Visiting will still be able to take place in exceptional circumstances such as for patients who are receiving end of life care, have dementia, have a learning disability or where a lack of visiting will be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of a patient.
Other exceptions being made are…
- or patients who are receiving end-of-life care or are terminally ill and in the late stages of their illness.
- For birthing partners in maternity unit-during active labor
- For one parent or legal guardian to room-in (with child 12mths. or younger) in the Pediatric Unit
- For patients who are minors in the Emergency Department-One parent or guardian will be allowed to visit
- For long-stay patients and those with dementia or where best interest decisions or exceptional clinical/social matters are being discussed, at the discretion of the nurse manager
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wrong with you people ? Wrap me up in plastic sheets or a NASA space suit you nor tap me from seeing me family 👪 ayo ridiculous and though there are many good nurses ,some of you all have to be watched closely cause ayo only want the title and uniform..not cut out for a nursing career…I SAID IT .
Agree with you!!! People already forget what’s some hospital workers do to patients…wrong medical prescriptions…bad treatment and the list is growing,now this? A green card for cover up in bad medical practices? Poor of us and this game with this suspect pandemics…the pockets are growing for many of those psicopats dressing as SCARY PHANTOM…(not all) maybe 2 of them are honest,just 2 not more,just 2.
I agree 100% some of these patients sickening now. Have the entire community a come visit them inna one little room with other patients in there.
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