Harold Lovell to sue PM Gaston Browne, Pointe FM, 268today



It is my immediate intention to initiate legal proceedings against Prime Minister Gaston Browne; the Chairman and Board of Directors of Pointe FM; and the host of the Browne & Browne Show with respect to the intentional defamation of my name, character, and reputation that took place on Saturday, June 6, 2020.


I will also extend this action to include the online news portal known as 268 Today for publication of such defamation and failing to practice even the rudiments of responsible journalism.


The totally unfounded and scurrilous remarks made by the Prime Minister – even after being duly cautioned by the host – were intended to cause me personal and political injury.


But, even more significant, the Prime Minister’s defamatory statements have undermined the integrity of the justice system by bringing into question the professionalism of those who preside over the Courts.


All discerning persons have recognized the intention of the Prime Minister – i.e., to divert attention from his incompetence in managing the affairs of the Nation and the dire state of the country’s finances.


However, his outright lies and vulgar aspersions do nothing to improve the present circumstances, or the future, of our citizens and residents.


Accordingly, the Prime Minister’s low-minded, personal, and baseless attacks on those who point out his shortcomings must be addressed and answered in a court of law.

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  1. Boo hoo hoo. You talk of mismanagement of the country’s affairs in his capacity as PM, you Lovell really have some nerve. Your own stint as a former senior parliamenrtarian was dismal, a colossal failure. Nothing said by PM Browne on Saturday last is new news. Everybody knows that!! So, looking for extra funds to kickstart your already doomed 2023 election bid is likewise no new news. You are on a losing streak, Harold, that is never going to change soon and time is not exactly on your side.

    • Harold Lovell normally seems like a nice guy, but is he from Jamaica or DR? Just asking…

      Antigua needs to make its CIP program cheaper, ASAP! We are losing out to Dominica and St. Lucia

      • Do you have a lot of people you want to come to Antigua? Antigua doesn’t need these kinds of poor people who would exploit Antiguans.

  2. This one should be a simple one for the court to adjudicate over. I heard it and it was very straight forward and pinpointed in Lovells direction

  3. The PM knows that Antigua and Barbuda is filled with dogs that bark and will never bite and certainly hope that Lovell don’t falls in that bracket

  4. The PM knows that Antigua and Barbuda is filled with dogs that bark and will never bite and i certainly hope that Lovell don’t falls in that bracket

  5. Niw i dont support Harold Lovell but in this case the PM is dead wrong for those comments. He needs to stop behaving like Trump and focus on re-opening the country.

  6. Well the preaction before a defamation suit is the request for an apology. The Prime Minister rarely apologises for anything he says, however, I hope this time he rises above his infantile behaviour and make a public apology on Pointe FM. He really needs to stop making these outrageous comments about people to satisfy his sycophantic supporters.

    • @ TABOR
      Apologize for what ???? I read the Transcript and also listened to POINTE FM.The Prime Minister has NOTHING to apologize . You UPP Members including you Tabor are looking for Headline News. The Prime Minister is Smarter than you Guys. He knows how to play You Guys. LAUGHABLE LAWSUIT.

    • This Dunce lawyer can’t file di case yet?
      If I say am not an antiman, that mek you one
      You’re a real B@@TI

  7. I heard the discourse and was very shocked.The Prime Minister in my opinion stepped over that line that should not be crossed ever.However,we would see what becomes of this matter.Gaston has to remember.He is the Prime Minister,24/7.As such he has no days off.The same as a Police Officer.A Police Officer even if out of uniform.Is still a Police Officer.Because if he/she sees a crime going down.They must intervene even out of uniforms.

  8. @ Charles Tabor
    This Lawsuit is LAUGHABLE. All UPP members including Lovell ,Tabor ,Gisel and called the Prime Minister all sorts of names and He never threatened any Lawsuit. UPP and members looking for HEADLINES. The Prime Minister should SUE OBSERVER RADIO ,KNIGHT ,SERPENT CRUSADER RADIO for DEFAMATION. I hope Prime Minister will start the Lawsuit shortly. Listen to Knight on Observer Radio this evening for names He will call the Prime Minister. Harold Lovell looking for Headline News.

    • Why don’t you tell us exactly what is so laughable about the lawsuit and while you are at it tell us exactly what suable defamations were spoken by your said list of UPP members. Perhaps you should also look up the meaning of etiquette as it pertains to the (24/7) behavior of a prime minister and/or leader of any democratic civilized country.


  10. @ BLACK MAN

    Why are you AFRAID to use your real name…
    What did the Prime Minister said for Little CRY BABY Harold to SUE ? I listened to Pointe Fm and the Prime Ministet did not nention Harold name when He spoke of the dark curtain In the office. You Guys are looking for NEWS.

    • @rupert Man

      Why don’t you tell the man you love so much that he should respect the office he is privileged to have been given by the people. I think the position of PM is way above him.

  11. @ A Real A

    I read the Transcript and I do not see anything the Prime Minister said and I also listened POINTE FM on Saturday and I did not hear anything mentioned is worthy of a LAWSUIT. I think Harold is just GRANDSTANDING for His MINIONS. You should be more BALANCED in your opinion . You are very onesided Person and show far too much dislikes towards the Prime Minister

  12. Why Lovell and not Anyone ELSE ????. How Lovell knows these words applied to Him ? Is there truth to what was said…I am at a LOSS


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