I made the list now what


Dear Kate,

Last week a friend sent me a list that was being passed on through what’s app. The list had about 50 or so names of people said to be gays in Antigua.
I scanned the list quickly and just as sure there was my name. I have always considered myself a private person and while I don’t go around broadcasting my sexuality nor do I go out of my way to hide it.
To be honest, I am not sure what the persons of people were trying to achieve in producing such a list. I can only assume that it was to name and shame.
The list has provided me with some unwanted attention. Clearly, now I am facing questions about my sexuality and some people are also very supportive.
So Kate, what now? What do I do now to continue living a normal life? How do I deal with this new challenge? Do I ignore or firmly deny what is being circulated?

Accepting who you are is the first way to face any challenges. You need to accept who you are and once you do, living your life will become easier.

Masking who you are to conform to the ways of the world is bondage in itself but freedom comes when you can be who you want to be without fear.
To be totally honest,  I believe it the natural.relationships. I mean a man and a woman (just like it was created to be).
But people were given the free will to chose whatever they want; of course with the knowledge that there will be consequences.
So people can choose to be gay; bisexual or straight. The fact of the matter is don’t hide behind a walk to save face when the truth will always come out.
Look at the list scenario. You tried to hide your sexuality and it made a public lost that has gone viral. Now everybody is shocked.
If you are convinced that this is who you are and you are comfortable and happy in your ways then why be ashamed?
Your life should be based on the truth and not on lies.

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  1. You self absorbed MF……



  2. Y worry the list is 1% of Antigua males that are gay the list is way bigger ..just hold your head high this will blow over as soon as u say white fet ….just kool and be what u are ….yoyr type is all over inside the alp ,upp,police,army and in culture….. …but this is probably the hardest thing a straight man deals with that if he finds out a buller is sleeping with a girl he likes he can never recover from that…..keep you bullinng to your kind


  4. Hey dont worry i see dj corvoursier on that list who or what would sleep with that man ,woman or animal that is when i question the list ….but then again a hole is a hole for most gays

  5. Live your life to please you don’t live to please anyone. My only problem is if your gay be gay and don’t go sleeping with women to try hide being gay. Only his can judge u

  6. Lol😅😅 what is he soooooo concern about he know what he doing. Why be so worried. Of he ah bull he just ah bull. Maybe he cant cuss the open gays and still call them in secret to apologized cause he has to keep up apparance as a stright man😂😂😂😂😂😂

  7. This is just pure crap. I saw this list and frankly was not surprise. Mr. “Outing” i believe if you saw your name on said list, you should now either come clean & open about being gay or clear your name(Proverbs 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches), it is as simple as that. This is the problem i have with people in the closet, who not coming out and saying yes they gay or no they are not gay. This is why STD and STI get pass around and around and around because people wont accept the fact they gay. Then sleep with the woman and pass there nasty infection on to there partner but Mr. Outing please say what team you are playing for and if you are playing for #TEAM OS -(OPPOSITE SEX) that is great but if you #TEAM SS -(SAME SEX) start talking and put the volume on loud cause i sure women out here don’t know there Husband or Man is gay, you may be saving there life from getting a STD OR STI.

  8. The reason most gay people hide their sexual orientation is because of a deep feeling of guilt and shame. Those feelings are as a result of the individual knowing deep within that something is wrong f. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of when someone is attracted to another of the opposite sex,because its the right thing to do.. The fact that there is always mixed feelings about coming out as its usually called says that these individuals know they are involving in wrong..Instead of trying to seek advice from persons who cannot help-get down on your knees and call to the only one who can truly help..JESUS.. No amount of advise about be who are are etc etc is going to make it right,we simply cannot turn a wrong into right because society says its the correct thing to do as you please.Homosexuality is wrong,it was 3000 yrs ago,it is today and will be 1000 yrs from now.. My advice is to seek divine intervention and that goes to all who find themselves trapped in this awful state..

    • I read your post and whatever fantasy world you are living please wake up. A lot these people have no shame in there game. You telling a person repent isn’t going to solve the problem of who they are and what they chose to do and there action result in people getting hurt especially ladies or wife’s who don’t protect themselves from these infectious disease carry men and don’t even know they gay. So please best you return to whatever fantasy world you living in.

      • Fantasy world?? I am at a lost as to how telling someone to pray relates to a fantasy.. I am pretty sure you heard me say,writing to Kate and anyone else will not solve the problem..Sounds like I touched a nerve in you-Why?,are you one in the closet?? Well,you to can go pray..You obviously did not understand my comment,i guess you read it again because we are definitely not on the same wave length here..

    • @ for transparency, sexuality is a choice , them gay people lub say they born so , give me a aspirin, the lord never create nothing bad, is they own choice mec it bad, … me glad that buller admit its a choice with them sick head , so the LBTQELMFVYZ group they have out they that have identity problem , just know they sick in they head and its what they want to do and u all want people to accept ur life style, give me a break , do your nastiness and keep it to urself at the end of the day , its your choice but certain choices comes with consequences… now are u want use same bathroom because are u na know if are u man or woman .. well u know when the real a come to end , when all them crap start happen.. but fire pan them batty boys out they , all them unfaithful people out they , nuff tun a disease a run bout , so stop are u sickness …

  9. Fantasy world??? I am at a loss as to how telling someone to pray translates to a fantasy World.. You clearly did not understand my comment,because we are definitely not on the same wave length here.. I seem to have hit a nerve somewhere,WHY? Is it because you to are somewhere in a closet trying to peep out? Well i advise you to ,to go pray.. This is a small Island with a small population,rumors fly like dust in a hurricane,it is therefore up to every woman that has the slightest inclination that her Husband/B-friend is involving in negative activities to do something about it..For me,if i found myself in such situation,my only option is “Leaving” We have the option to stay and endanger our lives .. I fail to see the correlation between telling someone to pray and a silly Woman who chooses to stay in a relationship with someone she suspects to be gay..

  10. @JHA pray and say what Lord i am gay and please forgive me for being gay. Jackass make suggestion is that praying alone wont work, that is my point. Alot people need help, god will give strength spiritually but what about people who need more than spiritual help. It is hard for drug addicts to kick the habit hence they attend group session or have a person to support them through the times they feel like relapsing. “The fact that there is always mixed feelings about coming out as its usually called says that these individuals know they are involving in wrong..Instead of trying to seek advice from persons who cannot help-get down on your knees and call to the only one who can truly help..JESUS..” i believe those are your words, it seem to me you rather they pray to Jesus about there wrong doing than and stay silent about what they have done. Let it be between them and the lord. I really serious right now, as i said whatever fantasy world you living in please return to. “Rumors fly like dust in a hurricane,it is therefore up to every woman that has the slightest inclination that her Husband/B-friend is involving in negative activities to do something about it..For me,if i found myself in such situation,my only option is “Leaving”, and this is the problem with people like you in society facts don’t matter, once it is a rumor and she have a feeling it may be truth she must leave right, lord help you. What about the women who don’t have a feeling and don’t follow rumors but prefer facts and the only way is for someone “Outing” that person as gay….. let me not say anything further see just go back to your fantasy world please.

  11. At times I wonder, when will Antiguans wake up and realize the farce that is religion…It fosters nothing anger and hatred towards persons of differing ideologies from the so-called “children of christ”… But then I stop and think, who cares what the bible pushing hypocrites think… I’ll see you mthr f#$krs in hell… Oh wait there isn’t one!!! John Lennon said it best…”No hell below us, above us only skies”…

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