‘Hold Yuh Lane’: PM sends special message for KING SA GUY FOO



ABLP ahead in recent poll conducted, says Browne

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    • He has so many secrets for his ministers so they have to be quiet. He is now trying to get rid of any minister who may challenge him and trying to replace them with younger inexperienced people he can control.

  1. Ras Saguyfu sometimes behave & think like an idiot….!! Why is trying to chop off the hand that feed him?His behavior is certainly unwarranted As the great Peter Tosh states in one of his songs ” when ya sorry for magga dog, it can turn back round & bite you.” Ras Saguyfu, clearly u have shown us that u are ungrateful & one who allow your emotions to control you rather than you controlling your emotions. You should definitely apologize to the PM.

  2. Ah, the refreshing sounds of a political leader (?) using his platform to castigate a citizen. PM routinely forgets his role and his place. Makes others in CARICOM raise their eyebrows in surprise

  3. I listened to the Rastaman’s statement on Radio. I did not hear him threatened Gaston Browne. He was very upset with the Police for the unleashing of tear gas on Sunday.He was at the picket. He called out Gaston Browne by name. He did blame Gaston for what happened. Because of Gaston’s and Nine Yards Cutie earlier rhetoric about the picket.

  4. The PM calls himself a DOG 🐕, and people expects him to behave like a human, people just allow the 🐕 to BARK, 2023 we’ll just put the 🐕 in the 🐕 house and feed it with some bones.

    • You knock the nail right on the head.

      It is about election 2023. Get registered my people.

      In the upcoming 2023 elections, we will show the government, the commissioner of police and the likes of him, WHAT WE THE ELECTORATE CAN DO.

    I heard you say. That you built a school for the Rastas at Creek Side. Was it funded with your personal finances? Or it was funded with Taxpayers money? If indeed it was the Taxpayers money. Why did you do that? Were you paying for their support? I am not accusing, just asking questions.

  6. Gaston Browne,King SA GUY FOO is from Grays Farm. He is not afraid of you or anyone that resembles you. We the people of that Grays Green Community are not afraid of anyone and or anything. Remember,I Black-Man told you so.

    • He is not only from Grays Farm, but also Pointe and he certainly behaves like the low class people from these communities, talking about fighting and brawling. You and your minister Nicholas telling Antiguan people who voted for you to stay in their lane. Do you know who put you in office? You are now high and mighty and think you can talk down to people who criticize you. You must know that a lot of Antiguans are foolish and will accept this kind of behaviour from you. Is this the example you are setting for the youths in Antigua? We need a prime minister who will respect the office he holds and realizes that the people put you there and they can take you out.
      Your behaviour is nasty. Do you hear any other leader spouting out this garbage? Hope the people come to their senses and rid the country of this embarrassment next election.

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