Government still paying $28,000 Weekly Bill to Keep Alfa Nero Superyacht Moored


The government of Antigua and Barbuda faces obstacles in finalizing the sale of the luxurious Alfa Nero superyacht, with legal challenges prolonging the process.

While the vessel remains moored at Falmouth Habour for over 15 months, the government bears a staggering cost of $28,000 per week for its safety, excluding fuel expenses.

Chief of Staff Lionel Max Hurst expressed concerns about sustaining such expenses, emphasizing the vessel’s movement depends on resolving legal issues.

Numerous pending lawsuits have been dismissed as delaying tactics by the government, seeking to frustrate the sale.

The winning bidder, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, faces difficulties transferring the funds amid ongoing legal battles.

Despite hurdles, the government remains optimistic about finalizing the handover to Schmidt, but weather threats and uncertainties persist.

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  1. By the time the legal ramblings are over in 10 years time…and if the government wins in the end…the $66.7 million will just be enough to pay all the overhead cost of having the yacht moored in Antigua’s port.
    Get rid of the flunkie….hand over the boat to its owners and stop wasting the people’s money.
    Want all..get rich quick…end up losing ALL….especially coveting other’s people stuff.
    You didn’t work for it…so its not yours.

  2. … and in the meantime this government continues to waste tax payers money, as the indigenous population struggles to put food on their tables due to the rising cost of living crisis, and terrible policy decisions.

    Again, right minded and independent thinkers knew from the get-go that the legal implications were always going to arise regarding Alpha Nero.

    Only Gaston Browne, the ABLP and their blindsided supporters thought it was going to be an easy walk in the park.

    Lord have mercy on the innocent!

  3. I guarantee that they are NOT up-to-date with the payments.

  4. This messy Government continues to be just that, messy.

    Swallow your pride Gatson and give back the man his boat and just settle for the cost incurred so far and any little fines you might impose on the billionaire.

    It takes a big man to say they are sorry and that they made a mistake. Smdh.

    Antigua do not have the money or the resources right to be fighting this powerful billionaire, this is not shuggy where you think you can just slap him over his head and he might wake up, this man has money and power longer than your goaty, so swallow your pride sir. Go back to fighting for real issues that are plauging Antigua right now, and will show up in a big way after all the alcohol and dancing after the carnival.

    Remember you couldn’t even beat Shuggy who out smarted you. swallow your pride sir, this is another losing battle!!!

  5. Dear editor
    Please make an effort and total the amount paid so far and make it the headline.

    That figure will be more attention grabbing.

    Ps please convert to XCD.

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