Head of Barbados NGO travelling to Antigua and Barbuda to assess homeless situation

The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness (BAEH) will be extending its reach across the region, as the work of its Founder and President Kemar Saffrey continues to garner attention in regional circles.


Saffrey will be travelling to Antigua and Barbuda shortly, to assess the homeless situation in that Caribbean country.

He will meet with government and key officials there to consult with them on this matter, as Antigua and Barbuda continues to seek ways in which to tackle homelessness in select areas of the island.

Saffrey has acknowledged that he is willing and ready to share any advice sought with regional counterparts, so they too can put measures in place to deal with the homeless situation that confronts them.

“It is a privilege to see that other parts of the Caribbean have taken an interest in the work that we do here in Barbados” Saffrey commented.

“They have seen the progress and the success that we have had here. They have seen the level to which we have brought homelessness under control in Barbados and I am happy that myself and my team can be looked at as professionals within the industry and we are able to connect with other Caribbean countries now to offer our best practices as well, seeing that in the Caribbean, we are limited based on the expertise that is available to address homelessness in the region.

“So, to be able to lend that assistance to Antigua is an asset” he further stated.

Saffrey, who currently holds chairmanship of the charitable organization Caribbean Alliance to End Homelessness, has revealed that he is also in talks with officials in Tobago, to look at their homeless situation there, which will also extend the reach of his organisation across the Caribbean.






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  1. If as expected, that Maria Browne will be in attendance, she’ll take note of what Mr Kemar Saffrey from Barbados has to say after his/their successes on dealing with homelessness.

    Homelessness has been an ongoing blight on the Caribbean region for far too long, and I for one welcome this important initiative.

    This is an opportunity for Maria Browne to restore some sort of credibility for the high office that she currently holds.

    For the sake of many homeless Antiguans, I hope she steps up to the plate for ONCE …

    • Do you know how many homes minister the honorable Maria Bird-Browne has built since she has been in office? I guess not. But rest assured more than any other minister of housing in the history of our country. Show a little bit of respect for the young honorable and only female parliamentarian.

      • Please read the THIRD paragraph of my comment you utter ignoramus … and read it very SLOWLY so that it registers in your brain 🧠


        • … you always fall into my ELABORATE and ELEGANTLY written traps each and everytime @ From The Sideline. I love it!

      • FROM THE sIDELINES: Did Maria Browne use her personal finances to build those homes? Those homes that you speak of were all built with damn taxpayers freaking monies.Is she still on West Indies Oil Board? Even though she has so many Ministries to be concerned with.The love of MONEY is the root of all EVIL.Nobady lob mo money lakka Maria and her Husband,Hitler Stache.

  2. https://barbadostoday.bb/2022/10/21/homelessness-on-the-rise-says-baeh/#:~:text=He%20added%20that%2C%20based%20on,South%20Coast%2C%20Holetown%20and%20Speightstown.
    Homelessness on the rise, says BAEH
    The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness (BAEH) has seen a 30 per cent increase in the number of people living on the streets over the past two years and a drastic shift in the reasons people have no fixed place of abode.

    In an interview with Barbados TODAY, BAEH president Kemar Saffrey said he was worried about the recent trends.

    He explained that the spike in homelessness correlated with many of the negative fallouts from the COVID-19 pandemic, such as increasing unemployment, and what was more disturbing was that more women and children were requesting frequent assistance from his organization.

    Saffrey said that years ago, the main root causes of homelessness were drug abuse and mental health issues. However, he said, many more people were out on the streets due to family disputes and unsustainable living conditions.

  3. And don’t forget we have Sergeant Veldon Raguette of the Antigua Soup Kitchen doing wonderful things for the homeless. Perhaps Mr. Kemar Saffrey will learn a lot from how Antigua and Barbuda take care of the needy. And that as I told you Brix, not to mention the contributions from the many service clubs, such as my Rotary club over the many many years.
    I still applaud Mary John for her sterling contribution in helping the very mentally disturbed turn to sanity. My hats off for her. Knowing where she has been herself. Amazing.

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