Heartwarming Gesture by Parliamentary Representative for St. John’s Rural North towards Senior Mothers


The Hon. Charles ‘Max’ Fernandez, the Parliamentary Representative for St. John’s Rural North, showed his appreciation towards senior mothers in his constituency through a heartwarming gesture.

Fernandez and his team spent the entire day personally delivering over 100 food packages to mothers in the area, which included toiletries, a Mother’s Day token, and a card from the MP himself.

His efforts aimed not only to provide assistance to seniors in the community but also to show appreciation to the hardworking mothers who have provided for their families over the years.

The Mother’s Day card included in the care packages stated, “No language can express the power, and beauty, and heroism, and majesty of a mother’s love.” The recipients of the packages expressed their gratitude for the kindness and thoughtfulness of their representative, with one matriarch commenting, “I am so grateful to Mr. Fernandez for his efforts. That’s my MP!”

Fernandez’s actions, along with his team’s, exemplify their dedication to their constituency and their commitment to going above and beyond in serving their community.

They have truly shown their appreciation towards the mothers in their area through their efforts.

The Hon. Charles ‘Max’ Fernandez’s actions are a shining example of his commitment to the well-being of his constituents, and his efforts to aid and show appreciation to the mothers in his area are truly heartwarming.

Let’s celebrate this Mother’s Day with gratitude and love.

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  1. We want back our f*ing 8million, you spineless poor excuse for a man.
    You all Cabinet members need to stand up and stop letting urself be thrown under de bus

  2. Mr. Minister kudos to you as to how you are dealing with your constituents along with the ministry you are responsible for. However, if our Tourism product which is our main GDP earner has to be taken to the next level, then our hospital needs to in better condition and the staff especially the doctors, nurses and orderlies need to be treated alot better. Although, Health is not your ministry, your voice towards Mr. Molwyn Joseph need to be heard. Don’t forget the stipulations of the world cup in 2007. A state of the art hospital involves new wine in a new bottle!!

  3. That all they good for just handouts to just serve for tomorrow, nothing concrete and sustainable for the long haul.

    • Not even a proper road in Mount Pleasant! Yet there are a few twisted “concrete” slabs. Shame on his Max-imus gluteus!

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