Health Minister donates electric bed to Judith Wynter


The Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment Molwyn Joseph has come to the aid of Judith Wynter of New Winthorpes who was left paralyzed after being shot during the carnival festivities in 2013.

Minister Joseph along with Parliamentary Representative for the area Dean Jonas handed over an electric bed to Wynter last week.

This bed, according to Minister Joseph will increase Wynter’s ability to enjoy a better quality of life with more comfort since she has been bedridden for a number of years.

Jonas indicated that the Ministry of Social Transformation has a caretaker assigned to Wynter to assist her with her daily needs and noted that this electric bed will help them in making their work load a bit lighter.

Wynter, in response said ” thank you Minister Joseph and my Minister, Minister Jonas who made it possible for me to receive this bed for which I am very grateful. I appreciate it very much.”

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  1. Election fever another Photo Op. ALP red machine cranking up! ANR get ready to cash in make them pay for the election gimmicks. Then again you can’t cash in if you already on the payroll. Just saying!

  2. This is your responsibility, my Blackhead Brothers. You are not doing the lady a favor. You are government.You are supposed to do these things and not not act like Pharisees.
    It becomes Serpent’s job when he beats Dean at the polls. Until then, do your job without trying to find the nearest pbotographer.

  3. I guess for you guys the entire five year is election season. Because nothing new here. But then again, you guys never stopped campaigning. You’ll would need some rest, cause when the PM calls the election you guys will be exhausted.

  4. By the way, this was the same woman that when her family went to Jacqui for assistant she shouted at them that she doesn’t have any money. Only when public pressure was placed they found the money to send her to Trinidad for her surgery. Unlike the ABLP that assist anyone no matter the political color. Just look at the track record of those that they have assisted to go abroad for medical attention.

  5. I wish You Guys would have EMPATHY and leave the CHEAP POLITICS out of this issue. By the way SERPENT would NEVER win St. George. Serpent is the BIGGEST JOKE for UPP.

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