National Footballer Tevaughn ‘Peter Redz’ Harriette has won the highly anticipated United Progressive Party (UPP) Primary in St. Peter.
At the end of the night it was Harriet 65, Imhoff 20, and Isaac 23, there were 2 spoilt ballots with 110 votes cast.
In a statement Harriette said:
“I want to thank members of the United Progressive Party, St. Peter Branch, for the vote of confidence they have placed in me by electing me to serve as candidate for this constituency.
I want to thank the United Progressive Party for the opportunity to serve my community and my country. But more importantly, I want to thank God for the many talents that he has given me. I am aware that the work begins now; the real work to secure St. Peter for the UPP whenever the election bell rings. I am ready.
Now that the primary is over, I call on my running mates to join me in the fight to restore St Peter to pride of place in this country. For now, that is all I will say but you will certainly be seeing and hearing more from me in the days, weeks and months to come.”
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Congratulations. Wonder how Lovell feels about this? The guy is a beginner, just getting his feet wet. That will be a good experience for him. He’s up against a powerhouse, but in a few years things might change for him. Congratulations is certainly in order.
Congratulations my former student.
UPP now have Their full slate. Election is now getting heated. Still maintain that These Candidates would NOT be elected in ANTIGUA.
Waiting to see what the DNA will produce.
@PHILLIP. that is your wish but anyone can dream. If you are so sure, encourage Gaston to call the election now.
Gaston Browne will call election whenever. ABLP has another 2 1/2 years to go …Why the rush ? UPP will be wiped out and DNA will be the Opposition Party in the next election. TEK DAT.
Agreed. WHY should Gaston call an election now. He has 2 1/2 years to go. He should simply govern as he was elected to do and complete his term. The people are totally satisfied with him and the ABLP. Yes, UPP will be totally wiped out, but DNA could well be the next official opposition. Lovellites are history.
Mr. Harriette, congratulations to u! My commendations to u is not merely for your victory, but for your ambitions & resilience as a young person who has chosen politics as a battle field to engage yourself in… Now, will this be a case similar to David vs Goliath? Perhaps it will be when both characters are been compared. However, I am confident that the end result of the political fight will end in Goliath (Asot) winning. Your popularity on the football has dwindled over the years, hence your legacy in the game has also faded. Politics, on the other hand, deals with people’s livelihood. Your popularity means nothing at this point but what is of significance is what you can bring to the table to improve the lives of the constituents.
Asot over the years has what it takes. He has the charisma, the track record of upgrading people’s livelihood, the natural gift to represent people in parliament and the love for his constituents whether they have allegiance to the opposing party or not. Best of luck to you Mr. Harriette, but there is no doubt you will be fighting a losing battle!!
It’s nice to see young people “give it a try”. It will be a good experience for Mr. Harriette, and he will learn many things. In years to come he might even win the seat, but for now he doesn’t have a chance. Nonetheless, he needs to be congratulated for “giving it a try”. Unfortunately, for Mr. Harriete, this is not the right constituency to run in; that is, if he’s really in it to win it.
@Bloody Bloke. Apart from his money Asot has nothing else. His winnings so far is a bad reflection on the constituents who chose handouts against their best interest.
At some stage they will wise up and this might be that time.
You are jealous of Asot Michael for his money. Why don’t get your own money and stop being a PUPPET for the UPP. Asot will win ST.PETER and you know that !!!!!
@Bluddy Bloke…in your own cursed words. Wasn’t Asot a youth in waiting also? or let me guess, it was not his youth that got him there but money (and we can not say “his money”)?
Yes, congratulate the young man but do not cry him down, or bring your ill-wish on his endeavors. It is a damn shame that you stooped so low. Not everyone saw what you did there, but remember there are others with their eyes watching as well and know better.
Congrats young man, go in battle with just your 3 pebbles (as some would coin it), because one day, money like other things will all dry up and come to an end, and where will those that had it be after that?
Congrats and all the best to him.
The civility and the admiration the present MP have for this challenger is amazing. Lets just hope there are no trip ups along the way for the MP to revert to his tapes.
Well Upp thinks it’s School!!! Don’t have anything against this guy but I stop playing dolly house
@Antigua. Well, continue to take the loot.
UPP is playing DOLLY HOUSE with Politics. What is the Hell is wrong with the Leadership of UPP ? If RAYCAN was alive he could have won a Primary for the UPP. This shows how desperate is the UPP. WASH YOU FOOT AND COME UPP PARTY !!! This is Laughable. What say you Zackie.
I can see Tabor is NOT amused by these Final selections. Tabor is hiding cannot hear from Him.
RUPERT MANN I am still here and certainly not hiding. I am sure you have seen my comments supporting the move by Barbuda to secede from Antigua and Barbuda. What are your views on this issue? Do you think that they should continue to take the abusive and oppressive behavior of Gaston Browne and his government. Anyway to the issue at hand, with respect to the UPP slate of candidates it is a very good, well-balanced slate of honest, intelligent, patriotic men and women who have come forward to rescue this country before redemption would become impossible. It is now or never. Finally, you supporters as well as the leadership of the ABLP decry and ridicule the candidates of the UPP, however, for some reason the same slate of candidates has driven so much fear in you and your Party. I really do not understand that contradiction. Please explain it to me.
So let me get this right.
Driftwood was accused and cussed on an allegation that he accepted monies from persons within the Labour Party.
Recordings are being widely circulated that Tevaughn ‘Peter Redz’ Harriet campaign have benefited from monies donated from a Senior Labour Party Member AND NOTHING?
Words cannot express what I would like to say about the U.P.P. and maybe my thoughts expressed in words would not be published anyway.
Even Stevie Wonder can see the double standard.
Shame on the U.P.P.
What next with the top dawg poodles, one time Driftwood and Lamin was bottom of the barrel, now they are university scholars under the Labour Party. The UPP as a political party has the right to choose who run on it’s ticket. I remember a talk show host using Driftwood and Lamin own words to bring them down, now they are the voices for the labour party. Thank JAH no politician can buy me.
Every time people make decisions contrary to your belief, you insinuate people are being bought. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen but you make it seem as if they aren’t a myriad of issues with the UPP that may cause people to not support them. Say hello to democracy and stop demonizing people who don’t agree with everything blue. Also, remember UPP has taken up the likes of Sean Bird and Sherfield “Controversial” Bowen. Why is it that UPP seems to have difficulty attracting strong, accomplished personalities? Then again a lot of time, your logic is off so much so even your compadre Serpent would shame you up for the foolishness you spew.
Please point out just one strong accomplish personality that is on the ALP ticket? Oh and don’t mention the failed experiment. Let me see if I can help you with some.
Max…..Failed Deluex
Dean….Failed School
Smantha……. Using Daddy Name
Melford…..Accomplish Nothing
Benjamin…..Accomplish Nothing
Matthew……Failed Miss
Chet…….Failed Baker ya so so
Cutie….Failed Law firm
Weston…..Accomplish Nothing
Asot……. Failed Shoe store please reopen the shoe store on high street or rent the building to government
Maria….. she accomplish a failed experiment
Molwyn……. Rolls Royce
Robin…… Over 40 years
Micheal…..Failed Double Doctorate
Gaston….Failed Experiment
Please add to the list
Knight …Do you honestly approve of the UPP Candidates for 2023 ? I know deep down you know that UPP cannot win another election within 30 years. So you can CUSS ,FUSS all you want. Your UPP Party is DEAD . THE MOVEMENT is the New POLITICAL PARTY. Knight …You will have PLENTY more years to CUSS LABOUR PARTY. By the way….Knight I heard that OBSERVER RADIO will FIRE You soon. You have DIMINISHED The OBSERVER BRAND. That will be your LEGACY !!!!!
Lol. Dem throat a go sore again.
Man in the mirror use one username please you keep reaping the samething over and over, must be a Labour party thing to mislead people. You have a big Job the top dawg can’t pay you enough. Must be getting lonely defending the failed experiment Gaston top dawg Browne.
Watch those who say they are not bought. Most times they are the ones.
Beef I TOTALLY in Agreement with You. You did not mention names but i will mention a name. KNIGHT can definitely be bought. Knight is in the UPP POCKET !!!
Wait who let the top dawg poodles out. Man in the mirror that is your problem you think everyone is a lowlife like you. Let me repeat myself again no politician can buy me. I have one advise for the poodle look after yourself because when Serpent win you might drop dead. Go undermine MAX now so Pearle can win.
Knight you are still singing for your SUPPER. Just to let you know SERPENT will never win St.George. You are SUCKING up to SERPENT because The Other PARTNERS in Observer DO NOT want you on the Radio. Serpent cannot save Your job. You have mentioned the ABLP Ministers with your STUPID narratives. ABLP Ministers are far more ACCOMPLISHED than the WASH YOUR FOOT AND COME Candidates presented by your UPP. Beef did not mention your name but your are in the UPP back pocket. You are a DISGRACE to Observer Radio. You should get a life and stop CUSSING on Radio each night. You are a LONELY , AWFUL PERSON.GET A LIFE KNIGHT.
Listening to your programme on Observer Radio. My problem with your programme is that you might not realize that you are promoting Gaston Browne and ABLP each night. You will repeat whatever the Prime Minister mention on His Programme on Saturdays. You should bring more ISSUES that could engage more Persons to call in and not the regulars such as CHALKIE , ANALYST ,KEM STAR etc. Try to improve your Radio Show.
UPP believe that running for POLITICS is a TRAINING ground for Anyone. This is dealing with Persons lives. This is NOT KINDERGARTEN. Look at what happen to JAMALE PRINGLE.Jamale is making such a FOOL of Himself. We cannot afford to have Persons learning on the job.UPP is NOT serious of selecting CANDIDATES. This WASH YOUR FOOT AND COME POLICY would not work. UPP stop DISRESPECTING Antiguans by choosing these Candidates. AWFUL.
@J.S FLEET. Why is Michael Browne not a ‘wash you foot and come’? Melford, Max, Maria Browne. What exactly do they bring? I would agree that they should have avoided the likes of Lamming etc but where are they now? In the arms of ABLP. So it ok for ABLP to attact ‘Wash you foot and come’ but not UPP.
You are DAMN FORWARD !!!! You are just a SUCK UP to Harold Lovell and UPP. You cannot think for yourself. If you approve these Candidates for UPP something is definitely wrong with your head. The BLUE KOOLAID is getting to you. ZACKIE try running for Politics so We can Expose All the Skeletons in your Closet. I know you will make an AWFUL Candidate.!!!!!
Alvin Jarvis September 4, 2020 at 4:54 pm
My constituency. I do not know you but is interesting to hear what policies, plans, area of focus there are for the development of the constituency. Wanna know what are your values, education, people skills, management ability,your understanding of the political landscape of Antigua and Barbuda, and reason for wanting to represent the residents of this constituency? If you are coming from a vindictive and spiteful place you should do a 180.
The old renegades time up. ALP thiefing politicians have to go and go now. You all rape Antigua and Barbuda enough.
Singing for your SUPPER?
SUCKING up to SERPENT because The Other PARTNERS in Observer DO NOT want you on the Radio?
You are in the UPP back pocket?
You are a DISGRACE to Observer Radio?
LOL. A now it done it sweet!!!!!!
I would not even waste on second talking about ‘DAT’.
Now that UPP has now selected Their full slate of CANDIDATES I can clearly see another Four years plus for ABLP. Is this the best UPP can present to Antiguans ? Something is definitely wrong with UPP. THE MOVEMENT should take over UPP. UPP is DONE / FINISHED
Well at lease he is better than Sherfield Bowen. A man with blood on his hands. But all jokes aside the UPP needs to do better. They have to many shady people and turncoats in the party.
Know that;
(i) …If it is perceived as associating anyone’s name with the ‘Idiom,’ ‘…A man with blood on his hands;
(ii) …If it is construed that such was used with ‘…malicious intent,’ then this ‘…news portal and commenter,’ runs the risk of being ‘…slapped a Law Suit.’
Now, if it cannot be shown or seen as expressed for the ‘…public good or warning;’ then expect to pay substantial libelous sums for damages.
This young man might be the purest of them all. UPP need some new blood. This guy and Pringle might be the future of the UPP. UPP people are finished with the Old Guard. Time for a new beginning. After the next election they will finally get rid of their current leader, and do some rebuilding. People like Pringle and this guy just might be the future of UPP.
My constituency. I do not know you but is interesting to hear what policies, plans, area of focus there are for the development of the constituency. Wanna know what are your values, education, people skills, management ability,your understanding of the political landscape of Antigua and Barbuda, and reason for wanting to represent the residents of this constituency? If you are coming from a vindictive and spiteful place you should do a 180.
Alvin Jarvis, Asot Michael is now and has been representing this constituency for many years. Have you every asked him these questions? Have you every looked for these policies from him? Why wait until Peter Reds might win? Shouldn’t you try to get some of these developments into St Peter all now? Why wait for Peter Reds?
Oh, ye hypocrites!
Move to the HEAD OF THE CLASS. I wish you would contribute to ANR more often. You are a VOICE of reasoning. You made some EXCELLENT Points. Wish The Political Parties would be guided accordingly. Especially UPP.
As Daniel said now we have the slate “! Wa ar we go do now”?
I can foresee if UPP wins the next election their Honorable Ministers will be coming from the Senate appointed by Mr Lovell.
The cabinet will be over whelmed with opinions and no expert material facts.
The new creative enrichment scheme will be the number of consultants that will be employed.
Remember this.
Melchisedec I have to confess that I am not following your logic. If UPP wins the next election, it means that it would have at least won 9 of the 17 seats. From any of those 9 successful candidates the Party would be able to form a Cabinet comprised of competent and intelligent men and women. However, Senators could also be appointed to ministerial portfolios. Anyway, there is no need for you to worry since the Prime Minister would have so many competent people to choose from.
TABOR…I know that you DO NOT believe what you just mentioned. TABOR..I challenge you to take a pen and paper . Write the names of The ABLP in one column and UPP in the Other column. Match Person to Person and tell me honestly if any of the UPP Candidate can beat. the ABLP Candidate. TABOR..You are in a DREAM WORLD. 2023 RESULTS are as follows
ABLP. 16. UPP 00
Rupert Mann, you don’t even want an opposition in this country? You think Gaston Browne and his merry men should run Antigua like a bank with no questions asked? I hope the next time round Antiguans are smarter than you. By the way what had most the ABLP ministers accomplished before they entered politics? There is one who has been around for over forty years and have only accomplished cumulative plenty money.
Why you UPP Supporters are so caught up with ABLP Ministers and what They have accomplished ? Far too many Jealousies exist with your Upp Supporters. I believe in Opposition but Proper Opposition . The Persons that UPP is presenting to Antiguans are BIG BIG Joke. This shows that UPP needs to be REVAMPED. THE MOVEMENT ORGANIZATION is now taking over the UPP. This might be a good idea. I do hope that These new Persons will be in this for the long haul. Hope They DO NOT quit when They lose . Hope I answer your Questions and Concerns.
@ Rupert Mann
Gaston is thinking of having his son run in the constituency if Asot leaves. Tell me what has his son honestly accomplished?
GASTON BROWNE 111 is well educated , Successful Business man at a very young age , Physically Fit and Love for Antiguans and Barbudans. He is by far more QUALIFIED than what Your UPP has just presented to run in 2023. Hope I answer your questions. By the way ..Why don’t you run with all your fat chat.
RUPERT MANN I believe you failed to explain exactly what you meant by accomplish. Even more importantly you need to clarify accomplish when —– before or after they entered politics. I await your explanation and clarification.
Singing for your SUPPER?
SUCKING up to SERPENT because The Other PARTNERS in Observer DO NOT want you on the Radio?
You are in the UPP back pocket?
You are a DISGRACE to Observer Radio?
LOL. A now it done it sweet!!!!!!
I would not even waste on second talking about ‘DAT’.
Listening to your programme on Observer Radio. My problem with your programme is that you might not realize that you are promoting Gaston Browne and ABLP each night. You will repeat whatever the Prime Minister mention on His Programme on Saturdays. You should bring more ISSUES that could engage more Persons to call in and not the regulars such as CHALKIE , ANALYST ,KEM STAR etc. Try to improve your Radio Show.
@Rupert Mann
Why would I run in politics and have to deal with mouthpieces like you? It seems like a lot of hungry, greedy and dishonest people run for governing Antigua. I am not one of those so I will sit and watch the people continue to vote for the government they deserve. I have enough money that I earned honestly to last me until I die and some left over. You red cool aid
drinkers only know how to cuss people and destroy their character.
Leave politics to the people who want to be exposed to this sh..t.
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