Isaac reminds Sir Molwyn that he inherited a pristine hospital and ill health does not wear party colours


Source Real News: Chairman of the United Progressive Party (UPP) D.Gisele Isaac is yet
another person highlighting the poor performance of Health
Minister Sir Molwyn Joseph.

Joseph has been receiving harsh criticism from all quarters, with
some members of the public christening him “the worst minister of

health in the history of Antigua and Barbuda” – although he has
been knighted for his services.

Isaac says that Sir Molwyn has proven himself to be massively
incompetent, with every aspect of his ministry and everything under
his portfolio bearing witness to this.

In fact, she says, the healthy and sick, living and dead, have all had
an experience of Sir Molwyn’s ineptitude, and she is amazed by his
indifference to human suffering.

Meanwhile, the UPP is curious to learn how the Sir Lester Bird
Medical Centre – which the Gaston Browne Administration
inherited in pristine condition in 2014, and for which Sir Molwyn
has had oversight for 10 years – has deteriorated so badly.

She notes that the UPP ran the hospital for five years and did not
encounter all the issues for which Sir Molwyn is seeking to cast
blame – such as mold, a non-functioning air-condition system, and
rodent infestation.

Isaac also chastises Sir Molwyn for claiming the hospital has no
operations manuals and giving that as the reason for many of the
issues impacting the medical facility.

According to Isaac, no one accepts the health minister’s excuse,
since even a toaster oven comes with a manual.

Looking at what has taken place at the cemeteries and the clinics,
among other areas, Iaaac states that there is nothing Sir Molwyn can
say, with confidence, that he has done well.

Rather, there is total confusion in the public healthcare system, she

She notes that the issue of health does not wear “party colours,”
since anyone can have an emergency situation requiring medical

In the meantime, Isaac says she is not blaming the doctors and
nurses at the hospital for the conditions in which they have to work,
and she credits them with doing the best they can with the resources available.
Ultimately, she says, the buck stops with Sir Molwyn.

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  1. This woman always spewing LIES. During the UPP administration the health Minister was always absent from work , the hospital was in very poor condition. With an ABLP administration We sre now capable of performing KIDNEY transplant, more Doctors on staff and service at the hospital has improved tremendously. UPP is on LIES LIES LIES campaign. MAN COW shut your damn mouth. Take care of your husband. POOR TADI.


      I WILL rename you ”COWER” because you seem to have a problem with POWERFUL, BRILLIANT and INTELLIGENT WOMEN……….GISELLE seem to be a thorn in your sides. I GUESS YOU WERE DROPPED FROM HOLLOW TREE and NOT BORN to a WOMAN!!!
      DO YOU HAVE A MOTHER? I GUESS YOU HAVE NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER FOR HER as its obvious in your rants about the GOOD DAME. WHAT HURT HAS SHE CAUSED YOU GUYS APART FROM YOU DRAINING THE TREASURY OF $3,500,000.00 for you and Michael Brown’s frivolous claim.
      I DO NOT KNOW WHICH HOSPITAL YOU ARE TAKING ABOUT AND WHICH PERIOD, but obviously you haven’t been to the hospital seeking services recently; you only need to talk to one of your fellow MINION TROY and get him to tell you of his experience.

        • @ Fern
          You are soooooo slow… do not understand reverse psychology, lol……you ARE THE CRAPPO FOG.
          Again I hope you don’t leave Mount St John as Freight rather than a passenger… would be only ironic for you AS ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL HAPPENS AT THE HOSPITAL UNDER YOU AND MOLWYN.

    • @FERN. Would you go there to do a kidney transplant now? Would you encourage a friend or family to do the same?…. I didn’t think so.

  2. Seems Isaac suffers from amnesia. I recall during UPP tenure when things got so bad that apua cut off the electricity to the hospital. Then there was the issue where a patient was placed on the sidewalk and left to die. Recall Maginley complaining about the hospital being overburdened and begging persons to use the clinics. Recall the date for the opening of clinics being constantly changed. A more detailed example:

    ” 9th March, 2009 the claimant aged 50 was admitted to the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC) with uncontrolled diabetes and right arm swelling and pain. The claimant was treated with antibiotics from 10th March, 2009 as well as being administered incorrect doses of insulin from the date of her admission to the hospital. [8] The claimant’s condition worsened on 12th March, 2009 and on 15th March, 2009 she was seen by the surgical team of the hospital. On 16th March, 2009 she underwent surgery for a fasciotomy in respect of her arm. The infection the claimant developed and the need for the fasciotomy was caused by the negligence of the defendant” see CLAIM NO. ANUHCV2011/0785 (Master Charlesworth Tabor )

    • @ Tenman, I believe she either has selective amnesia or is banking on the short-term memory of the local populace, as news portals seldom have an online archive of their respective news articles for fact finders to research. I still have copies of The Worker’s Voice, The Outlet, Antigua Sun and a few early prints of The Observer newspaper.

      • @ I know I know nothing
        It appears to me that you labour minions are much hypocrites and lack the ability to reason. Keep deflecting to UPP and don’t demand that your government do what it is elected to do after ten years and see if the conditions in Antigua get better. One day, the whole shit will explode.

        • Please do not make baseless accusations of a complete stranger nor resort to infantile name calling, my comment is a factual comment. I have been a government-vendor for both political parties and I have firsthand experience of their respective short comings.

          I have as much allegiance to either as Arthur Lewis printed on a $100 denomination has a true friend and at this stage of my life I am only interested in the truth and facts, and to state the hospital was prestine is dishonest and misleading.

    • @Tenman
      Are you referring to one unfortunate incidence that happened at the hospital more than ten years ago as justification for the disgraceful condition of the hospital currently? Even in the great USA, medical mistakes happen which result in substantial damages being paid out.
      If the labour government was not so fixated with wealth creation for themselves and instead did what they were elected to do, Antigua wouldn’t be in this mess. They maintain nothing. They repair nothing and when they do try to do anything, the money disappears and the job does not get done. When the top is corrupt, The middle and the bottom becomes corrupt, as people know what is happening and want their share.
      The only thing that will save Antigua is a riddance of the labour government and a new government taking over and cleaning the mess. The new government will have a big job on their hands, as the lack of taking responsibility and corruption is so entrenched in the society, that they will be fighting an up battle.
      One of the issues retarding change is the Labour Party’s determination to stay in power by whatever means, even to the point of swamping Antigua with a lot of non-nationals, some of whom are here only to make money to send back home and couldn’t care less about the future of Antigua. They know that they can always run back to their own country.
      It will be difficult for changes to occur in Antigua when you have a leader who is preparing to go against the peoples’ wishes and commit fraud to stay in power and brag about it. When true democracy is high jacked, we have dictatorship like Papa Doc and Haiti.
      Antigua has never been in this mess. Infrastructure broken. Government buildings in disrepair. Young people have no jobs and running around robbing people wit guns. Roads in disrepair.
      Antigua truly needs a cleansing from what we currently have as a government.

      • @Observation one? You need to either have your glasses checked or get one. I sited one lawsuit but provided other examples. Anyway since you want more examples of lawsuits against the hospital when UPP was in office see two more (quickly researched)

        1. CLAIM NO: ANUHCV 2008/0233
        2. CLAIM NO. ANUHCV2013/0006

        Since you wish to engage in rum shop talk “what’s happening now is a direct result of the mess UPP made”. However, soberly and since I reside here, all involved (managers, board, minister) need to do better regardless to the resource challenges

        • @Tenmam
          I do not engage in rum shop talk, and I do not for that matter drink rum. I know you can read, so you should understand my comments.
          You are citing cases of 2008 and 2013. I won’t even read them as they are over 10 years ago and are irrelevant to what is allowed to happen today.
          I listened to the PM on his radio station on Saturday and heard him mention all the corruption happening under his watch as PM. He also said there was collusion with certain suppliers of services and people in government to rip off the government. Why is he as PM not investigating these people and charging them in the courts and having them fired. What is he afraid of? You can’t expect corrupt people to root out corruption. That is why Antigua needs a cleansing. We need to get rid of the labour government. There are certainly better people to run Antigua, but it is a pity that they would not come forward for fear of having their reputation destroyed on rum shop radio.
          I don’t, today, recognize the peaceful little country i was born in. I am full of fear falling asleep at nights in Antigua. Not knowing when the gun man commeth.

          • @Observation, seems not only are you blind, but like Isaac you suffer from amnesia. Custom brokers and others have been charged during the ABLP term and prior. A simple google search would find : 1.Two Customs brokers slapped with new fraud charges
            27 July 2023, OMG. 2. Antigua: 3 Customs officers charged with fraud, August 2, 2022 3Customs Brokers final court matter advances to High Court Dec 2023. I listened to the program and heard the PM point out that the comptroller of customs has been doing a good job in rooting out the corruption. He also reminded persons that when they engage in such, it negatively impacts the entire country. Clearly you also have a selected hearing problem. All of these issues point to you may be under a curse and hence should go and seek hearing

        • Ms. Issac is on Point. The healthcare system is beyond broken. I have seen it and I have experienced it. Why not fix instead of arguing foolishness? Last year I took water to the ER because a patient called me and said they gave her pills but didn’t have water. You need to stop sucking up and be for your country instead of being just a political hack.

    • @Tenman. Is no so the thing go. I know of the case and grew up with the gentleman; Chester was his name. He had contracted leptospirosis, admitted to the hospital and was discharged. Subsequently, he felt unwell and ventured back to the hospital, on foot, but did not make it, but dying on the sidewalk to the hospital.
      How is APUA cutting off electricity a sign of things bad? It instead shows an attempt to do things the proper way by everyone. I ask you the same question I posed before. Would you or a family member consider doing a kidney transplant at the hospital now?? So things not just bad but terrible. Just face the facts!!

      • @Zackie, I had surgery there about 4 years ago. 3 of my 4 children were born there, the last one 4 years ago. I am headed there shortly to have some tests done. Yes, if i needed to have Kidney surgery done, I would have it done at Sir LB hospital. Really can’t understand why you don’t see that it having its elec disconnected is a bad sign. If you read my prior comment February 20, 2024 At 3:26 pm you would see I did state all concerned need to do better.

  3. Wow wow wow Lady Issac you are right on point commenting on Fern this senseless prattle I believe that he or she berried their Head in the sand and the rare exposed I have over the years listen to Malwyn Joseph and my friend Max Hurst on Fire and Steal discuss the issues on health let me remind that ASS WHOLE that for the ten years of the UPP NONE OF OUR CLINICS WERE CLOSED THEIR WERE EXTENDED PERIOD OF THE OPEN OF THE CLINIC MAINLY GRAYS FARM YOU UNDER STAND YOU PIECE OF SHIT The system was not perfect under this administration you have seen the results of poor services

  4. SLBMC, formerly MSJMC, was officially opened in 2009 under the UPP administration and I recall it was plagued with problems from the onset. Some sections of the hospital were still undergoing construction and the central air conditioning units were also non-functional three years after the official opening, it got to a point where local HVAC technicians volunteered their time and labor to repair or replace the malfunctioning units, and that is why the exterior of the hospital is now littered with mini-split condensers (which is universal with all government buildings) instead of the original central air-conditioning being fully operational.

    I believe a rodent entered a high voltage electrical panel and it short circuited a few years after it opened, and the incinerator also stopped working. I remember sitting in the waiting area and looking up at a supply vent and all I saw was a heavy layer of dust on the ceiling tiles.

  5. THIEVES , LIARS , MURDERERS and CRIMINALS these are the adjectives that describe OPPOSITION party in Antigua. The Opposition party should not criticize the ruling administration in Antigua. The short time They were in power Antigua and Barbuda were in turmoil. One Minister accepting brown paper bag. What a calamity. Opposition is not in a position to criticize ABLP because of Their past criminal activities.

    • @ JP
      You might as well replace your initials J=Junk, P=Prostitute with JUNK PROSTITUTE.
      Keep singing for Supper and your board fees but they will soon dry up.
      Gaston is just prostituting all of you, basically showing you have no conscience.

    • And never forget @ JP, that the 40 years of Birdism and Browneism has been an utter disaster for the country – and you talking ’bout 13 years under the tutelage of UPP?


      LISTEN MI BOSS … 😁

  6. Listening to Joanne and Knight last evening. I am asking this question….Is Joanne married or has Children ? If She has a husband or children, I am sure They must be totally EMBARRASSED with Her behaviour on radio. Joanne lack everything that ladies possessed. She is crude and is a total EMBARRASSMENT to All women in Antigua. Joanne stop following Knight because We know who He is….He does not know which gender He belong. I hope you will stop embarrassing your children. I know you can do much better. I know your family. Stop following bubble head Knight.

    • @ Sear

      OK MINION. Knight and Joan really have the government on tentacles 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. But the same bullshit keeps happening at the hospital no matter who is in power. I think the problem is the lack of training at the hospital.

  8. Health care is an expensive and costly commodity all over the world. Whether true or perceived, we have heard of too many questionable instances of poor health service at the lone Hospital. The strain on the hospital has been exasperated because the authorities have failed to adequately utilize the many Health Centers that have been built in various communities over the years. And so citizens runs to the hospital for everything and the poor hospital is bursting at the seams.
    Government pays doctors to be at the health centers and they spend little or no time there and instead wisk to their private practice and make money on governments time.
    The health of the nation is the wealth of the nation and for a people who pays substantial amount in Medical Benefits, more is expected from our health sector.
    Maybe it’s about time for the Prime Minister to reshuffle his pack as the current Health Minister seem tired in that demanding and tiresome role .

    • mbs needs to spend the monies better

      for the many doctors who know the salary, they do not sign on to work at the health centers

      the centers should open for longer hours but if no one wants to work there, what’s the use

      time for a reshuffle of everything in this country, everyone is tired

  9. Minions, no matter what red cool aid venom you spill, you can’t erase the fact that under ALP, EVERYTHING has fallen apart. Tell us ONE thing that has not been a victim of this government’s ineptitude, incompetence or failure. Just ONE.
    Everything they touch turns to trash. A sort of reverse Midas touch if you please.
    I wonder if this isn’t a deliberate tactic on the DAWG’S part? So long as UPP was instrumental in the process, just do all possible to let it deteriorate.
    This highlights the dunce elements that run rampant in this country. Just defend the incompetence and ineptitude of this government at all cost, but how stupid is that, because eventually, it will affect you. Just ask Troy Allen. Remember, the clowns you defend have options you don’t have. They can wing off to the best, courtesy the taxpayers, while you will have to settle for MSJMC. Perhaps beyond the aptitude of the Labourites and Gastonites, but it bears saying.

  10. Another outstanding contribution and commentary by the Most Honourable D. Gisele Isaacs.

    Molwyn Joseph inherited a pristine hospital when ABLP came to power in 2014 (sadly, to my chagrin – at that time -, I was an ABLP supporter), and 10 years later the place has deteriorated to such a extent that it might have to be condemned for health and safety reasons. How sad!

    The Gastonites and ABLP acolytes can howl and carry on as much as they like, but they cannot deny that this happened under Molwyn’s watch.

    Look at what these ABLP supporters are defending:

    1. Lack of life-saving equipment(s)

    2. Lack of qualified medical practitioners

    3. Poor working conditions

    4. A fast deteriorating building

    5. Updating the outdated current equipment

    6. Ensuring that the hospital is clean and free from harmful and dangerous viruses that can spread throughout, and could infect staff and patients alike

    7. Cutting the long waiting times to be seen by medical professionals

    8. The Health Minister must oversee that the right people are qualified to carry out what’s required by his department

    9. Anyone who attends hospital must expect the same care and attention as any member of the cabinet, whether they at home or dancing abroad

    10. If you cannot do any of the above with the financial might that you have (now that Antigua is a economic powerhouse), then pack your damn bags and get lost. Gu way!

    Over to you ABLP acolytes, in 3, 2, 1 … Kaboofum 🔥

    • @

      BRIXTONIAN …When will you stop telling lies and making your AR ****SE a perfect clown. Damn liar. Still singing for your supper. Find a job. You lazy son of an ITCH with the B.

      • And there you have it, I knew I wouldn’t have to wait long for an ABLP acolyte to respond.

        KABOOFUM 🔥🔥🔥

        I love ANR threads 🤣🤣🤣

  11. As much as y’all ALP asswipers can talk crap about Miss Giselle, there is one thing y’all cannot say, and it’s that the UPP have corrupt opprotives in their mix.

    The Head of the ALP government is as corrupt as they can get,and his corruption has been passed down to his leadership members of his cabinet and beyond.

    So yes, even though no political party has all the answers at any given time, I can safe without a doubt, that the difference between these two parties is that, one is corrupted beyond prepare, and the other is just trying to find its leadership and move forward for the good of this country.

    So that’s the choice at the poles people, that’s the choice.

    No of these politicians are perfect, but a falable and corrupt person that’s leading the country, will be the scourge of Antigua and Barbuda going forward if we stick with these slimy bastards.

    So those are the facts we a face with, simple.

  12. While both sides throw brick-bats at each other, no one seems to know or care who commissioned the hospital.

    Under whose watch was it designed; specified built and commissioned?

    Medical Centers are among the most specialized and sophisticated building.

    Wasn’t it Allen Stanford who financed and was responsible for The Medical Center building construction activities.

    Who was looking out for the Government during the design process?

    In the end GOAB got the building at no cost.

    Little known fact; Stanford forgave the loan so Antigua got the structure at no cost.

    Unfortunately the building was poorly planned poorly designed and poorly constructed. UPP struggled and open the building but never managed to correct the defects.

    It like some one give you a newly painted auto. Looks good, but the transmission is not good, the brakes are defective; but you driving it anyway, for you need it to go where you want to go, and it looks good.

    ABLP owns the problem of a defectively constructed Medical Center given it has been in control of operations for more than enough time to fix any defects it had encountered.

    Finger pointing does not improve health or save lives

  13. I wonder what brand of rum Giselle has been drinking. It seems to have knocked out a good portion of her brain cells.

  14. @ Dion Pelle, at el
    Gaston has just put in place an individual who he knows is, and will attempt to steal another election.

    Should the ALBP loose the next election; here is a clue to the mystery as to what AIR PEACE is all about.

    Air Peace gets 70 percent and control of LIAT(2020) leaving the other Caribbean stakeholder governments with no say.

    The moment it appears that ALBP is not able to steal the election once again, Air Peace will be in the air heading to Africa; making an interim stop before ending up in Saudi Arabia.
    One can’t live in exile in The Middle East with their family, when their assets are back in Antigua and Barbuda.
    The precautions and The liquidation has started. Shell Beach was just sold to Chinese investors.

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