid above the Caribbean average in 94.7 of the roles surveyed, while Barbados paid above market rate in 76.3 per cent of the roles surveyed.
At the other end of the scale, the survey showed that Jamaica’s salaries fell below the market in 91 per cent of the roles surveyed, Belize paid below in 90.9 per cent of the roles surveyed, while St Vincent and the Grenadines paid below average in 82.2 per cent of the roles surveyed.
The survey, conducted mainly by lead researcher Kimberley Largie, analysed the salaries in 78 roles in 34 industries across the region from top positions such as CEO, general manager, and chief marketing officer to entry-level positions including groundsmen, bartender, janitor, cashier, and receptionist.
Commenting on the work of CSHRP, board deputy chairman Vaughn McDonald said the organisation is positioning itself “as a factory for current research on data and the world of work as we know it in our region”.
McDonald, in his overview, said three sectors stood out in terms of compensation, namely, human resources; banking, financial services and insurance; and hospitality, tourism, and catering. “These industries are not just setting a salary benchmark. They are driving economic transformation in our region,” he said.
On the other hand, McDonald said “education, childcare and training, retailing, wholesaling and purchasing, and the public sector present opportunities for compensation reform”.
CSHRP, however, seemed to acknowledge possible limitations of the survey. “While robust, we acknowledge that our salary survey represents a snapshot of participating organisations and may not capture the market variations across the different countries and industries,” McDonald said.
Meanwhile, the organisation hopes that the survey results will spur more dialogue about salaries in the region.
“As a region, we must collectively define what constitutes compensation packages and address financial security while considering the total employee experience. As you explore this report, consider the implications beyond the numbers,” McDonald said.
In response to queries about the survey, Largie disclosed that only 6.5 of total survey responses came from the public sector, while in Jamaica, public sector representation accounted for 3.6 per cent of responses for the country.
Largie also revealed that 14.4 per cent of of the responses came from micro enterprises (less than 10 employees), 18 per cent of responses were from small enterprises (11-50 employees), 41.7 per cent of responses were from medium enterprises (51-250 employees), while 25.9 per cent of responses were from large enterprises (more than 250 employees).
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No wonder UPP & BRUCE GOODWIN called them “PAUPERS”
Low salary, Low morals, Low ethics, Low behaviour
Hig crime, High violence, High ghetto vibes
Boy richard lewis u sarl. Biggest mistake u mek was to marry a JAMAICAN #PoliticalSuicide
UPP don’t want you or she!!!!! truth hurts.
Conversation between UPP’s Bruce Goodwin and Algernon “Serpent” Watts on Observer Radio:
“We have been very welcoming. They have come here. They could never have achieved in GUYANA and J-A-M-A-I-C-A what they achieved here in Antigua. I know Jamaica very well. I have lived there. I know Guyana very well – I have travelled there on many occasions. If you know the amount of P-A-U-P-E-R-S in J-A-M-A-I-C-A and in Guyana…”
It may be low but there rent houses are exceptionally well affordable I have been there with my husband on vacation an I have seen there houses they have on rent compare to our houses in Antigua an there houses are not rotten down no one rent you rotten down houses in ja my aunty an cousins born Antigua an living Jamaica over 35 yrs the money may be low but it’s a beautiful place
Why people talking bout crime??? They speak about low income money now person talking bout crime in Jamaica kmft how many crimes we have in Antigua so far??? By fucking our Antigua ppl
no more bauxite so dem currency weak weak. “Millions” can get you a box of KFC in Jamaica🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Can you tell me where the salary scale for Antigua fall? I notice we are not listed or mentioned in this survey.
Where do we fall under this now!!!! How is this a laughing matter now!!!! I see nothing funny because Jamaican maintain themselves more better than here lots a Jamaican I know leave Antigua an go back Jamaica because they find it better there
Dnt let the income fool you thst Jamaica has because lots a Jamaica built there home before they ever came here an the money they making here landlord taking all there money so dnt excited because there’s nothing in Antigua to achieve thst big
Dnt let the income fool you thst Jamaica has because lots a Jamaica built there home before they ever came here an the money they making here landlord taking all there money so dnt excited because there’s nothing in Antigua to achieve thst big
Nothing here to achieve that they can’t in there own country because I 9nce live in Jamaica for 3 yrs an I find there ok to live food wise clothes wise than antigua so I dnt think the low money matters Jamaica people knows how to live
You all should not rejoice because if we dnt give you all bananas there’s no iron in you all fucking body!!!! Antigua expensive to live an you dnt get pay enough to pay bills an rent so why rejoice!!! ANTIGUA WORST THSN JAMAICA
somebody touch ya corn??? if Antigua ain’t no paradise why so much a oonu war fee come ear???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 RUN WAY!!!!
OONU NEED FEE GOO BACK A JAMROCK!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Plenty space in Jamaica but oonu war fee full up other ppl kunchee wid oonu BAD WAYS!!!!!
“…Ebree likkle mickle, mek a muckle!”
This is the mantra of every Jamaican from inventor to gangsta.
They never put themselves down, don’t let another do it: and, are very innovative and creative.
To any Jamaica, it’s not what or how much you make. It’s what you do with it.
Foolish pride is not a part of their hustle. Ebree likkle mickle, mek a muckle!
wait! so Editor de yardeez dem vex at the survey???? Dem need to save that energy and put it into fighting crme, wickedness and poverty in Kingston instead!
Well dem can find de survey and lick 2 bloodclat wud under de survey pussyclart
Watta set a negroes
When Antigua finally start producing there own crops then you allow to judge others in your rassole!!!! Dnt judge others when your country is dependable on other country to survive
I understand person rent expensive houses to tourist but since when are we allowed to criticise other country when we working for less an living expenses are sky high!!!!! I never been to Jamaica but know person who have an there houses are nothing compare to our house we renting in Antigua so we should not point fingers when we can’t survive in our own country
I would only add this. This story was carried in the major Jamaican media before it appeared in ANR. It is commonly well known across the Caribbean that the salary scales in the Bahamas, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda and St. Kitts are far higher than in other sister territories including Jamaica. In Jamaica, because of the very low salary scales, call center operations predominate. Jamaica has more call centre’s than all the other islands put together. Call center operators usually gravitate to countries with very low salary and labour cost, great infrastructural development, outstanding telecommunications infrastructure and a good and educated work pool. Jamaica has all of that.
In recent times, workers in the key hotel sector had been restive with a number of then striking and picketing. No other Caribbean sees the kinds of tourists like Jamaica. Yet they are the lowest paid in the industry Caribbean wide and life most of the work pool in Jamaica, they are not Unionized so owners and operators of hotels just take advantage of them. The same is true of the Call Centers.
What ppl snt understand is even tho the income low you dnt have to stick to one job lots of us are doing something on the side so nothing to be ashamed of
Lol dnt watch that income if your Jamaican you know how to survive off YouTube Facebook an tik tok
How can Antiguans produce their own crops when you, the Jamaicans, come and take up our agricultural lands for housing. Right now Gaston Browne is taking agricultural lands and turning them into housing developments so the Jamaicans and Dominicans have a place to live. Yes, Jamaica and Dominica are richer in natural resources than Antigua, including manufacturing a percentage of the products they consume, whereas Antigua doesn’t have such manufacturing.
Dominican bananas are so toxic with the chemical called Ethephon. The bananas in Antigua are organic. Antigua is paradise for the majority of Jaminicans and Dominicans living in the country. Some Jaminicans don’t even want to go back to their country not even for a visit.
Yes dem fraid fee goo back coz GUNSHOT a wait fee dem. Jamaicans in Antigua will tell you that they make wayyyyyy more money in Antigua than back a yard.
They already know the ASTRONOMICAL CRIME RATE and VILE BEHAVIOUR permeating Jamaica
When did Jamaican take antigua lands??? When half lives in rent houses?????
Kmt you all are pathetic lots of waste land here you can uterlise but you all lazy
Why do people (especially Jamaicans) keep dragging Dominicans into discussions about Jamaicans lately? Dominicans are generally good, peaceful, law abiding people who have lived side by side with Antiguans in Antigua for decades. Many born and bred Antiguans have Dominican ancestors. Dominicans came in humbly and peacefully, didn’t cause any problems and have made many contributions to Antigua. Dominican society has many good things to emulate. I encourage every Antiguan to learn more about the way of life in Dominica. Dominica traditionally has stable marriages, healthy food, good housing, good community spirit, good moral values etc. On the other hand, Jamaica, although it has many wonderful people, is plagued with crime, violence, gangsta and ghetto behaviour. So, of course, people are are concerned about those behaviours coming to Antigua and being adopted by youth here as has been happening recently. Also, bear in mind that unlike Dominica, Jamaica’s population is much bigger than Antigua’s; so it is easy for Antigua to be overwhelmed if too many persons from a larger country enter. Also, Jamaicans are big and bold with their culture – so they might try to dominate instead of trying to fit in. So, please stop mentioning other islands when people complain are concerned about too many people coming here. Antiguans are not that Xenophobic that they want to keep everyone out. Jamaica is just a special case. Jamaicans should try to learn something from the more peaceful islands and make some changes to their culture instead of overreacting and trying to sow division amongst others.
Jamaica has lots of great natural food and other products on the market these days that they supply throughout the region and further abroad. They should keep going with that trend. Keep producing and scaling up. Perhaps their salaries will continue to rise over time. They also have lots of talent in entertainment. A lot of artists just need to infuse a bit more of good morals in their offerings to appeal to a wider audience.
@Giselse,,,I just have to lol,,,,,its 2024 going to 2025 sorry to know that ambitious immigrants/foreigners continue to outshine lazy nationals on they’re own turf,,,,Not to worry, the USA where a lot of your people were born or living has the same kinda situation,,,,Black Americans sit on they’re ass and pull the same card as you,,,,,as a Guyanese of middle class origin,,,it feels good to have property in your country and my birth country,,,, sensing your anger seems you might just own locally smh,,,,thanks for the opportunity for regional integration Vere Cornwall Bird Sr,,, that’s why they’re s a statue of you for your future generations to see
Thank God for Guyana’s oil, and we are enjoying our passports being internationally acclaimed once more no cip needed,,its like while we go up,,,,you continue to sell everything in your 108sq miles, passports included,,,the xcd continues to drop daily in Guyana and we just received USD $500 per person over 18,,,,no Christmas bonuses for you guys this year,,,,World Boss will be putting the money into winning another term 😂,,,, and one thing i know for sure,,,,Antigua does not have food like Jamaica let alone Guyana,,,,if you don’t have money in this country you’ll hungry,,,,you guys are going great,,,,you can’t hungry in Guyana,,,we literally throw food away everyday,,,,even you guys buy our food products from stalwart Guyanese establishments like Chase enterprises and go to in pigotts,,,, Always proud to see how after being underdogs my people always have the grit to rise above negativity,,,, we’re BIG DONERS at inland revenue 🧏🏽♂️
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