The Cabinet invited Senior Counsel Tony Astaphan and members of the Board of National Parks Authority.
The legal team has been assembled to fight a claim by an operator utilizing the seabed and other crown assets in the Falmouth Harbour.
The operator is not only seeking to discontinue payments for the crowns leased property but also a refund of the amounts which he has paid in over the years amounting to almost $2,000,000.00.
The legal team gave cabinet the assurance that the claim is unfounded and without merit.
Every effort will be made to address the issue without litigation but the team is prepared to move forward on disproving the claim.
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We need much more information. The article is very deficient. What were the terms of the lease and why is the lessee suing the government?
You Tabor’s description of this article represents UPP’s plans and Cons they’ve mentioned during al the rallies
TAMED WOLF how can the article represent UPP plans when our plans are so clear and comprehensive. The plans where we hold back details is to prevent Gaston and your ALP party from cogging. I am sure you are aware of the Work Permit (across industry) and the Maintenance of Minors (MOM) plans. Tell your party to cog those plans as they have done with the water tank plan. Your Party is pathetic and visionless.
Charles, no need to sound so agitated. You’re a better man than that. Just chill out.
Craziman Tabor- Ask the Labour Commission how long she was given a task to report the feasibility of across industry work permit since 2015. Upp cog that.
Your party’s vision is pie in the sky for votes-
Drop the taxes on everything while 65% of all government revenue goes to Government wages and Salaries- 20 goes to Social and other essential services about 15% pay debts but upp claim they can do all that with less money- but GI(pig in lipstick) need to be paid at least $45,000 monthly and a certain JQL will also need that type of salary too-
So government workers will need to take stock of UPP pie in the sky plans
I guarantee if the government says Wadadli is the most beautiful place to live. These hypocrites will be spouting something else. These people have no decency and credibility. Get up every day and spout do do from their rear ends.
@ Colombo
Hypocrites, decency, credibility, are these the only three words you learnt at school or you didn’t attend school? If you have nothing to say, better you say nothing and stop looking empty headed.
ANR no point in writing these type of articles in 2022
Totally agree. They don’t want real stories just the same old crap every single day. We need other stuff, different stories other than UPP vs ABLP POLITRICKS
REBECCA needs to open her eyes 👀
This story is not really a story.It is as empty as a Church during the heights of the Pandemic. ANR EDITORS:I am fully aware it is Good Friday and a slow news day.So why did you choose to print this filler for news?It is a lacking of information.The picture above would scare the heck out of me,if seen in the darkness of nights.
This guy looks scary as hell !!!!
Astaphan looks like that thing in lord of the rings.
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