24 October 2023
Ms. Joanne M. Massiah
Democratic National Alliance
Radio Range
St. John’s
Antigua and Barbuda
Dear Madame President, Colleagues and Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. It is with a heavy heart and after great consideration that I write to tender my resignation from the Democratic National Alliance.
This decision was not an easy one, as I have the utmost love and respect for all the incredible individuals I have had the privilege of working alongside during my time with the party. I am truly grateful for the experiences and friendships that have enriched my life through our shared endeavors.
This was a difficult choice, but one that I believe is necessary for the next chapter of my life.
I want to express my sincere gratitude for the support and guidance I have received during my tenure with the party. I will always cherish the memories and lessons learned from this remarkable journey.
With heartfelt gratitude and warm regards,
Chaneil C. Imhoff
Avoy Knight
Swetes Village, St. Paul, Antigua
Tel.: 268.721.8670 E-mail: [email protected]
25th October 2023
Col. Marjorie Parchment
Dep. Secretary General
Democratic National Alliance
Browne’s Avenue
St. John
Dear Col. Parchment
I hope I have greeted you in great health. In life, we ought to make difficult decisions on a daily basis; Today is no different. I have dug deep within and I have pondered for quite some time and after great consideration I have decided to resign effective immediately from The Democratic National Alliance.
The Democratic National Alliance has allowed me to stamp my footprint in the history books of this nation and allowed me to truly stand to represent the people and youths of this country. I am forever indebted to the Leader, members and supporters of this great organization.
I must say that my next move is quite unknown with regards to being in the political arena but stand assured that I’ll be steadfast on a mission for community and nation building in my own capacity.
There’s no other possible way to express my appreciation to this organization but to say “Thank You”. This was certainly one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make as I will always hold dear to my heart the camaraderie we share, the good times we’ve had and the tough work we’ve done.
I wish the dear leader, members, supporters and well wishers the very best going forward. You’ve been nothing short of a blessing to me.
Sincerely Yours
Avoy R Knight
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DNA is by far the BEST political entity in Antigua’s history. They have contributed positively to nation building without the opportunity to sit as the government.
Look at all the talent DNA has exposed that other wise would not nerve been known.
By the hook or the Crook Antigua must adopt a long term vision as advanced by the DNA, there is no other way.
Let us support DNA for the work they have done and encourage them to continue to discover new talent.
@ who cares?
feel free now to join the ABLP, as you had ‘no exposure’ with the DNA. All you want is the lime light.
You are irrelevant.
II feel they going after the Antigua Labour Party like Dwayne George too see if they get Minister of MONEY BAG 💰🤑😞
Next stop ABLP.
I wonder who she’s going to sleep with first?
Political Wharf Rats on the move!
Yeees they waiting for Gaston too call them him too 😅😞😭
They are not Political “Wharf Rats”. Find another name for them.I am the Wharf Rat.
OK! @Wharf Rat…did you patented or copyright BlackMan too? 🥷🏿
This woman is very conceited. Head as big as Mcnish mountain.
Just keep her away from Donna Green and all will be well.
Two she rat with inflated egos cyah live in the same hole.
Thanks to the DNA for saving Antigua from a Losing, Lying, IMF puppet, worst tourism minister, worst finance minister!
If for nothing else DNA u did this nation a most important service!
the same lying, cheating, undermining, badminded, double-voting leadership race candidate. I tip my hat to the DNA for helping to shut down that Lying Loser and Lazy Pompous virus of a fake ACLM deadbeat candidate!
same badminded IMF puppet that badplay Joanne Massiah and Richard Lewis, DNA votes made sure he was finaloly buried. THANK YOU DNA!! God bless you for doing Antigua a favour and rejecting LoveLIE!!!! what a difference 13 votes made!
If the DNA had engaged in some sort of tactical voting at the last General Election with the UPP in January, this great country would now have been under the great guidance and tutelage of the UPP, and in the process ended 40 awfully wasted years of Birdism and Browneism.
Maybe the TROUNCING that the DNA received in the St Mary’s South by-election was a blessing in disguise for future voting patterns.
How many votes did the DNA
candidate get in the last election?
The DNA party is what we refer to as a nonentity??
Go and come again!!!!
Joanne go and have a seat!!
No worry he employs Loosers like you who love playing victim nobody likes your arrogant attitude and I think I’m all day ddnt you breed for your grandfather?
Gaston please dnt hire her
They leave DNA hoping wishing waiting for Gaston to give them a call like Dwayne
Channel is a very arrogant and full of herself
Nobody likes her hey changeless jus continue being an advocate for mental health
This is what the ALP has become now a refuge for ppl who never stood a chance at the polls
Now they saw how Gaston rewarded Dwayne so they ALL JUMPING ship waiting patiently for Gaston to rescue them
Now the two of you may move to your real Political Party.Done Nothing Anyway,DNA is moving to Cooks Dump.Joanne,what are you doing and or going to do?
Chaniel this dandy ball looking gyal is so arrogant & annoying why she dnt start her own party since she thinks she’s above everyone
Chaniel are you hoping daddy Gaston request a meeting with you
Lovell DUN WIT!!!! OVER!!! DEAD!!!! BEATEN 7X!!!! Thank u DNA for the final nail in his coffin!
Anybody notice EVERYTHING GASTON HAS BEEN POSTING ON HIS FACEBOOK CHANIEL BEEN LIKING …… lately she been liking ALL of his post for the last 9 weeks since announcing Dwayne
She looking a place at the table and we ALL know Gaston loves TRAITORS
IF ANY MORE TRAITORS DEFECTORS YOU CAN REALLY USE IS JAMEAL jus have a conversation with him and you will be blown away by his vision integrity intelligence
He is who WE REALLY COULD USE NOT CHANIEL as others will verify she’s too arrogant and full of herself nobody like her NOBODY
The LOSER that wrecked our economy, took us to IMF, ROMATIC RHYTHMS FAILURE!! WADADLI POWER CAN’T OLD ENGINES, BULLRAGGED BY HOTEL TO KEEP OUR ABST!! Thank you DNA for the relief from that “SPENT FORCE”
You will go down in histroy for that – getting rid of Harold loveLIE!! kudos to Joanne Massiah
Since when a country going to the IMF IS A CRIME? You are a very uninformed person.Antigua and Barbuda is a member of the IMF.They pay their IMF dues yearly.There are many Countries around the world on an IMF Program. For as an example.Barbados in your neighborhood is on an IMF Program.How are they doing with their finances.Much better than ANTIGUA UNDER GAS-MAN BROWNE.THAT SO CALLED TAP-DAWG FINANCIAL WIZ.
St. Phillips South, look out! Here comes Chaniel Imhoff. She’s about to replace Weston on the ABLP ticket in 2028 or earlier.
Her action’s definitely speak to !
If it’s one thing, DNA & Joanne lick out loveLIE stump clean clean. LOSER! LIAR! BADMINDED! UNDERMINE JOANNE! BADPLAY RICHARD LEWIS!
thank you DNA! You did you part to BRING DOWN LOSER LOVELL ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! Butch hoodwink him! IMF used him!
Meinl bank…..Luis Franca……clients????
Our PM is building an unbeatable party he is wise and with Politics will recruit the best talent to do so he makes it clear it’s not about red and blue if you want to serve your Country you are welcome and persons with political ambitions will take full advantage there is nothing wrong with changing parties that has been normalized and is rubbish because some stellar politicians in the APLP were from the UPP and so with our PM openness and Country first philosophy the ABLP will succeed
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