

By Makeda Mikael

An interesting article in the New Yorker, “China’s Involuted Generation” by Yi-Ling Liu describes the burnout, boredom and despair of Chinese youth in a demanding society of achievement to what end.

The word ‘INVOLUTION’ became the 2020 watchword of the young people in China who are tired and who no doubt being educated enough to see where this world of over achievement in monetary progress is dying by degrees from overwhelming despair of a world ‘locked in competition that one ultimately knows is useless.’

Progress without a purpose is the current state of world economic advancement, where our children know better than us that our ‘progress’ is killing the earth as we know it, overburdening the land with garbage and killing the fish and filling underwater spaces with plastics. Poisoning the lakes and ponds with industrial pollution and careless dumping of waste, while exciting especially the young in a cleanup program alongside the polluters.

Another outlet BBC went on to describe the response to involution by the youth who now are ‘lying flat’ another new term where young people recognizing the purposelessness of it all have decided to do nothing, just stop caring and just let it all roll over them.

These are the leaders of the future who are saying it is just not worth the bother, the world is overburdened and dying, and it is the generations who are in control who are to blame.

Lying flat is the answer to a world involving at a dangerous speed going nowhere fast, and condemning the human race to a robotic life where consideration for personal human growth is sacrificed on the platform of technology and ceaseless production.

In our own small island involution we call it ‘spinning top in mud’ and our youth are also quite aware of the uselessness of their existence which none sees or even cares.

Clearly our entire education system needs to be overhauled and linking it to the needs of our country, our region and our place in the world. Boredom is the cry of young people and we must listen, especially as they number the majority, and are the technology superiors in the community. Forcing them to ‘lie flat’ is definitely not the solution.

Arbitrary actions of a society which just follows and is not seeking its own path, and failing to respect the youth who are the future, will create a dropout society of young people, devalued by failure of leadership to see their needs and feel their pain. “Involution is a new word that helps keep an old system, and those who control it, in place.”

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  1. …#da ROARING 20’s!
    Parallels!? Puffs!? Bluffs!?

    …habit’s becomes, Norms!
    …norm’s becomes, A Way of Life!
    …a way of life defines, A People!
    …a people defines, A Culture!
    …said culture, will permeate!
    …this culture, will dictate!
    …and, may even predicate
    …the direction’s said People take
    …for, #Life is cyclic
    …as #Time is left in its own wake!

    What else can I say, the Hippie Era produced many great things, for HUEmanity, and they too of that era and mindset, were considered “Laying flat,” #Dropouts.

    At the very least, those “laying flat” are not responsible for this, in some case phucked up Universe! And, for the most part GREED!

    I like the fact, that there is #Hope for those with the knowledge of today(tech savvy with a hunger and appetite for the virtual world). I would hope, that the psychological side of living in this #New #Norm is addressed as well.

  2. Mekeda I don’t think Tabor likes this article. You should write more negative things about the government. That will get his attention.

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