Harold Lovell tribute to Ralph Francis

The late Ralph Francis

Tribute from Harold Lovell to the late Ralph Francis:

Ralph was my friend but it is fair to say, Ralph was everyone’s friend.


Ralph Francis loved people and people loved him.


Ralph was a straight-talking, down-to-earth, cool kinda guy.


I had known of Ralph before I met him in London in 1984. He was just completing his Bar exams and I was just starting my studies in law.


Ralph practiced extensively, though not exclusively, at the criminal bar and earned a well-deserved reputation as a friend of the poor who routinely gave his time and talent pro bono.

He was never afraid or shy to advance novel legal submissions, and he gained some notable landmark decisions. But even though he didn’t always get it right, no one could question his passion for justice nor his sincere desire to right the wrong.


He was fearless in his quest to defend the constitutional rights of the people and was uncompromising in his distaste for tyranny and repression of any sort.


We were brothers-in-arms during the formative years of the UPP and fought many political battles, side by side, on the frontlines — among them the fight for access to the public media.

When Ralph had a point or a belief, he would argue for hours, holding his point to the end. He was not a man easily swayed and it took a lot to impress him. Yet, he was that rare breed of political partisan with the charming ability to disagree agreeably.


The man Ralph will no longer be there to kill us with his dry humour, to challenge and tease our intellect, or to simply call a spade a spade. We will surely miss him. But history will judge him as a good man and one of a kind.


I extend condolences on behalf of the United Progressive Party, and on my own behalf, to his family. May his soul rest in peace.


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  1. History will indeed judge him as a good man…You are currently living and will remain as judged as the worst minister of finance the western hemisphere has even seen!

    • I think in life there is a venue for everything and this is neither the time nor the place to be spewing your opinions which come over as impertinent and venomous hatred.

    • @Just Saying, not just “History”

      “For WE MUST ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether GOOD or evil.” ~2 Corinthians 5:10

      “For God will bring EVERY DEED into judgment, along with every HIDDEN thing, whether GOOD or evil”. ~Ecclesiastes 12:14

      “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and THEIR WORKS DO FOLLOW THEM.” ~Revelation 14:13

      “When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the LORD, and the LORD will pay you back.”~Proverbs 19:17

      • REAL TALK what you needed to do is to admonish your colleague JUST SAYING that this is not the time for his usual nonsense. Ironically, all of you are the same people that like to accuse others of politicizing everything.

  2. Just Saying: Are you filled with so much hatred.Why? This story is about the late Ralph Francis.However,you attacked Harold Lovell.Time and place for everything.This in my opinion is not the time.

    • Agree with you. These deceivers try to make everything political in their quest to stay in power and continue robbing the people.

  3. Thank you Harold Lovell and thank you to all those good souls who have called in with genuine condolences. Ralph Francis, my brother and closest sybling in age may have been of UPP persuasion but his friends and clients were of all political types. Even the dogs and horses and their owners.

    Rest In Peace dear brother. You have earned your place.
    Claudia E. Ruth Francis

  4. Mr Lovell this is accurately stated. This line in particular was witnessed by me “who routinely gave his time and talent pro bono”. I happen to be at the Magistrate court years ago when an accused had no representation and Ralph defended him and guess what; he won and the charges were dropped! He then stated he had no money and Ralph said he did not represent him for money but for justice. Rest in peace Ralph you have always had my respect and always will.

  5. At the sound of the name Harold Lovell, the paid hound dogs come out barking. They know not when to bark and when to shut up. Don’t you people have a life or this is your life?

      • Thanks Mr.Tabor.I had a feeling they were related.I knew the family well
        as I went to the AGS with his nephew Nella and was friends with is sister Blandina.He (Claude Earl) had another brother (very distinguished dude) who was a custom’s officer.Can’t remember his name for the life of me.

        As you know Claude Earl was among the top 3 attorneys in Antigua and Barbuda back in the day.Rowan Henry and S.T.Christian being the other two.

        Today? There must be hundreds.

  6. Yes back in the day there were very few lawyers. Christian, Francis, Cosmos Phillip, Lockhart, Rowan Henry and Time Kendall etc. Today there are over 100 as you said.

    • I just remembered the name of Claud Earl’s brother who worked for the Custom’s Dept.
      His name was Neville.Did you know him? All of the Francis’ were very well spoken and
      well-liked individuals.

    • When I spoke of Claude Earl Francis’ being among the top 3 attorneys back in the day
      I was referring to the period of the late ’40s to the late ’50s when folks like Comos Phillips
      and Time Kendall wasn’t around.I believe they came on the scene in the mid to late ’60s.
      Luis Lockhart may have been working with his dad’s law firm at that time but neither of
      them were among the top 3.

  7. All nice and well to talk about the death and having many fine tributes and lots of good memories. I too have good memories with Ralph. Especially on the golf course. But why we do not address the cause of his death. if we practice all the necessary protocols who knows he may be alive today. Lets remind ourselves about the dangerous times we are in. None of us is safe. Take the vaccine it is your only fighting change against this decease. We are starting to lose too many on this disease.

    • @Sidelines: How do you know.He did not follow the Protocols.You could follow the Protocols and still get Covid-19.Perhaps we should all follow the PRADACALS. Gaston’s word.

  8. Yes,by all means take the vaccine and as you say ‘practice all the necessary protocols’ …..including,I might add,not looking ‘wife’ for at least another year or two.For as sweet
    as pum-pum is there ain’t nothing sweeter than life.Not suggesting Atty Francis’ demise
    came about by his having engaged in any sexual misconduct.Just adding another step to
    be taken in avoiding Covid-19.

  9. I just don’t like Harold Lovell’s fairness and his lies. No credibility. If he would only put Antigua first and the UPP second I would support Him. But for now Lying Lovell needs to be put in a barrell and roll down to cooks dump where he belongs. Pathetic liar!!!

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