In 60 days or less after election, a UPP Administration would move national minimum wage to $10 per hour, Lovell promises


The United Progressive Party (UPP) is promising a further increase in the recently augmented Minimum Wage once it is elected to office.

The Cabinet, late last year (2022), announced a 10 percent increase to the pay rate, moving it from $8.20 to $9 an hour, effective January 1, 2023.

This means that persons would be making an extra 80 cents per hour on their wages and salaries.

However, Harold Lovell, Political Leader of the UPP, has said his administration would raise the Minimum Wage to a “living wage” of $10 per hour.

Lovell says that poor people are struggling and deserve a wage on which they can live; therefore the UPP would adopt the wage increase that was put forward by the unions.

This, he says, will be undertaken within the first 60 days, if not sooner, of the UPP taking public office.

Lovell says the cost of living in Antigua and Barbuda is too high, and people can ill afford to make healthy purchases at the supermarkets.

He says no one should feel intimidated when going shopping; and, after working hard, persons should be able to take home a decent wage or salary.

The UPP Political Leader also promises that, every two years, the National Minimum Wage Committee will review the minimum wage, as prescribed by law.

Lovell says that those workers who are employed in industries which focus on an hourly rate of pay will benefit greatly from this proposal.

During its sitting on November 23, 2022, the Gaston Browne Cabinet reportedly discussed the matter and reasoned that no worker would be terminated because of the 80 cents per-hour increase, since it would not burden any employer.

The Executive felt that “the … outcome, which took into account the interests of all parties – the union, the employers, the government, the business community – was the wisest decision on which the Cabinet could agree.”

The National Minimum Wage Advisory Commission had submitted two recommendations – an $8.90 per-hour rate and a $10-an hour fee, but the Cabinet decided on a figure between both sums.

The last Minimum Wage increase was in 2015; those negotiations commenced under the UPP.

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  1. Mere 0.80 cents. Thought he would have moved it by $10.00 making it $18.00 plus. Waiting to hear what those #UPPNEARGA would say in response to this given their earlier opinion.

    • This is a good decision.

      It is better than the $9.00 the a.b.l.p. is offering.

      Vote U.P.P.

    • @just saying, why didn’t Gaston do anything to make life better for the people. If y’all understand economics you would know that it is not wise to increase the minimum wage that significantly. The incoming government can implement a plan to increase to $15 over a period of 3 to 5 years depending on the recovery of the economy. I will offer my services if a government with conscience take over and ensure that workers receive their severance, pension and receive payment after providing services. The government will be serving the people of Antigua and Barbuda

      • @WAT I guess as a #UPPNEARGA you have failed to see the sarcasm in my post. Go back to the original news item on ANR when it was announced that persons were getting an increase and note my opinion that there can’t be any major increase as it is inflationary etc. But as you all #UPPNEARGA operate nothing that the government does is satisfactory but it becomes acceptable if a similar initiative is PROMISED by #HFWL. Thanks for accepting that you all are #UPPNEARGA.

    • The following are results of 2023 election.

      ABLP. win. 17 SEATS.






    • The following are results of 2023 election.

      ABLP. win. 17 SEATS.






    • Lovel, A PROMISE is a COMFORT TO A FOOL….. Why are you making all these promises. Please don’t view us as a set of gullible people. Please dont try embarrass this nation

  2. What is being shown here is the first testimony to the fact that what #UPPNEARGA have instore for Antigua and Barbuda is just empty promises. Anyone remember when the news about the salary increase came out how those vying for political office were vocal asking what the cents increase can buy. I remember the beggy beggy one on the disturber entertaining a conversation with a caller lamenting that the increase could not even buy an egg or three eskimo mints. Now look at this they were giving the impression that they would have given a SIGNIFICANT increase but now it is just mere cents also they are proposing. Beware of greeks/#UPPNEARGA bearing gifts and promises.

  3. UPP announcement and commitment to a minimum wage figure should have taken place in the heat of the debate. They should have gone our firing on all cylinders and that would have gotten the full attention of the poor working class then. Many of whom are none nationals.
    Also during the amnesty the UPP should have made that statement about the none work permit with this same release for CARICUM and Dominican Republic brothers and sisters.
    Not that I agree with this one CARICUM Stamp but I don’t think it will change or win over the none nationals to vote for UPP at this the 11 hour. Persons that are voting have already made up their minds.
    What has happened is that the ABLP has been successful in painting the UPP as haters of none nationals. The UPP on the other hand has done little to refute this allegation. The none nationals are being accused to be supporting APLP. To the point that I saw with my own two eyes some supporter of UPP cursing a quiet unassuming none national lady. She had on no political color and anything political. They were saying are you none nationals a who keep APLP in power, are you want are you house burn down.
    I gave the lady a ride. She said these people do not know me. They don’t know my name or even where I live. Anyhow I just got my voters card and they just told me who to vote for. The UPP diehard suppliers needs to be educated on these issues. So when the UPP loose an election or a seat do not blame none nationals. That will stay with your supporters until the next elections.

  4. @ jusing saying for supper, or singing for supper
    Are you a paid blogger ?
    Quick to condemn the policies that the future PM will do but will never condemn the wrong of this former one

    • @smh don’t reflect. Address the fact that you all #UPPNEARGA are just a bunch Greeks bearing gifts.

  5. #UPPNEARGA have made it know they hate non nationals there is no painting by the #BELOVEDABLP. This is a fact. The #BELOVEDABLP has just being reminding the citizenry moreso those of voting age.

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