Hospital plans to place 10 abandoned elders in nursing homes


CABINET NOTES: The Minister of Health reported that the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center is seeking to place the ten abandoned adults, residents at the hospital, into nursing homes for assisted living.

Where their Social Security and other pension amounts are being paid, these monies will be used to meet the cost of residency in the nursing homes.

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  1. What about if they have assets? Can these be seized by government so that the cost of residency in nursing home can be met. Then again if they had assets they would not have been abandoned by their family. I always encourage elders to get assets in their possession so that their family do not throw them away and will treat them good hoping to get assets when they die. Elders have to get wise.

  2. So the only thing that should motivate people to look out and be there for their elderly relatives is potential material gain? What a sad situation! How about in investing time in real relationships before the old age comes on? What about the principle of loving your neighbour as ourselves? Our relatives, elderly parents, uncle or aunts are our closest neighbours. Some of us need the fear of God in our hearts! What a vicious cycle of apathy! Because just what we sow is what we reap!

  3. Excellent job and I must give a big shout out to the former Minister Hilton Baptise for this initiative and the then Master of Fines the late Mr Forde who was restless in the persuit and started this transactional Care of this growing population the next step is to pass legislation for those that are Mentally challenged that are living on the streets for their families to take responsibility to keep them off the streets and failure to do so may lead to large fines and penalties something must be done and so far the suits not working let’s take care of our families that are mentally challenged and stop blaming Government for our negligence.

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