Gov’t says it has spent Millions of dollars trying to fix water problem



The Cabinet held a very lengthy and involved meeting on the issue of water adequacy and the challenges which this achievement poses for the Government. Three factors, it was agreed, have impacted potable water availability:

a). The availability of finance the Government has spent 3,000,000.00 on new reverse osmosis plants, new pipes , pumps and training to manage the production and distribution of reverse osmosis water that is 100% water provided to all consumers in Antigua.

b). A drought that has lasted ten years and is worsening has impacted the 60/40 formula (reverse osmosis/ underground surface water supplies) that had been guiding the APUA.

100 % reverse osmosis water is now required because of the persistent drought. In 2021, Antigua recorded 18 inches of rain, the lowest in 90 years. That is the result of Global Climate Change.

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  1. A way de money spend pon. Give an account. Don’t just through out a figure that sound impressive. Not to buying this just because it was said. We need documentation. WATA still nah RUN.

  2. Just for information: The Reverse Osmosis Plant was also a gift of approximately US$1,700,000 from Japan provided by the Government of Japan through its Economic and Social Development Programme. It provides 400,000 gallons fresh water per day.

  3. How about putting a stop to ALL the freebies politicians have awarded themselves and stop ALL the stealing and one would have to imagine that there would be millions/billions in the Treasury to maintain and fix the water issues. IMO APUA needs to be privatized instead of being run by unqualified dinosaurs and used as a corruption cash source that employs too many people every 4-5 years to gain votes.
    Putting the blame on “climate change” is just shifting the blame from where is should be. It is a fact that trees attract rain and the very stupid act of clearing so much growth all round Antigua in the hopes of attracting property buyers is so detrimental. The almost daily destruction to Antigua’s environment that appears to be encouraged and/or performed by govt. will destroy Antigua and Barbuda in a very short space of time. The Chinese don’t care what they destroy or make extinct so long as their agenda of control continues and one can only assume that the govt. ministers have made so much money that they could care less if there is a future for these islands or not.

  4. Gaston and his cabinet don’t care about the infrastructure in Antigua. All Gaston cares about is travelling all over the world to find people to give Antigua and Barbuda lands too. Look at the the car park, why is it not completed to get the cars off the streets of St. John’s? If you really cared about supplying water, you would have used some of the CIP money to replace the rusted water pipes. You spent over $60 million to build airport on Barbuda so the rich ones can fly in their private jets. Why didn’t you ask the wealthy ones to pay for it? Hope the property taxes you collect from them will be worth the costs.
    And please don’t take about Cabinet, as we know you run the show.

  5. And if after spending so much money the situation is worse you do not know what the hell you are doing. You haffu go.

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