REAL NEWS:The Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre says it will investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of a 45-year-old man in its waiting room over a month ago. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATS APP GROUP
This promise comes after the man’s family threatened a lawsuit against the hospital and its management.
Reports are that the man, Terry Emmanuel, was not feeling well and opted to seek medical attention at the public hospital on April 12.
Having waited for hours without seeing a doctor, he decided to return home. However, the following day, April 13, because he still was not feeling well, he decided to go to a private doctor.
After examining Emmanuel and realizing that he required emergency medical attention, the physician telephoned the hospital, himself, and advised that the patient should be dealt with right away, as his situation was extremely urgent.
Emmanuel was asked to return to the hospital immediately. However, he was kept in the waiting area for about seven hours, starting after 10 a.m. He subsequently died there while awaiting medical attention.
Now, his family has sought the services of attorney Wendel Robinson, as it is suing the hospital for negligence.
Reports say that a post-mortem examination was not conducted to determine the exact cause of his death.

In a statement published on June 2, the hospital says that Emmanuel’s death was a rare event, occurring, as it did, in its Emergency Department.
Officials say they are reviewing what happened and are committed to taking corrective action wherever it may be required, and has expressed condolences to the family.
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Top priority patients at this hospital are usually white tourists.
Long time them ass suppose to get sue .. only one doctor on shift and shit
Why didn’t the Doctor at the doctor’s office called an ambulance?
Yes that could’ve been….but he has money to pay fe ambulance he would have been seen sooner….
Anywho its about time people start using doctors for medical negligence…..
Why you were not born with a brain?
@Emis:My comment above was for you.
All when u come in ambulance u are aent in the waiting room 🤷🏽♀️
Emis, there are times when an ambulance is called and according to “them” , your matter is not urgent, you will be placed in the waiting room.
The hospital senior doctors get huge salaries and are always Missing in Action
They go to their private offices and leave Junior doctors to run the emergency room
If the senior doctors don’t wish to be “attending” doctors they should not get attending salary
Also the Junior doctors in the emergency room are very disrespectful to anyone who calls as a fellow physician in practice for years, who doesn’t also work at mount St. John or at the elite practices
It is about time that Hospital and those in positions of leadership be sued.Good for that family to start with this lawsuit. There would be many more after this one.
The hospital cannot afford a lawsuit. We all will get sick some day and need the services of the hospital. No money means no hospital.
All you dam ingrates need to stfu.
You go transport board, you wait
You go KFC, you wait
You go to Royal Bank, you wait
You drive wreckless and end up in hospital, we drop everything to tend to you. Does your mechanic fix your car in record speed, no cause they sure as hell dont fix mine in a hurry
When the world wants a doctor, the doctor must drop everything and tend to you for your anxiety. When tables are turned, the converse is never the same. We need any service, we pay twice as much. We need a ride, we have to get a rental. We need clothes washed, we better have scrubs.
We get covid like all of you, have family like all of you and many of us get paid peanuts!
Sue away! Ingratitude worse than OBEAH
Really ‘No wonder…’
SEVEN hours when your doctor calls ahead saying it’s VERY urgent is ok to you? Hope it never happens to your family for their sake.
Ministry of health got plenty passes for sandals. Did any hospital or clinic doctor get? No! but every time yinna want people tested for covid, yinna breathing down them necks. Test people Treat people Write letter Give sick paper and still attend to the eleven diseases covered by Medical Benefits.
So where again in Seaview farm, I can find the pottery place that make doctors when they all get fed up & no one (not even the ministry) think that doctors too are human and need a day off or a Sandals moment.
One doctor per shift is a wakeup call!!!!!
I am sorry, but if you are a doctor, no wonder the condition in the hospital is getting worse. Part of the investigation should then be made to get rid of persons like you from the hospital – you are not fit to attend to humans, I would not even allow you to treat my dog.
According to the article, there was no mention of a lawsuit against a particular medical professional – it was the lack of treatment. Now, if you are a doctor working in the condition as you describe where they may only be one doctor on duty taking care of all the emergencies, then the investigation may deem that this situation is unsatisfactory and would look towards increaing the number of doctors. But for you to talking the rubbish and comparing emergency medication situation to taking your car to the mechanic or standing in the bank line, then you lack sense.
If you really are a doctor, I am really disgusted by your ignorance.
Listen to the damn ignorant and stupid comments being stated by the ones who are suppose to be upholding the highest value for human life. This is why we cant do no better in this country because the stupid and ignorant ways of thinking comes from the top. You as the Doctor should be pacifying the situation not act like an ignorant dunce. Sue on wah….ya stupid ass‼️
Listen to the damn ignorant and stupid comments being stated by the ones who are suppose to be upholding the highest value for human life. This is why we cant do no better in this country because the stupid and ignorant ways of thinking comes from the top. You as the Doctor should be pacifying the situation not act like an ignorant dunce. Sue on wah….ya stupid ass‼️ Maybe u a da problem. Dem need fa get rid a you.
@ No Wonder Doctors are leaving the profession….based on your response it appears as if you are a Doctor. If that is so, you come off as being very insensitive. If your motber or father came to the ER in critical condition, requiring urgent care and i left to their demise, i wonder what your reaction would be. The morals of the profession gone to the dawgs‼️ if you are miserable in the blasted profession, leave and allow others with real interest enter. NONSENSE‼️‼️
I am not your bro firstly
Secondly if your child was shot in a random shooting and your mom was having a heart attack, and there was one doctor in the emergenvy room, what WOULD YOU DO?
We will all leave the profession one day, cause one day we will all leave this Earth.
This wont be the first lawsuit and it wont be the last.Lets see where it gets them.
Insenstive is as insensitive does.
Again, STFU.
Psychobabble is my only word for you
If you want touchy-feely go to the spa. While there you can pay a little extra for a happy ending
Life is hard enough already without your psychobabble. When all the “insensitive “ doctors leave and the doctors who care so much enter and you still don’t get medical attention ASAP, what pray tell will then say?
So many people choose their own demise. Doctors slaved during covid and had to forsake all others, and have they gotten any real recognition but lip service. Yet here comes a vaccine, people stop dying, all is forgotten and here’s the catch: many still refuse to get vaccinated.
Working in a warzone (Covid, Gaza) hardens Everyone. Emotional psychobabble can lead to poor decision making. It’s do or die.
Who takes care of those who take care of Everyone?
It appears that you are a doctor too, a green one.
They are also humans and not gods.
Maybe instead of calling, that private physician could have journeyed to mountstjohn.
Even if he or she might not have been able to physically do anything there, an intervention could have been made in some way.
Idk the siryation here but we all know that some private consultants are too busy trying to see how many $250 or $300 they can make in one day at their offices, to spend an extra thirty minutes to follow through with the management of a patient, no matter how simple it is. Instead they moor off the patient on the hospital, especially if the patient does not have means to pay, or if the patient has no private insurance coverage. Some of them even milk both the insurance and the patient by claiming from both for the same service, or by adding on unnecessary procedures.
I totally agree with your comment. Private doc. Should have called ambulance and filled up at hosp.
It seems you are a doctor and you don’t really love the profession or understand how valuable your role is. You would never in a million years compared a human live to non living things. I think you should resign, saving someone’s life should always be the top priority. I’m sure there’s more doctor at the hospital that talks like you and don’t values someone’s life.
Choose another profession or be the change. Start value life other than your own or family, thanks.
Lmfao. Did someone say “valuable”
“Start value life other than your own or family, thanks”
Well Well, now who is the selfish one? Good luck with your google doctorate especially now covid is causing increased hospital admissions and patients must be prioritized
How long do you wait at any US based state hospital (ATL NYC)…oh wait, have you ever seen New Amsterdam on netflix…maybe not
GRADY hospital is where Atlanta’s non insured are sent. I wonder if they get many lawsuits. I watched New Amsterdam and House MD and ER. I always feel sorry for the staff. I cannot imagine being an ER staff. I do feel sorry for the patients also but some can be real annoying and abusive.
PTSD is real (now covid plus the various mental trauma from accidents, burns, stab wounds, gunshot wounds, drownings and electrocution) might explain alot.
I think the doctor in this comments thread needs a break or some counselling. While he/she might have some valid points about the difficulty of tending to all the patients in a timely manner if there are competing emergencies and understaffing, that does not excuse the situation of having an emergency patient waiting for multiple days. Not saying it is the doctor’s fault just that that situation is unacceptable and so needs to be investigated so that appropriate remedies can be put in place by everyone. If we need improved staffing etc. or other places where patients can be tended to for some problems to decrease ER numbers then we need to work on that as a society. No need for the doctor to be so defensive. People might start not trusting their judgement if they appear to have lost all compassion.
Every story has two sides.
I even smell a political side, so this story that is now being investigated 2 months after, might even have 3 sides. Do a good investigation from the top to the bottom. From the minister to the cleaner. Someone or Sometwo is trying to cause chubble.
When the people are frustrated with a system which provides essential services, and the professional(s) who swore under oath to provide these essential services are frustrated, as well with the same system, chaos and mayhem usually rears their ugly heads like a beast and destroy, said system.
It seems like some of these “professionals” are not only frustrated, they’re suicidal and could be a #Tic_Toc ticking time bomb about to explode.
Ras Smood
Son of Mami Wata and Papa Elegba!
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