Health Ministry announces resumption of services at Clare Hall Health Center


(MoH) Health Ministry announces resumption of services at Clare Hall Health Center

The Ministry of Health, Wellness, Social Transformation, and the Environment is pleased to announce the resumption of services at the Clare Hall Health Center on May 13th, 2024. After undergoing extensive upgrades and maintenance, the facility is ready to resume its vital services to the community.

The temporary relocation of services, which began on July 3rd, 2023, was necessary to facilitate the necessary renovations. We extend our sincere gratitude to the community for their patience and cooperation during this time.

Effective immediately, all services will resume at the Clare Hall Health Center according to their regular schedule. Patients can once again access a wide range of healthcare services conveniently in their local area. The services available include:

1. Antenatal Clinic

2. Postnatal and Neonatal (Appointment Only)

3. Family Planning and Registration of Infants (Walk-Ins)

4. Hypertension and Diabetic Clinic

5. District Medical Officer (Persons ages 0-16 OR 60+)

6. Psychiatric Clinic

7. Nutritionist (Appointment Only)

8. Daily Doctor

9. Wound Care (Dressing)

10. Child Health Clinic on 1st Wednesdays and 4th Thursdays (Walk-ins for updating vaccination status)

11. HPV Testing (Walk-ins and Appointments)

Upgrade and maintenance of the facility will continue on weekends to avoid disruption of services to the public.

We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to the nurses for their cooperation and leadership throughout the process, as well as to the patients for their understanding and support during the relocation period.

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  1. You forgot to add another important service, Health Minister Molwyn Joseph.

    Now that the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine has been GLOBALLY banned in the last few days or so, you should have number 12 also registered at the clinic reserved for the vaccine injured (especially after the high influx of this particularly dangerous substance).

    BTW Minister Joseph, how come after all the fanfare and hullabaloo and coercion to the citizens of Antigua & Barbuda a few years ago, all of sudden you can’t open your damn mout’ about it now? You coward.


    • … Brixtonian speaking out about the dangers of
      AstraZeneca since it was LAUNCHED on us!

      Looking out for fellow Antiguans as always 🙏🏽

  2. Lol@Brixtonian:
    Enough with the one-sided criticisms! It’s time to acknowledge and celebrate the progress in our country. The community now has improved access to vital health services – a significant achievement that deserves recognition.

    You seem oblivious to the strides we are making. Perhaps attending the SIDS4 Conference in Antigua (as an avid reader on this portal privately suggested to me recently) will open your eyes to the slow but steady progress we are achieving. It’s about time you start appreciating our advancements and contribute positively to our development efforts. Let’s focus on the wins and drive for even greater success!
    Congratulations to the residents of this community as they once again have access to the crucial health services.
    God bless Antigua and Barbuda. 🇦🇬

    • You may find the blood clotting, and heart damaging effects of the adverse AstraZeneca Covid-19 as some sort of joke or laughing matter @ Dave Ray, but I for one would like an acknowledgement of what has happened from this government – who pushed this side effective mRNA drug on unsuspecting Antiguans -, especially as TWO of my close friends now have cancer after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine so they could travel.


      Remember, clinical progress should encompass all medical practices.

      • I’m sure I read somewhere that you are/were a doctor?!?!

        Or do you have a Doctorate in another field?

      • Please remember that I’m vaccinated as well. I have taken two doses and four booster shots. It was well worth it. So, are you, by any stretch of imagination, vaccinated?

        Attempting to fathom your argument; are you suggesting that the Minister is responsible for unproven vaccine-related cancer diagnoses?

        Vaccines save lives.

        Being irresponsible in your utterances does not lend well to a healthy discussion. No pun intended, sir.

        • I’m not vaccinated praise the Lord. 🙏🏽

          I decided to listen to the many medical practitioners and Covid-19 whistle-blowers who were (by the way, silenced by the main stream media and politicians at large) very concerned that these so-called trial vaccines were rushed out, and safety trials incorrectly carried out; hence – as you should know – normally takes years and years of research and development before general release to the public – again, you should know this, shouldn’t you???

          All the above were red flags for me!

          People like you just cannot admit that you may have got it wrong BIG-TIME!

          History will definitely be the judge …

        • There were only two booster shots that were administered in the US. Where did the other two cone from.

          • @ Dj, it’s because Dave Ray (and how should I say this politely?) is being “economical” with the truth …

  3. That sounds great, I am very excited about this, but please remember All Saints clinic as well. Thank you

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