‘If you ban Max Hurst you ban the ABLP’, PM says


Prime Minister Gaston Browne has responded to a decision by the Observer Newsco to ban Chief of Staff Lionel Max Hurst.

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  1. Let’s not worry about Serpent and Observer Radio.We shall the following in Their tail.

    ABLP. 17 SEATS

    UPP. 00. SEAT

    DNA. 00. SEAT

    BPM. 00 SEAT


      • “Anna Salome”, you are inoorrect…Observer is NOT the “most listened to radio station in Antigua”. Number one is POINTE RADIO and number two is zdk.

    • Serpant needs to ban himself. He certainly not the people’s choice. He just does not have what it takes to be a public figure

  2. That’s a Hell YEAH!! He can go pon night soil radios and TV and Lie-NO-Hell and spread your message of hope and prosperity. Up to now!! De wata still Browne up yah!!! Chief Deplorable!!!

    Observer keep up the pressure!!!

  3. All of you can go to ABS, Point and WTP . Observer is the most listened to radio station, most popular 7 days a week. We know the truth and the untruth. Gaston you preface every comment by saying ” let the truth be told”. What were you telling the people before Lie No Hell was banned. We are better off a nation and you might as well had called the staff member name who you usually text and call ,who told you about the withdrawal.

  4. Here is a challenge for the leader of the Antigua and mmm….Barbuda Less Party. Debate the issues that affect the Nation with the leader of the United Progressive Party and DNA. One on your night soil station, Observer and ABS Radio and Television. That should cover the population.

    Your party leadership and the leadership of the oppositions come together and agree on a debate format that suits everybody.

    Time to stop all the chatting and debate without instant rebuttal. Looking forward to this coming to fruition. It’s 2022. Awaiting your response or from one of your trolls.

  5. Lord look a trouble ya… If Serpant / UPP has already begun to behave like a dictator then one can imagine what it would be like should they win the general elections…. The song writer says NO WAY never again can UPP run the affairs of this country again Their agenda will be filled with SPITE, ANGER & REVENGE for no reason at all!!

  6. When I do a fact check this man is very lie.

    Reporter: Lie no hell how come the water in Antigua is always off?

    Lie no hell: The water in Antigua is not always off what happens the citizens turn their main off and forgot to put it back on when they turn on their inside pipe, also they are trying to make the government look bad.

    Reporter: Your party has been in power for 8 years, you have made more money from the CIP than when the former administration was in office, why haven’t anything done to address the issues with pensioners and workers money owed to them for over 5 years now?

    Lie no hell: It’s the former administration fault we are in this situation.

    Reporter: Do you have any new investor that is developing the project on long bay and who are they?

    Lie no hell: I think so, not sure I can’t disclose who they are because the opposition will try to use and fabricate some kind of story for political mileage.

    A man who tends to decieve the public, even the vehicle he drives is an art of deception

  7. Antigua new room, am in here looking for the reason, why Max was banned from Observer Radio, but somehow unable to, and I think that it was done intentionally to miss lead the public

  8. The Best News Heard Around The World, On Saturday. Lie-No- Hell – is banned from Observer Radio.It is about time. The man brought absolutely nothing to the Station.He can go down to that Pig Trough of a Station in Point, and dabble in that pen.Now all of the Gaston little pigs could be together to squeal.

  9. Hip, Hip,Hooray, the Red Army, is banned. It is about time, they were banned. You would not be missed.

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