Immigration amnesty commences, thousands expected to benefit


As many as several thousand foreign nationals are expected to converge on the Immigration Department’s headquarters starting today as the amnesty programme commences.

Directed at those whose immigration status has lapsed and, as a result, have lost their eligibility to reside and work in the country, the Gaston Browne administration said the amnesty will give non-nationals the opportunity to regularise their stay without the fear
of harsh penalties.

Browne acknowledged that many people fell on hard times due to the COVID-19 pandemic and may have encountered difficulties in fulfilling the immigration mandate.

In preparation for the influx of foreign nationals, a shift system will be introduced at the immigration headquarters to facilitate the process until 30th April, 2022. The Immigration
Department will also operate during extended hours Monday through Friday, from 2 pm to – 8pm.

Last week, the Cabinet agreed that the amnesty will take a two-tiered approach.

“To regularise residency of anyone who has resided in Antigua more than four years but less than seven; and the other for those who have been resident in Antigua for more than seven years and would therefore qualify for citizenship.”

A decision was also made to reduce the fees associated with extensions and other requirements associated with the process.

“The amnesty processing fee will be EC $200.00 per person which will accompany the application form; and, an extension fee will be EC$150.00 for CARICOM nationals and
EC$300.00 for non-CARICOM nationals.

“Those CARICOM Nationals who are seeking citizenship will have an additional base fee of
$2,000.00 and a processing fee of $200.00; and, for non-CARICOM nationals a base fee of $3,500.00 and a processing fee of $200.00 will apply,” the Cabinet Notes outlined.

The amnesty has been touted as a political ploy by detractors of the governing ABLP, but the Gaston Browne government insists they are acutely aware of the hardships some people have endured, including loss of livelihood.

As a result, a plan was developed which would allow foreign nationals to regularise their
status, which will allow them to remain here and to contribute to the development of Antigua and Barbuda. — POINTEXPRESS

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  1. Why is the ABLP doing this? This can’t be right? And why now and not years ago?


    • Why is it not right please give your reasons? This is not the first time amnesty was given but I forget ya ass knows next to nothing about Antigua u only found this site maybe through a Google search and always have the most shyte to say as if u fcking live here. Say ya ass in Boris Johnson place.

        • The opposition parties should go to court and ask for an injunction to block this until after the election. This is just vote buying. Do you know Gaston is responsible for Issuing passports? Why is this.

  2. Lol this Gassy guy is in your face brazen if there's corruption prove it. Give me an aspirin like if you proved it Cutie too cute Benjamin is going to do an investigation ? Amnesty to help sway the election wow to stay in power has no limit. Lol this Gassy guy is in your face brazen if there's corruption prove it. Give me an aspirin like if you proved it Cutie too cute Benjamin is going to do an investigation ? Amnesty to help sway the election wow to stay in power has no limit.

    The headline should’ve been : Immigration amnesty commences , Gaston expected to benefit from thousands..
    Anyone with a ounce of common sense and they’re many on this platform who would go to the very pits of Hell for this Dictator and personal Enricher and his family clearly can see this is an election gimmick.
    Why ? Very simple answer ELECTION YEAR DAAAA .

    • The amount of hate y’all have for Gastone Brownie is down right funny at this point. This is not the first nor the last that ablp give out amneaty but y’all so xenaphobic and hate Gastone Borwnie no matter what he do y’all will cuss rant and rave and just hate the man.

      • @ ……. That’s all you have to say is that people hate Gaston.
        No it’s it’s always hard to get rid of some politicians because of folks like you..
        It doesn’t matter what they do even if the evidence stares you in the face it always comes down to they hate Gaston

        • Me say ahu hate Gsatone Bownie and fu what all politician teif and lie some more bold than others Gastone Brownie unlike others say what he all of them want fun say and do what them fraid u do!!!!! All them politicians go inna office poor and come out rich 6 and half a dozen ah the same thing. #saidwhatisaid

        • @ …… Lol it’s really true what they say ” you can’t change stupid ”
          Watch your blood pressure

          • My blood pressure fine cause unlike ahu me nar tek on tefing politicain all dem ah the same red blue orange and whatever other color dem use

  3. The entire Immigration management and including the PS and minister should immediately resign for admitting to thousands of illegal residents on island.
    Depriving the nation of the revenue from these thousands.
    For management of a system that was not corrected or addressed even now.

    • save your XENOPHOBIA for Trump and Biden.

      “Research shows that immigrants are more likely than their American-born counterparts to start businesses, are likely to create jobs for America…”

      • You are talking immigrants and not illegal aliens as the US calls them. America hasn’t granted amnesty in years. Illegal immigrants are deported by the US. Antigua is a lawless country where the government encourages this illegal immigration and then grant them amnesty at election time.

  4. What policies and plans are in place to prevent the occurrence of visitors flaunting the laws of the country.
    Immigration must make a statement about a new system that will ensure compliance by visitors.

  5. Are these people saying that at least 10% of the population are illegal immigrants? What kind of lawless country is Antigua. Now election is near you hear of amnesty. Do they know or care who these people are? Do they do any criminal background check? I implore all the misfits to come and hide out in Antigua. Election time you will get citizenship and Gaston will give you a passport.

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