High Street Building Repairs Nearing Completion for Magistrates’ Court Return

St John's Magistrate's Court

After facing several setbacks, the renovation of the High Street building, once home to the Magistrates’ Court, is finally reaching its last phase.

Housing Minister Maria Browne provided an update, expressing optimism that the building will soon be ready to house the Magistrates’ Court again.

Supply chain challenges and financial troubles had caused significant delays, but major construction work, including casting, stairs, floors, windows, and roofing, has been successfully completed this year.

Only finishing touches like tiling and painting remain before full operational readiness.

The court is expected to move back to its rightful location in September, ending its extended stay at the Gray’s Farm community center.

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  1. Which one of the September’s,this year or next? There has been so many dates in the past connected to the reopening of this building and nothing happened.I for one is not going hang my hat on that building opening anytime soon.

  2. I’ll see it when I see it.
    This is what, the fifth deadline?

    And we poor fools fall for it everytime. ALP has mastered the art of the promised delivery. They do this so often and we all fall for it.

    You think UPP could have done that and get away with it? All the red people and even some of the sanctimonious blue people who are so ethically and morally gifted would have been calling for UPP to resign.

    This is a St Mary’s South election promise.

    While they are in the promising mood, why not throw in another deadline for the carpark?

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