House Approves Bill to Expand Extradition Powers to More Countries


The House of Representatives has approved a bill to expand the list of countries to which Antigua and Barbuda can extradite suspected criminals.

The Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Amendment) Act 2024 enhances the Attorney General’s authority to assist foreign nations in criminal investigations.

This new legislation allows the government to aid foreign countries if they assure reciprocal assistance and the offense’s seriousness justifies it. Attorney General Sir Steadroy Benjamin noted current laws only permit extradition to Commonwealth nations and those with existing treaties.

The amendment sets criteria for the Attorney General, including national security considerations, citizen welfare, and identifying suspects. Sir Steadroy emphasized, “We must do everything in our power to ensure persons facing trial return, whether within the Commonwealth or elsewhere, if justified. Without a treaty, we cannot act on such requests.”

The amendment also outlines how foreign nations can request help, specifying the compliance period and the status of criminal proceedings.

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  1. The current MP needs to be sent to India then for the human trafficking and kidnapping of Mehul Choksi.

    Oh and by the way, certain people know who has the guns that killed Nigel Christian. That’s how this country operates. The foxes them guarding the fowl coop.

  2. Wow Wow Wow Wow I can assure you that it will happen that members of Parliament will be Extradited where is Casroy James was he taken in to custody in Florida was he later released I have the opportunity to read an article about the Former President of Honduras Juan Orlando Hanandez he was Extradited to the US three months after he lost the Election and it was a similar situation the charge was an attempted Bribery on the then President similar to what happened to the leader we have here but I remember he said that the money was returned on a Saturday while he was a guess on the snake Pitt show while he was campaigning in Barbuda sorry I’m taking about oderbretch investigation the Minal 🏦 Bank on church street I remember that he said that it was Harold Lovell something strikes me that if it was Harold they would have proceed with the case I know that it is not him they’re waiting on you Now I know that they don’t Extradite person in office unless it is Drug and more serious offense just time you are going to be R Allan Stanford cell mate

  3. I suspect this is another unfortunate by product of the Citizenship by Investment / land selling scam. On those occasions when bigger countries demand that their crooks shipped back to face the music at home, they really don’t want to be confronted by the complication of such characters hiding behind an Antiguan passport.

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