Prime Minister Gaston Browne says it will continue to stand up to those in power who want to exploit the people of Antigua and Barbuda.
Browne was speaking over the weekend on the developments in the cruise sector with the Global Ports Agreement and his earlier call for the Florida- Caribbean Cruise Association to stop exploiting the region.
The prime minister said he did not believe the Carnival Cruise Lines pulled out of Antigua because of his statements but because of the newly inked agreement with Global Ports.
Browne said he didn’t want to speak directly to the question of Carnival since a meeting has been planned for Friday.
But he said he won’t shy away from taking position’s in the country’s best interest.
“Let me state our position, we want a sustaining profitable partnership for the empowerment of our people not an exploitative, extractive economic model for the benefit of the few,” Browne told radio listeners.
He said, “as prime minister, I have a duty of care to my countrymen and my countrywomen. I am prepared to stand up and fight any entity, any individual, any corporation, any country, no matter how powerful they are, in the
“I am prepared to give up power, to lose power, to die,” he added.
The prime minister also denied that some cruise lines are not welcome in the country.
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That is a real Prime Minster. That is a real Leader. That is a true Antiguan and Barbudan. Let others show what they are all about if they so want to lead this country and its people. Do they have the same determination and drive. They are all talk and no action. And certainly no balls.
A leader for who? Must him self becayse it dam sute aint us
Stop It! “Mek De Man Lone! “UPP Wussa!” Just Like PM Gastone Browne! “Ah Potta Me Cum Fram!” Lot’s Of Luck In The Next Election In 4 Years!🇦🇬💃😁☀🌴
Real until you cross him then just like Dundas you will hear where you come from, how much you get from government etc. Then we will all know why you keep on singing.
Stand like a man. The UNCLE Tom PARTY PEOPLE. UPP, can not get my vote
Told you he could not keep quiet on this matter. Impossible.
I love PM Browne, he’s the kind of PM that Antigua has always needed. Finally a PM that stands up for the country and acts like a leader of an actual independent nation. Too many last PM’s have made Antigua seem like some kind of territory of the US or EU. This is why he will get re-elected again and again, because he is building Antigua into a nation that can thrive without fear of reprisals.
Seems to me this PM will EXPLOIT any one for a PROFIT.
So, does this mean that we will hear an apology from Honourable Saied Green, to the Right Honourable Nathan Dundas?? I am waiting.
Since when is Mr. Dundas referred to as “Right Honorable”
You must be joking. That is a tittle given to only a few, Like Rt. Hon Sir Vere Cornwall Bird
If the PM truly cares about the people of Antigua and Barbuda, and wish to empower them, how in God’s name could he sign off on the Global Ports Holdings deal? That GPH deal is even more disgusting than the Asian Village agreement entered into by Lester Bird, and is right up there with the YIDA and Paradise Found agreements.
These incredulously stupid agreements are now the norm, and represent a return to colonialism, unfortunately, with the blessings and support of those we elected to lead us. The challenge is that, when you have no vision, and stand for no principle, save for the “creative enrichment” of self, parliamentary colleagues and family, then everything is for sale to the highest bidder. Unfortunately, the money appears to find its way into the negotiators pockets rather than the Treasury.
Liar Liar Pants On Fire. Biggest exploiter ever to be elected in A&B. Creative enrichment for the very few, hard times for the rest of the people. Don’t try and hide behind racist rhetoric and colonialism accusations, A&B knows better than to buy into that garbage. Try fighting you own self aggrandizing impulses and give respect where it is due to the real patriots.
Prime Minister …Thank you very much for standing up for the People of Antigua and Barbuda. The Global Port agreement is good for Antigua and Barbuda. Most People criticize without putting forward a plan. My Prime Minister continue the Great work. The ABLP will win all the SEATS in 2023 including Barbuda . It a shame to see the SMALL crowd that the UPP, TRUE LABOUR , MOVEMENT could muster. No One is buying Their product. All are the same.All are UPP. Keep up the Great work Mr. Prime Minister. Let Them protest forever.
Well well! Yet we sign an agreement with these pirates from global port for 30 plus years. Yet your government will still have to be responsible for maintenance and dredging.
Antigua better recognize that this PM is a real crazy man
Reading all these comments…do any of you know the all the details of the agreement??
Only what has been published in the MOU and attachments were missing but what is known is beyond stupid. The agreement outlined gives us 40 years of exploitation. Guess GB and friends are planning to move to Miami? Only an idiot would sign such a document and unfortunately there seems to be plenty idiots.
And here she blows!!..I knew that super charged big mouth wouldn’t keep shut!.
Who is really exploiting who?. Was it Global ports or Cruise line that sold Guiana Island to be irreparably destroyed?. Was it them who circumvented Barbuda land laws to sell it off to the same rich “exploiters” he’s crying about?. Who was part of the dirty solar panel deal?.Who helped empty Venezuela’s money so the people are eating out of trash can?. It seems anyone outside of his little corrupted money motivated crew are labeled as exploiters when he can’t get enough of their cash in his back pocket, yet his government refuses to take the people’s tax money to maintain basic infrastructure on the island. It’s high time the Cabinet of Antigua shortens the chain on this Beast, because it’s ruining the garden and scaring the neibours.
This man talks so much Crap that even the Sea had enough and threw stincking Sargasso weed on him…. What an IDIOT!!!.
I have seen a one sided deal like this one yet …oh yes the only thing comes close is when marriages fail and the lady gets everything
There aren’t many who would stand and fight for their beliefs when the chips are down. Thank you Mr PM for being one of those who will. Modern day Samson and Goliath. You are certainly my hero…….all…..day……long.
Do not be deterred.
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