Gaston Browne says Maria Browne deserves way more credit than she gets from the people of Antigua


ABLP Leader Gaston Brown said:

“Senator Frederick made a very important point yesterday. He said that within the Labor Party, certainly myself, as the Prime Minister, was responsible for the appointment.

Me, I had the right to appoint eleven individuals. And seven of them are females.

Seven out of eleven. Now, the UPP, of which Harrell is the one who obviously would have exercised the influence in the appointments, and if it was Pringle, Pringle at least would have appointed one person from his era.

What has happened there is that they had four and they appointed one female. Now, at the same time, they tried to be critical of the Labor Party about gender equity when even with this election of their rotten candidates, they could not even get maybe five half-decent female candidates to say, well, at least we have more female candidates in the Labor Party.

Now we have four young, capable candidates, all qualified in Comrade Samantha Marshall, and comrade Gail Christian.

In fact, between Comrade Samantha Marshall and Comrade Gail Christian, they have operated their law firms for over 20 years.

If I’m exaggerating, Samantha is probably close to about 18 years. And Gail is over 20 years.

Harold Lovell, as the leader of the UPP, could not even maintain one of the most successful law practices, Sydney Christian’s practice.

He ran it into the ground. And then you also have Senator Knacyntar Nedd, who is one of the graduates of UWI five Islands. And of course, Maria has a degree in psychology. She has a degree in law.

So you can see that we have four competent, four capable candidates. I’ll make the point here about Maria, too. In the first term, they were beating us that we did not achieve the 500 homes.

Do you recall that? Yes. You know that we got over 1000 homes. She has taken it off the table completely.

When we speak about the housing revolution, I mean, we don’t give it a credit, but to be told she’d be given a significant amount of credit because she has taken chapter national housing to another level.

National housing and chapel are now producing up to 2000 passes of land per year. Prior to Maria taking over, we were struggling to get a few hundred.

So to tell you, she has really buckled down significantly and would have learned a lot. I think she has grown at her job and she has performed.

So I have no doubt that the people of rural east will return her. And I am also equally confident that Comrade Samantha Marshall will be returned.”

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  1. Marshall gone. She barely scrape through in the last election and things much worse now in Antigua. Gail & Nedd not getting elected. Maria may or may not win but if she does it will be with a much reduced majority and that is specifically because people are sick of you and your stink, arrogant, disrespectful, grabalicious attitude. 17-0 ALP? What a joke. Not. Gonna. Happen.

  2. Caspar the ghost showed up more times in fairy tales, than she show up for work or visit real east before recently.
    To listen to the horseman with 5 paychecks making excuses about why people never see her before is laughable.

    • “To listen to the horseman with 5 paychecks making excuses about why people never see her before is laughable”.

      Maria needs to tell us about these paychecks.

      Also, remember the horseman was proud to tell the world ‘hire all labour party people’.

      Maria never disassociated herself from these comments so I guess the horseman was talking for her.

      I for one will remember the statement and I will not vote for her again.

  3. Papa must be happy to see two of his grandchildren fighting for the seat in the same constituency. But he will roll over in his grave, when he learns that one of them is running on a party ticket that was his greatest foe when alive.

  4. Residents need speed bumps installed on two of the byroads next to Maria’s branch office that connect to Wireless road in order to protect themselves and young children from the wreckless driving that takes place on these roads daily. She has influence to reach out to the relevant persons since it’s her constituency.
    Someone has gotten run over there before and there have been too many close calls #fixit

  5. Look at the Labour government, this is likely to be the last campaign of the three senior citizens in the government. Now I hear Tanny Rose say that Maria Browne should be the successor to Gaston Browne for the leadership of the Labour Party. Most of the current labour government can ride off in the sunset with their 100% pension. Who will be left? Trust me it appears her husband is already conniving to make her the next leader. And we know she is not capable so he will continue to be the de facto leader.

  6. Listen to this fool fool man Gaston Browne ah try defen’ he Mrs!

    In the UK, when you apply for any type of public sector job, one of the first questions you’re ask, is if you have any relatives or spouses working in the same department that you are applying for.

    This is to avoid corrupt practices, any conflicts of interest and any favouritism due to nepotism.

    Here’s why Maria Browne shouldn’t be anywhere near land and housing in our beloved Antigua 🇦🇬:

    N epotism doesn’t belong in the public sector

    E xit for Maria Browne come next election

    P rotect citizens from her broken promises

    O utstanding housing targets yet to be met

    T his ABLP government soon done

    I gnoring a better qualified Antiguan is wrong

    S ecuring a home is a must for Antiguans

    M aria Browne clearly isn’t fit for office

    As I’ve mentioned time and time again on ANR threads that, NEPOTISM cannot and will not work in the public sector.

    If you don’t believe me, just peruse through ANY public sector departments in Antigua, where there are fathers and daughters/sons; husband and wives/girlfriends; grandparents and grandchildren and tell me if the place is running how it should?

    Now the private sector is different because this is where you teach your sons and daughters how to run business properly!

    It is not in the same in the mindset of the “gravy train” governmental greed and Self-enrichment …

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