The International Institute For Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), through a collective crowdfunding or micro financing campaign entitled #IAmJoiningIICAChallenge, is spearheading a major activity to promote projects aimed at strengthening food security in rural communities in Antigua and Barbuda which are affected by the extreme vulnerability caused by the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic.
Some 12,000.00 US dollars has been allotted to officially kick off the activities.
Six (6) Small Scale Farmers have been selected from various agricultural districts in Antigua and through collaboration with the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) and the Ministry of Agriculture, six (6) fully Automated Drip Irrigation Systems will be installed.
The overall cost of the project is 25.000.00 US dollars which will cover the procurement of seeds and other agro inputs, as well as the construction of a Multiplication Humidity Bin and a Seedling Nursery in Barbuda.
Donation for the #IAmJoiningIICAChallenge campaign can be of any amount.
The fundraising is currently being done through the GoFundMe platform at Https.//gf.me/u/yn5cg6 and can also be accessed through the IICA website, http:iica.int/en/crowdfunding.
Haiti has also been selected as a participating country which faces similar vulnerability like Antigua and Barbuda amidst the COVID 19 Pandemic.
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