Antigua and Barbuda Police Receive 15 Reports of Rape Already This Year


Fifteen reports of rape in Antigua and Barbuda have been received by the police this year.

Atlee Rodney, the country’s police chief, during an interview with NewsCo on Friday expressed his deep concern over any instance of rape, emphasizing that even one report is distressing.

He highlighted that a significant number of these cases involved individuals known to the victims, including community members and family.

Rodney also mentioned that some of the reported cases were related to the end of relationships.

Rodney emphasized the importance of increased community involvement in combating this issue.


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  1. Incompetent government: 4 trees & 15grams, African Rufugees, lack of knowledge to solve crimes and the list go on and on!! The cabinet called in the commissioner of police only just as a show…

  2. This is the most hinos criminal, Antigua. Woman need protection, and resolve. You can catch these people through DNA. Y don’t you? These women the futurr of Antigua. You need to stop 🛑 this.

  3. This is good news. In the past, my mom says that people were too ashamed to report rapes. The reports do not necessarily mean an increase, but show that victims feel assured that they will get justice. I hope they heal and their attackers pay dearly.

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