Golden Grove Man Charged in Old Road Shooting


*Golden Grove Man Charged in Old Road Shooting

On Saturday, the police arrested and charged 24 years- old Frederick Henry of Golden Grove with several gun related offences.

He is charged with Attempted Murder; Shooting with Intent to Murder, and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm and Ammunition.

The charges stemmed from an incident at Old Road on Tuesday 11 April, where he allegedly shot a male and a female around 11:30 pm the said night.

Further police investgations led to his subsequent arrest and charge. He is expected to appear before the Court sometime this week.

The Commissioner of Police wishes to thank members of the public who came forward to assist the police with their investigations.

He is also appealing to residents with information about illegal firearms and ammunitin to share the information with the police by calling the anonymous Crimestoppers Tips Hotline at 800-8477.


Two Carlisle Bay employees who were gunned down on the resort’s property on Tuesday night are showing small signs of recovery.

Reports are that 33-year-old Dane Anthony and 32-year-old Morrisa Henry left the resort where they work together on April 11 and were attacked at about 11.30pm.

It is alleged that a co-worker well known to the couple pulled the trigger.

Both victims remain in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre.

Henry’s brother told Observer yesterday that his sister can barely speak, but that she is awake and alert.

The few words she could utter were used to ask about her children.

The mother-of-three was shot three times and also received multiple stab wounds.

Meanwhile, Henry’s family has denied claims by the pair’s colleagues that the victims were in a romantic relationship.

Her brother said they were “simply co-workers and friends”.

Henry’s brother said he had asked Anthony about the relationship with his sister and Anthony had confirmed that they were simply friends.

Henry joined the hotel’s team recently and worked in the kitchen while Anthony is employed as a steward.

Henry received gunshot wounds to the head, stomach, and chest, while Anthony was shot in his back, shoulder, and arm.

It appears that after Henry was shot, she was also stabbed resulting in additional wounds, including several defensive gashes to the palm of her hand.

Carlisle Bay’s General Manager Brian Murphy told Observer on Wednesday that investigations into the incident are underway and declined to comment further.

A statement issued by police said circumstances surrounding the attack were unclear. Two men are assisting the police with their investigations, but have not yet been charged.

The police are appealing to anyone with information to contact Bolans Police Station at 462-1080.

Shooting victims


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  1. So he went postal at the hotel. It’ll be interesting to hear the background details if this matter goes to trial.

  2. What a shame! So sad indeed.
    The enemy continues to wreck the lives of our young people.
    Only “IF” ! That BIGGEST little word in the English Dictionary: “IF”.
    After the fact, we would say :if only or only if….I had had done this or not done that.
    Too late is always the cry.
    We allow the enemy to bombard our minds with evil thoughts and without thinking rationally, we explode into the action.
    It will only get WORSE. The heart of man is desperately EVIL. We have succumbed to the wiles of the arch enemy and now we reap the dire consequences.

    There is ONLY ONE WAY out of this mess that we are in. It is the way of the CREATOR; who had from the beginning placed before us Good & EVIL: requesting that we chose the good. However, we have ALL rejected that good way that brings peace and justice. Instead, for the love of temporary pleasure we have sold out BIGTIME to EVIL.

    I pray that the young man charged in this case will find peace with his Creator. If found guilty; would accept the mercy of God and turn to the right path.

    It is not easy to focus on the right path of life. The evil comes EASILY without any conscious thought. The good path, to follow; is disciplined, narrowed and rough at times. But when we consider the consequences of the both pathways, we should see pellucidly that it makes absolutely NO SENSE to traverse the evil path of this live and end up with total lost. What good is it for a man to gain the world and lose his soul? ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD WHATSOEVER!

    Parents, we need to teach our children to model characters that foster peace; reject the evil temptations. This only comes about when we focus on Heavenly attributes. No easy task, but the Creator will help us as long as we are willing to follow His way.

    May God grant the shooting victims wholesome and speedy recovery. May the charged individual reflect sincerely on life and turn to the good way.


  3. What was the motive?
    What is this with such incomplete reporting?
    He woke up that morning and went and shoot those two people?
    Where? And
    May I have these questions answered? Please!

  4. Well according to rumours, the shooting victims along with her brother were provoking him because he had liked the girl but she rejected his advances because they are said to be related (last name:Henry) they got in an argument and she said some things that did not sit right with him and he was also in confrontations with the other victim.

    What he did was wrong..Henry why? What made you do it? Why such drastic measures?

    • @ Strike Force

      Rumours ma foot. Nar start mek excuse fu he. Nothing could justify what he did to these people. Did he give them life? How de hell he want to take it away from dem.

      • where is the excuse you dumb f*ck? 😒 the situation sparked from somewhere you asshole he didn’t just get up and do this with out a cause and as i said it’s not right, he is wrong for what he did, totally wrong because there are ways to handle conflict without resorting to such violence..

  5. #Mass_Shootings to #Mass_Roberies to #Serial_Rapist, and more than likely, the #Crime_Stats are controlled and underreported(nothing new by the Ruling Oligarchs); but hey, let’s just channel the ostriches, take on their personalities, do likewise to the spirit of #the_peacock and strut like a #Stepping_Raxor and, and, and, put on Gucci Blinders with Spring Bonnets looking like Ms. Daisy strutting down Sunset BVLD, in Hollywood, all while guns, guns, guns of all makes and calibers end up in teenagers and the youths hands, as the #New_Negotiator in disputes…

    R u a goh lib lakkah fowl soon too. Ketch U hole, before sunset, and batten dung, lakkah, Hurricane Maria a kum again, an she man Hurricane Gaston, dun a sink boat wid Africans lakkah innate

  6. There are so many people going missing and never to be found; shooting at your place of employment wasn’t a good idea. You shouldve allowed it to die down and pretend like all is well. When they would have moved on and forgotten, then you dissapear the two of them or one by one.
    The shooting also couldve been a drive by that way you wouldnt get caught.
    I hope they have sympathy for your you because you’re young and didnt know what you were doing. That’s why i always tell my kids to watch next 48 and CSI miami crime scene unit so you get an understanding of how it should be done.

    • @Sorry Brother…. You are a depraved and sick individual and I trust that someday you get what’s coming to you.

      I cannot BELIEVE AntiguaNewsRomm published such a depraved comment as that uttered by @Sorry Brother….. ANR, you have officially gone to the dogs!

    • @Sorry Brother…I have started to dig three(3) graves, instead of two(2). Simply, adjusting the “eye for an eye” principle.

      I hear you! A couple of things to let the youths know as well.

      A…while law enforcement may not have the funding nor proper tools, to solve several crimes now, some crimes do not have statute of limitations, and #forensics or #da_bitch_Karma, can be the son, daughter, granddaughter, great grandson. Karma teaches her generations to adopt and apply “patience” as well.

      B…wisdom has taught me, my thoughts may be unique to me, but since, thoughts are universal 24-7-366, others will have the same thoughts as me instantaneously, and so be prepped for when the shoe from the ball fits your foot.

      Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
      De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Foot Bastard

      Vere C. Edwards

  7. Strike force I heard similar reasons but just a bit different. Heard that he actually started a relationship with the young lady.
    That she had actually liked him until she found out that they were related and told him she cannot go down that road of having a relationship with a cousin. I heard that all three were working at the same hotel. That she started seeing this other guy not brother. So he got jealous and let that have the better of him .

  8. I wonder if that firearm was involved in the killing of the Interracial couple from Golden Grove that was also gunned down for no apparent reason.
    The cops better do ballistic tests.

  9. 24 years and you screwed your life up.For if found to be guilty.You could go to 1735 for a very long,long time.Have you not seen those toilets in that Hotel 1735.Just do not drop the soap. Ask SIDELINES,he seems to know a lot about what goes on in there.

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